Casca Orivanna (Finished)

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Casca Orivanna (Finished)

Post by Gelonvia » 27 Oct 2015, 15:44

Full name:

失速 死亡 花 = Casca Orivanna

(To Anyone who can translate her Chinese characters, you will learn the meaning of "Orivanna", in which case props to you.)


That Bitch, Legs, Granny

Age: 38

Birth date: 2112

Gender: Female


FORCED ROLES: Ex-Commander (4 years of service.), Ex-Executive Officer (2 years of service.), Logistics/Bridge Officer (2 years of service.).

PREFERED ROLES: Maint-Technician (8 years of service), Chief Engineer (4 years of service.)

Notable traits:

Loud as hell, Acts like she hates everyone but secretly loves everyone to a point she has through IC lost all her limbs/face/right eye/spine/Section of her brain. (after taking an energy glaive through the back of her skull piercing her brain, not even kidding, this happened ICly and was the most painful RP leading to her incapability to being cloned.) and she loves everyone to a point she sometimes acts irrationally to protect them even at her own cost, and usually does cost her. Friend or Enemy she is known to charge enemies head first if they tackle down her team and actually uses herself as a living shield, something seen many times before.

Persona: To best describe Casca, she's the Lioness that Roars protectively over her cubs, while her sister is the cute kitten who mews and purrs, just know BOTH kitties have claws.


Casca 'Legs' Orivanna was adopted into a Chinese Family in the year 2112 after her Parents were on vacation at the time, after being handed over to a family of 7 with a loving mother and a disciplined Father, while the males and female children didn't quite accept her as a member of her family, more so acting as young kids do In their adolescence of teasing and bullying each other cruelly, her Mother was always loving and her father while she was fourteen helped take her to the side and train her with the sword to help give her an outlet for her anger, and help calming her in the process with keeping her hands busy.

After four years she grew to a young woman at the age of 18 and immediately joined the USCMC After watching a member of the USAAC pass by who recommended it to her after his tour to China, and in turn being curious about why an "American" in his eyes was in China. After she joined the USCMC into bootcamp they put her into Engineering School as she helped clean and maintain vehicles as a repair girl.

After completing her training and gaining her degree all during her work experience in the United States Colonial Marine Core she went to go work on Nostromo as a standard Squad Engineer handling every tiny duty around the Nostromo, even getting SO pissed with all the locking GOD DAMN FIRE LOCKS that she designed a new setting for said locks leaving the Warning to drop the shutters at 140kpa MAX and 70kpa Minor and going to every single little one and changing it so that would Medbay and everyone didn't get sealed in from the faulty lock systems diligently each day, this being a common standard for her routine until the destruction of the Nostromo and the evacuation of the Marines onboard and Medical Naval staff who were then transferred to the Sulaco.

Upon Transfer to the Sulaco she was returned back to the Central Command and offered training among several other Engineers to take up training in Telecommunications Satellites and was forced to break them and reset them back up redesigning them over and over till it was permanently slammed into her brain on how to program each frequency and take each device apart just to sync and rig pieces back together (Not even kidding, I rammed this training into my brains in a 2 month hiatus just incase we needed it, and it has helped, especially with deleting records of evidence). Later she returned as a simple Maintance Technician handling setting up the Engine and even going so far to being the first person for many different tricks and designs used today and always being open to learn from people such as 'Granny' a wonderful Chief Engineer she had who she learned from on how to make a self-locking voice responsive security system for the Sulaco and does so regularly. Later she grew in the Command Sector after being pushed to and then later left for various reasons.

Much more recently she met with her great friend Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez after many comments from their friends calling them the 'Twins' and they had a bet, Casca bet she Wasn't related to Tanya and Tanya bet that she Was, in the end Tanya won and Casca lose that bet as the test turned positive, Tanya was her little sister, as they sat down and Casca got to meet with her biological parents Tanya and Casca were explained how when their parents were young their mother accidently gave birth Casca at an early age of Eighteen while her parents were with her on Vacation to China, while there she was handed over to Casca's Adopted Parents who took her in as a baby girl sense Tanya and Casca's mother was to young to support a child. 15 years later Tanya and Casca's parents gave birth to Tanya and raised her as they were. Of course as soon as they learned this Casca went wide eyed in not only surprise but mild anger before being entirely suppressed by the pouncing power of Tanya's hugs and catfaces before collapsing to the floor and rolling around the place!


Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez: Biological Little Sister.

Mike Hernandez: Little Brother in Law.

Natalie 'Snow' White: Heavy Firearms Trainer/ Best Friend/Old College.

Felix 'Tank' Wood: Good Friend/ Supplier of Warlocks Velvet

Xur 'Ghost' Durgens: Family Friend/Has a massive crush on him/Saves his butt along with him saving hers on multiple occasions.

Leo Blackburn: Old College/Good Friend/And full blown Guardian Angel Weilding a flaming shotgun in her eyes who saves her ass not only on MANY occasions but is one of very few people who are always there and CAN save her.

(For instance when a marine blew out my spine and Casca was left to stumble around with a cane after getting a prosthetic in from a LENGTHY RP recovery process leading over multiple shifts and making her permanently walk, and WALK setting is MAJOR fucking slow, especially when a bunch of T3's burst into the Sulaco and start taking the lower floor and she can't run to save her and can't carry armor or weapons leaving her defenseless, but right when EVERY fucking alien boards Sulaco, Felix and a /handful/ of marines come back, him killing over 7 T3's just trying to clear the damn place enough to get up and protect Casca.)

Jennifer 'Nun' Rowley: Good Friend

Joseph Skinners: Old College/Boss/Good Friend/ Role Model.

Osalaa Wooki: Old College/Good Friend/ See's him as a dad, is very close to just calling him 'Daddy' at times but withholds to suppress her inner girly girl.

