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Post by Abydos » 09 Oct 2015, 13:33

Your Byond Key:


Your character name:

Qurikk Torss

Their Byond key:


Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results):

Around 6:10 GMT time

Which Admin Protocols ( were broken:

Section 2:
3. Enforcement of the rules

Section 3:
Practically all of section 3

Description of the incident:

The incident was as this. Aliens had boarded up the sulaco and marines sorted of managed to hold them back, and medical / research set up a make-shift medical area in the briefing. I noticed there was a lack of pills and medkits so I went and got them for medical, I set all the medkits out in the tables and took a second trip to medical to get some pills (Antibotics and stuff).

There were 3 medical lockers. One of them held medical tools, surgery tools, ect. The second medical locker, a marine was using to bring people back and forth when mutiple people got seriously injured. And that left the third locker which Alex Graves was hogging to himself due to it being his "hiding spot". So I told him to get out of it, so we can use it for medical pills and he refused, so I pushed him out and placed the pills inside the lockers. Immediately, he starts staboaging, picking up the pills and placing them down the disposals and his reason being "You take my stuff, I take yours".

So I push him over, to tell him to quit it when a guy comes in injured. He was bleeding so I bandaged him up while Alex Graves continues to throw things down disposal, and then starts shoving me out of the way so I threw a punch at him which made him back up. At which point I then moved away, and sent in an ahelp saying that Alex Graves are sabotaging. It was picked up by TR-Blackdragon who refused to do anything about it, claiming that we both esclated the situation.

I explained that he threw pills down disposals merely because he wanted to hold a locker to himself, instead of being useful. He then explained that he knows all of about it because he's the secondary medical doctor, Ronald Shaffer, and saying that it's all my fault because I should of used the secondary medical locker which is full of tools. Blackdragon decided to defend Graves, saying that the pills merely ended up in disposals / the trash, so it's perfectly okay for him to do that sabotage. I then said, that they are now behind the aliens and if people are seriously wounded, or in need of anti-botics, we can not deal with it.

At which point, he decided not to do anything about the situation or Graves, saying it's an IC issue and that he can't get involved.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused:

I'm not too sure, other then explaining to him to look at the situation (Aliens on the sulaco, on both sides hanger and requisition / engineering, and someone throwing / sabotaging useful equipment out of an anger fit).

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Re: TR-Blackdragon

Post by UnknownMurder » 09 Oct 2015, 13:57

Alright. This is where I step in...
I was Alex Graves, a Medical Doctor... Sulaco was under siege during the situation. You shoved me out of my hiding spot so you could put your pills rather than putting in your backpack, boxes, or other lockers. But, no.. You shoved me out of my spot. However, I do admit to sabotaging. As I fixed up the patient I shoved out of your way. I must remind you again that you are a Researcher and do not have any surgery abilities. There were three Medical Lockers, you decided to take the one I am hiding in, from the aliens, rather than the locker that was not being used. The aliens has scared my character TWICE. (It was a Hunter)

However, I must agree with Blackdragon that this was a IC Issue since you've brought the IC Conflicts with me. You literally took me out of my safe spot, my most secure spot on the station. Medical Bay was already overrun, I had no place to run and hide. Also, there were not much patients coming in. The patient (Ulric) I was operating and I died to the siege while others abandoned me. Chief Medical Officer, Philip Greenwall, tells me to hide in the locker, which I planned on doing, during the siege, and so I did so.

EDIT: Now, I'm not sure if you're filing a report on Admin or on me. I only did what I had to do to survive the siege.

In the end, Aliens Majority Victory.

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Re: TR-Blackdragon

Post by Abydos » 09 Oct 2015, 14:03

You shoved me out of my hiding spot so you could put your pills rather than putting in your backpack, boxes, or other lockers
My backpack was full, all the boxes were in medical bay which had 1-2 aliens in it (So I took a risk getting those pills), and the only other locker there was a secondary medical locker full of surgery tools and other bits.
As I fixed up the patient I shoved out of your way. I must remind you again that you are a Researcher and do not have any surgery abilities.
The person was bleeding, and you were too busy shoving the pills that I had risked to get down disposals to help them. I was bandaging them up when you started pushing and shoving me out of the way.
There were three Medical Lockers, you decided to take the one I am hiding in, from the aliens, rather than the locker that was not being used.
1 medical locker was full of surgery tools, another medkit and other bits from medical.
The second medical locker was being used by a marine to move people who got seriously injured to us, and to also bring weapons and ammo.
That only left the third medical locker, which you was hogging rather selflessly because "I was ordered, this is my hiding spot". So I could ask the same thing to you, why didn't you use any of the other lockers to hide in, instead of a medical locker (Which obviously holds medical things).
The patient (Ulric) I was operating and I died to the siege while others abandoned me.
You died due to breaches made by the aliens into space.

