Report on Feweh/Pinks

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Report on Feweh/Pinks

Post by Mitchs98 » 25 Sep 2015, 17:21

Your Byond Key: Mitchs98

Your character name: Lucas Anderson

Their Byond key: Feweh

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results):

Which Admin Protocols ( were broken: None that I can see..But ya kno.

Description of the incident: So, RP be RP. XO comes in demanding medical treat one of the survivors, despite myself already said multiple times they were fine. Turns out they DID have sopor in their system in the end, but meh. Anywho, he busts into chemistry and grabs me, telling me to 'listen punk'. At which point, already witnessing his and the CO's behavior I sopor'd him with a hypo, lagged and clicked twice. An escapade of having to explain to the MP what happened, and getting tazed once ensued. Later on I get PM'd by Feweh for the situation, it was well within IC yet..I was being warned for it. I'm also apparently on a very thin line, and medical sopor'ing an aggressor is no longer RP because 'it knocks them un-concious'. Yet, I've never been banned on any server for doing it, nor warned. If it wasn't within RP, I would assume I would have more warnings for it by now across servers. After the last screenshot I stopped receiving messages from Feweh for my violation of RP.

As stated in the screenshots, he chose his RP, I chose my reaction to his RP. He should know full well medical carries Sopor at times if he has even been on any other RP server. It is, in-fact, RP despite him being knocked un-concious. If this wasn't RP, the ayyliens would be banned for infecting someone, and this server would be closed down due to no one left to ban.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):,,,,

How you would punish the accused: I..dunno, remind them that RP is a thing and the difference of grief/rule breaking to RP?

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Re: Report on Feweh/Pinks

Post by Feweh » 25 Sep 2015, 17:41

I'm Happy you made this because we can not only discuss me, but you and your constant attitude issues.

To start off I'll make it clear that Mitch was simply going to be warned, it was a simple "Hey, don't drug the XO for 5 minutes for simply grabbing you".
Infact, I even said that to him in PM, which convenient he left out in the screenshots. Not to mention, "Accidentally clicking twice" is still YOUR FAULT and not an excuse. Maybe the XO accidentally clicked grab intent as well, in that case the same logic you're using applies to him as well.

Problem is with Mitch.. He's never wrong. This simple questioning turned into a massive argument and you refusing to even acknowledge (as usual) you being wrong.
It got so bad, that I debated banning you simply because of your poor attitude towards the staff. In fact, the screenshots are great because they show me essentially doing my job and not doing anything wrong at all?

Let me explain what role-play is Mitch.

RPing is ROLEPLAYING, TALKING AND DOING ACTIONS/EVENTS THAT BENEFIT BOTH SIDES. Roleplaying is not stabbing a guy with a injection then letting him sit on the floor for 5 minutes... What that is Mitch is a excuse, you used the excuse of him grabbing you as a reason to simply disable his character. This is FAIL ROLE-PLAY.
Chances are if the guy you're role-playing with Ahelp's it's not being conceived as role-play by both sides.

This is not a isolated incident.

The other-night Mitch argued for 30 minutes about a previous issue with another Admin who was 100% IN THE RIGHT. This argument only stopped when Apophis got involved and pretty much told Mitch he was wrong. Even then, he argued with Apophis for a further 10 more minutes.

Point being, Mitch has 0 respect for authority and will constantly argue no matter what the situation is. His attitude is so Toxic in-game that it even effects staff to the point where situation's escalate.

What pisses me off the most about you is that I was the one who stuck up for you in your Moderation Application. I stuck my neck out and said hey maybe he deserves a chance to improve and help out. Sadly, it fucking kills me in-game seeing you be a constant shit and I look like an idiot to ever attempt to help someone like you out.

Anyone on the server or staff team can agree that you attitude is AWFUL and you're becoming a VERY toxic selfish player.
You need to understand Mitch, that if you're being questioned by Admins/Mod's and they're telling you something.. It's not up to debate or how you feel about it, start grasping this concept.
Last edited by Feweh on 25 Sep 2015, 17:59, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Report on Feweh/Pinks

Post by SASoperative » 25 Sep 2015, 17:52

Ok lets start out here. Pinks defense is pretty much spot on. I went through logs pretty thoroughly and I have seen you argue with our staff quiet often. No protocol was broken either it appears that during all of this conversation pink seemed to be more than calm and reasonable in this conversation. They kept very good composure and if you had come back at me with a argument it would have ended very poorly and would have resulted in your ban more than likely. Staff know what they are doing and they are trained to handle situations and you arguing with them only makes their job so much harder as they constantly have other Ahelps coming in more than likely. You will not be punished for making a report. At least not by me but this was handled very well and by the books if anything..

