Astras Landvik Dossier

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Astras Landvik Dossier

Post by bustered1 » 21 Oct 2015, 12:17

Full name: Astras Landvik

Nickname(s): Coming soon

Age: 21

Birth date: August 13th, 2129

Gender: Male

Position: Marine, Grunt

Notable traits: A beautiful golden mane along with the golden beard.

Persona: Haughty, Rowdy, Bawdy. Enjoys horseplay and long walks on the beach.

- [scene1]
Oh space Odin my head is killing me. I grab my temples messaging them, hoping that the headache would go away. With my other hand I grab the rum and take another swig. I swing my legs over the top of my bunk and immediately go dizzy causing me to fall off the top with a thump. I grunt at the jolt of pain that sears through my elbow. My crewman shakes awake and glares at me.

"The fuck you doing down there man. What are you a lightweight?"

I flip him off and hold my elbow as I stumble through the airlock. God damn this headache I really shouldn't drink after such a great plunder. After stumbling around the blinding lights of the hallways I finally make it to the crew's restrooms. Breathing heavily I open the airlock and with a hiss it opens. I make it to the space toilet before eventually heaving out a mass of vomit.

"Rise and shine boys we have a long day ahead of us get to the canteen or risk a flogging." The intercoms blared.

Fuck, let's see if I can make it there with a shred of dignity. By pushing myself off the floor with the palms of my hands I eventually stand up less dazed than before and make it to the sink where I was my face. Where the fuck is it! Who the fuck took it! I start panicking wild thoughts surge to my head. I will fucking kill whoever took it from me! This is unacceptable. I hear the airlock behind me open and the moment whoever it walked in I slam my arm under his neck and hold up against the wall. I get really close to his face and grown.

"Where the FUCK is it."

He replies calmly, "Oh Astras, the booze too much for you?"

Before I realized I was talking to the captain he pulls out his telescopic baton and slams it against my side. The pain is so much that I instantly fall to the ground clutching my side. He steps over me whistling and calmly relieves himself. Still in pain, he finishes and moves over to wash his hands.

"Ah here it is." He says as he rolls it over to me where it hits the side of my head. He leans down to get straight into my face and retorts, "Get your ass to the canteen." and walks out.

While on the floor I take my beloved jade lipstick and apply it generously.

Astras is aboard the space viking ship known as Ullr's Head. They had just raided a Russian space station leaving it completely abandoned and nearly torn apart by the massive cannons. Little does Ullr's Head realize they are being tracked and followed...

After gathering in the canteen with my crewmen, the captain walks up with a couple of lockers.

"Men! You did a helluva fine job! I have sorted the loot by the amount of work each of you did!" He points to the first locker on the ground. "This will go to Astras, Bjarni, Cuylar, Eerikki, and Rangvaldr for being the first to board the damn Russian ship. We may have lost Sigrid and Sigurd, but they are in Valhalla now."

My crewmen and I rush to the locker and throw it on the table. With a click Rangvaldr, opens it. The first thing I notice is a bear pelt which I grab before any of the others have a chance to think. After putting it over my and and letting it flow down my back, the captain starts speaking again, but I hardly notice.

"The second locker goes to, Thorsen, Ola-" Suddenly the captain is cut off by a loud alarm going off then the intercoms crackles in,

"This is the USS Victoria, we are commandeering this vessel for not following USCM protocols for using thrusters in the USCM vector. We are boarding your vessel and ANY hostile actions will be met with force."

Astras had just gotten his prize for risking his skin for the space Odin's honor. Why would the gods punish such bravery among his brethren?


The captain barks out the orders demanding this ship not be taken by such heathens, giving us a talk while everyone scattered to find their weapons. I run back to my quarters where I find my shotgun leaning against the wall. I grab 2 boxes of shotgun shells and strap the shotgun to my back. Not a second later a loud pulse rifle round goes off and a scream is heard in the distance. When did we get into the USCM vector I thought we were still in Russian territory. Adjusting my new bear pelt against my head I open the airlock. There in front of me stood Bjarni holding his stomach and breathing heavily, barely awake.

"A-Astras, it's too la- hnggggg - ate, they're everywhere they know-w-w what w-w-w-we have done." I run over to Bjarmi's side holding his head.

"Bjarmi, this isn't how I will see you in Valhalla. Odin will know your bravery." I run back to my quarters and pull out a bottle of rum that I have been saving, and a revolver.
I walk over to Bjarmi and give him a swig of the rum and I clutch his hand where I lay the revolver.

"Bjarmi you are the bravest space viking I have ever come across. Take my revolver and show these bastards how a real man goes to Valhalla! May Space Odin spare your soul so you shall feast by his side in Valhalla." I walk off without a second glance.