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Re: TR-Blackdragon

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 09 Oct 2015, 14:10

Just a heads up I watched the entire thing go down. I was a few tiles away from it when it happened. You repeatedly opened the locker when he closed it. You made it an IC issue. Did you really expect someone to not react to you pestering them? There was no breach of rules to enforce.. he did not grief he did not hurt you he did not break a single rule. IF you show me the rule he broke then Ill issue the warning. As far as I could tell there is no rule broke here. Icly I even saved some of the medical supplies but you didnt even rp the event out. So Ronald didnt even say anything about it.

P.S. I didnt really need to investigate when i was there. My Ic char is ronald Shaffer. the medical doctor south of you in your Screen Shots.

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Re: TR-Blackdragon

Post by Abydos » 09 Oct 2015, 14:13

IF you show me the rule he broke then Ill issue the warning. As far as I could tell there is no rule broke here. Icly I even saved some of the medical supplies but you didnt even rp the event out.
So when there are Aliens on the Sulaco, and someone is trying to stack the make-shift medical bay in briefing with useful items (Medkits, pills, tools, splints, ect) and they had to use a locker that someone was selfish hogging because "I wanna live and not help". When someone pushes that person out of the locker to use it.. it's okay for them to perfectly sabotage and throw away useful pills (Which would of been useful when the aliens breached through, with there being dexalin and tramdol pills)?

That makes no and zero sense. It's like saying a marine is perfectly fine to throw away ammo down disposals because he wasn't using his gun to shoot the aliens and someone took it to use it.

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Re: TR-Blackdragon

Post by UnknownMurder » 09 Oct 2015, 14:15

Abydos wrote:
No, it is not like saying that.

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Re: TR-Blackdragon

Post by Jdobbin49 » 09 Oct 2015, 14:31

i was the CMO that round and it was i that put Alex in the locker as he was my friend so if it was anyones falt it was mine not unknownmuders or blackdragons

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Re: TR-Blackdragon

Post by Jack McIntyre » 09 Oct 2015, 17:50

I was also on with black dragon and I can say that he did the right thing. The whole was a cluster and we were dealing with lots of reports and ahelps, due to a few different issues, but I can honestly say that Black acted just fine. It was a in character with rp on both sides. Had Unknown started to throw stuff away for no reason then we could have boinked him maybe, but he had a good reason and I will stand behind Blackdragon's choice on this.

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Re: TR-Blackdragon

Post by Abydos » 09 Oct 2015, 18:01

It was a in character with rp on both sides. Had Unknown started to throw stuff away for no reason then we could have boinked him maybe, but he had a good reason and I will stand behind Blackdragon's choice on this.
I pushed a guy out of a locker, to use it to hold medical supply and you're saying that because I pushed the guy out to use the locker... it justifies him to start throwing all those useful medical supplies down the disposals out of a hissy fit because "It's RP and he had a good reason"?

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Re: TR-Blackdragon

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 09 Oct 2015, 19:43

Well I would like to say that you should know that unknown knows the rules rather well on top of it all. He used to be a staff memeber until he retired do to school or what ever reason he had for it. But that is not the reason I based my decision on. From everything that took place there was no rule break. It was not blatant grief. Your char antagonize his. His reacted the way his would. You were a researcher. He was a sulaco doctor. He tossed a few things out which again I saved half of it. I also had my own medical supplies on me in bottles and injectors. Anyway back on topic. This here is you saying I broke protocol based on a call that I made. The other mod that was online when it happened also stated that unknown broke no rules which would be cause to warn him. You started something, didn't get your way and when things went bad for you. You a helped it and I explained that it was an ic issue and that there was nothing that I could do about it. No one was hurt. Nothing was lost that could not be remade or recovered. You had it right aliens were on bored and people were freaking out. You have access to some weapons doctors are weapons less. So they cower when aliens are around. It's the only defence they have. Plus the cmo the head of medical told him to go into the locker and hide. Again obeying his superior. So again I'm sticking to what I told you in game. It was a ic issue and nothing we could have done as an admin. I did what I could to help you icly by recovering some of your lost items. But like adam said we were also dealing with ahelps. But I was also reading what you and unknown were doing. Cause you know I was there.

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Re: TR-Blackdragon

Post by apophis775 » 09 Oct 2015, 19:49

IC issue, not Rule issue.


Make a player complaint if it really bothers you.

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Re: TR-Blackdragon

Post by SASoperative » 15 Oct 2015, 10:03

Resolved and moved.