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Re: Report on Feweh/Pinks

Post by Mitchs98 » 25 Sep 2015, 18:23

You didn't simply tell me that line, if you DID, this wouldn't be posted and there wouldn't have been that long of a conversation. I do know when I'm wrong, I never say I'm 100% in the right, whatsoever. Discussing something with staff calmly is not a argument or being toxic, it is discussing something instead of simply rolling over and thinking I'm completely in the wrong and staff are always right. I know from personal experience, staff are not always right, training or not. Role-playing, also, does not always benefit both sides. I'm fairly sure an antagonist on a normal server blowing your head off after some small RP, does not benefit you. You're dead, dead is the least beneficial thing one can do to anyone, real life or on the game. He also got the sopor removed from him after..3 minutes or so by the CMO.

Following this, security cells should be removed and turned into some kind of labor camp area. Because once you're arrested you sit in the cell doing much of nothing for the duration, same concept, yes? Just because someone a-helps something they didn't like happening to them, does not mean that it wasn't RP. You will not always be happy with what RP you receive in turn of your RP, that's how life and SS13 works. You will not always be happy with what actions happen to you based upon your actions. The only difference with real life and this, is that players have someone to run to when things do not go precisely how they wish it to.

I did discuss my issue with staff, yes. Because I wanted both a full understanding of what I did wrong, and to explain my side rather than once again simply rolling over because staff have access to attack logs that don't tell the full story. I didn't argue with Apop, I expressed my views on the situation. Once all was said and done, I admitted I was in the wrong and also admitted my mistakes. That is something you fail to mention, I also whole-heartedly accepted the ban because I had realized I was in the wrong.

I respect authority, I have no problem with that. But I WILL discuss my side of things based on personal experience both with staff and being staff, staff are not always correct. I always remain civil with my discussions with staff, I always remain calm. Do explain my toxic attitude in-game, you realize Lucas is a character that I RP, not myself correct? Lucas is, in a word, a dick. It is his personality, it his how he works across servers. When faced with idiocy, it pisses him off. When not faced with idiocy, he is a nice and fun guy. You get his back, he gets yours. You cross him, he crosses you. Plain and simple.

Do explain how I am becoming a very selfish and toxic player for role-playing my character and reacting how he would react. Would you prefer me to have grabbed him and shoved him to the ground for grabbing me in an aggressive manor? Maybe punched him in the stomach and told him to leave? You forget, Doctors take an oath not to harm people. And, that round, I was a Doctor because of based RNGesus. Sopor was literally the only non-lethal measure I had. Based on the mans previous attitude, and how things generally go with people like them, yes I sopor'd them. One click to many. But honestly, it was an IC issue. Just because the other player had an issue with it does not make it more than that.

Admittedly, you did handle yourself well and good through-out the whole thing. I just don't feel it is something to warn someone over, maybe a friendly thing of 'Be careful how much you inject and in what situations you do.' whereas, 'Consider this a warning, you are on a VERY thin line'. I've not had staff speak to me about anything of me being 'overly toxic' or 'a toxic selfish player' nor on a 'very thin line' in the past. Communication is key, silently hating myself and my actions is exactly how myself doesn't improve.

I'm an open-minded person, if you discuss things with me beyond 'ur shit, ur toxic, gtfo you selfish shitty toxic person 4ever' I'll be more than happy to return civil discussion to you. I can't improve without things being told to me, even less so when I don't even know something is an issue.

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Re: Report on Feweh/Pinks

Post by Rahlzel » 25 Sep 2015, 20:27

Mitchs98 wrote:Which Admin Protocols ( were broken: None that I can see..But ya kno.
Then why are you wasting our time?

You drop some shit RP on your commanding officer after he grabbed you, get warned for it, and then make an Admin report? Are you serious?

Closing and moving.