After walking towards the sound of men screaming orders and the sound of pulse rifles, and other weapons, I finally reach the field of battle Space Odin has set before us. The marines highly organized and coordinated lay before us. They have barricaded themselves and slowly pushing forward using some sort of shield to inch forward. Our captain being at the front lines leaning a flipped table that was proving nearly no cover, was shooting endless rounds of a pulse rifle that had obviously been taken from the first round of marines that had boarded the ship. Going from table to table providing cover fire with my shotgun, I finally reach the captain.

"Captain this isn't the best of places to be. Let your men push these pussies away."

The captain replies, "Astras you are very brave, but this is it for Ullr's Head. We have angered Space Odin and he has punished us. There is no fighting the gods. I pray that he give me the strength to die with glory. I pray he lets me into Valhalla so I may feast with him!" With the last word the marines pushed through quickly taking the deck. My crewmen dying by the 10's. The sound of grenades going off and gunfire rippling through the air. I see the captain grab a vacuum tube take a sip of the finest brandy he looted in his earlier captain years. He pulls out an ax made of titanium and a golden revolver. With a last yell, "FOR GLORY." He charges into the fray, instantly killing the first 2 marines with a shot with the revolver and nearly decapitating the other one. The remaining space vikings stand up screaming and follow their captain to Valhalla. I stay hunched down against the wall praying to Space Odin for forgiveness. Let him forgive what has displeased him and stand up with my shotgun loaded. The second I stand up I start jolting which causes me to pull the trigger instantly killing the marine that had shot me with the taser. I fall down and shuddering and twitching as the pulse rifles fire off one after the other. The vikings had been completely wiped out dying for the glory of Space Odin. An important figure steps over me with badges gleaming on his shirt pocket showing his prestige.

"Ah a survivor." With that last word I see a foot come down to my face and with that I blackout.

Astras was always a loyal space viking but was certainly respectful to anyone who could best him in battle. But what he respected even more were people who not only showed great strength but also showed great wisdom as this is what meant the most to him.

"Wake him up."

"But sir we just completed the surgery."

"I don't care wake up him up."

"Yes sir."

A searing pain rippled through my cheekbone where the foot had contact with my face. My throat lets out a grunt unintentionally as my surroundings come into sight. Standing before me stood a woman with scrubs and a white scientist jacket with a surgical mask covering her face and a medical hud over her eye. Next to her stood the man in uniform with hair slicked back and a beret. Both looked like very important people, people that would tell me what the hell was going on.

"Who the fuck are you people? What the fuck do you people want!?"

The man with all the badges replies firmly, "I am commander Russel Anderson and I am the commander of the USS Victoria. We have been following your ship the moment we have received the distress call from the Russian vessel you wiped clean. I am here to offer you your freedom."

At the sound of freedom I perked up and realized that my hands had been chained to the side of the bed.

Commander Anderson saw my reaction and gave me a smile. "I see you are interested. Here's how it's going to go. When we boarded your ship we saw how fearlessly your crewmates fought. We need less fear and more men. I want you to come into the service of the USCM for 4 years. Afterwards you will go on to have a comfortable life with the income of a space king. You may ask why we would hire such scum, but you see your crew managed to kill 20 of my marines. Now I know how you are feeling and would definitely HATE to know the alternative." He signals to the doctor who holds up a massive syringe that says Loyalty Implant along the sides. "Now this doesn't have to be difficult."

I stare into the commander's eyes and reply, "You leave me very little choice, SIR, but being stuck with an implant will take any glory and honor from my soul. Space Odin will never forgive or recognize my actions with an implant and feasting with my brethren in Valhalla wouldn't be an option. I accept Mister Commander..."

His eye twinkles. "Good. Welcome to the USCM marine."

Captain - Captain of Ullr's Head - Deceased
Lief Landvik - Father of Astras Landvik - Deceased (killed in battle)
Magnihild Landvik - Mother of Astras Landvik - Deceased (killed in battle)
Jerker Landvik - Eldest sibling of Astras Landvik - Deceased (killed in battle)
Inger Landvik Dreier - Youngest of 3, sister of Astras Landvik - Living (married with 2 children - Halstein and Gyda Dreier)

Romantic Relations: Tries too hard, flirty not successful

Basic appearance: Muscular, 6'5", Golden hair with massive beard that is braided at the ends. Has tattoos of nordic symbols that are indiscernible without knowledge of the culture.

Likes: Jade Lipstick, Shotguns, Women, Rum (any alcohol beverage), Secret addiction to painkillers/red Russian, Space Odin, Ullr's Head, Captain, Inger Landvik Dreier, Halstein, Gyda, Pizza, Chicken, pain, Valhalla.

Dislikes: Idiots, Marines that show no honor, fear, Russians, Surgery, Implants, Pasta, pulse rifles, sleeves, Red Lipstick.

Strengths: Heavy set, fast, knows basic engineering, knows basic medicine, fearless.

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Re: Astras Landvik Dossier

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 21 Oct 2015, 13:13

So far good and a nice story.
George S.Patton once said:No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

I don't like cute things.

Good hunting.

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