Jack Knight: Old College/Good Friend/Drug Dealer who supplies her with those SM Core Hallucinations.

Dolores Waits: Old College/Good Friend/ Trainer in many Engineering Arts.

Artyrial Loudain: Good Friend/Close Friend of Family.

Anya Allens: Good Friend/One of her reasons for smiling when she gets that, "Hello Casca!" in the morning.

MORE TO COME! I'm sorry! THERES SO MANY OF YOU! ;~; :heart:

Basic appearance:


Dirty Jokes, Her Friends, her Daughter, Living, Helping Others, Not being taken advantage of, Warlocks Velvet, Cigars, stabbing things, working on telecommunication devices of ANY kind, and her secret stash of Stuffed Plushies. Loves her own fat ass, making jokes about her own fat ass, and loves her legs, even more so she loves getting compliments about any part of herself aslong as it's not disrespectful or in a distasteful manner, a simple "Nice Ass." as she commonly used to get for example, simple, sweet, to the point.


Liars, Manipulation, idiots who run around with plastic replica katana's trying to act like stereotypical ninja's, idiots who say stuff like "There are no dumb ideas." in which case she immediately wants to ask them to join the military and watch as someone orders their team to charge into a fucking cave with only one squad without a plan using only 4 people against 13 unknown hostiles, general assholes, and MORE THEN ANYTHING, hates Herself. Also, hates how Tanya is making her quit smoking.


Is incredibly caring of every marines life, she doesn't see cloning as an answer, has a full understanding of how to turn the tides on any enemy, keeps incredibly calm in heated situations and thinks things through. Her main exploit is her incredible hearing, capable of telling a team what direction a sound came from and they don't even notice.


Relies to much on others, cares so much about others that a single death is quite devastating in her mind even if she doesn't know the person, puts her life in others hands to often. Has terrible self-esteem, out of her prime as she gets older and although not useless entirely believes she is dead weight.

Other Info:


Medical Records:

Casca has a mangled face after being taken captive by a space pirate while they boarded NMV Sulaco, in turn upon a rescue squad showing up to the scene the space pirate shoved an energy spear through her left side of her skull piercing her brain. Do to the Miraculous efforts of a quoted, "Doctor Zoey" she survived although her right arm was paralyzed and required removal and replacement while aswell leaving her face in an unrepairable scarred state.

Later on Casca was piloting a Shuttle several months later and a Syndicate Operative halted the shuttle of Marines with a blockade, broke in and sliced off her left leg before a Marine bursted into the cockpit and open fired forcing the Syndicate to retreat while the Medic took over, her leg was then replaced with a temporary prosthetic.

On one operation Casca Orivanna was sent planet side and a large beast pounced on her before running away in fear, immediately as the beast ran a marine turned and shot her 35 times in the chest before her squad came over pulling her wounds open and worsening her condition entirely. Upon getting back to the FOB Medbay the Doctors declared her medical condition 'unknown' before sending her to Sulaco for further treatment, as they arrived they realized quickly that she had recieved from the incident Internal Bleed, Shattered Ribs, Total Organ Failure, a Ruptured Lung, 20 bullets into her heart, and her entire spinal cord blown to smitherines. Afterwards the doctor brought her to surgery and forgot that she can't breath anesthetics before slicing her up terribly over and over with a laser scalpal till she passed out from blood loss and then immediately rearranged her organs in the wrong places three times over entirely worsening her condition she was suffering.from. Finally she passed out from no blood in her bloodstream while they pumped Dexalin Plus repeatedly into her before finally treating her and promptly realized she was paralyzed fully.

Finally after Casca returned to Central Command being wheeled along Weyland-Yutani informed her insurance company of an apparent 1 million and 500,000 dollar insurance policy onto her in which they used and removed in order to make her a state of the art experimental prosthetic replacement spinal cord to replace her lost one. Finally they provided it to her along with the surgery and physical therapy afterwards although Casca substained heavy mental trauma at the loss of her, "Dream Job" in her words, the woman does appear to have a high sense of pride for killing prowess with USCMC so after her dishonorable discharge from the marines and sent into the Civilian Sector she was devistated and appears to still be. As we speak she requires a Cane to walk whereever she goes in order to get around properly while she adjusts to the weight of the new spine and her nerves align with her brain properly. She is to be handled VERY gently as she appears to now be a very expensive piece of equipment.

**ERROR SERVER RECORD OVERLOAD! No further room for Records! Closing Records!!!**

Employment Record:

Casca is trained in Commanding an entire Frigate if necessary however at the most she only prefers work as an (Redacted based on Miss Orivanna's request, and I quote, "With all do respect, fuck you, I'm not doing that shit anymore sir."). Just like most marines she's a professional with firearms although she is well known to prefer either a Scoped Carbine, a Shotgun, A Rocket Launcher, or a .44 Magnum. Along with her Command training she is a well known Beurocrat when it comes to paperwork and aswell is well versed in both Space Law, Marine Law, and Standard Operating Procedures for Engineering (This includes health codes and possible violations, do note some times she gives people a slip just cause they are doing well enough at their job they aren't hurting anything.) Although Casca is Trained in Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications, and Engine Maintance of Every kind. Overall she has the Minor Standard training from experience over the years but her specialization and Masters is in Engineering as it's the only Department she knows in and out fully from every aspect.

Security Records:

Casca 'Legs' Orivanna has been noted to have repeatedly on Erin Kowalsky (Fleet Admiral) visits to provide him with her favorite Vintage wine of Warlocks Velvet, a very expensive alcohol banned in most systems and also her favorite Brand. How she obtains said wine she only responds with, "I have contacts who import their wares." and refuses to answer. Due to the minor amount of said violation and the Admiral's involvement in said affair it's pardoned entirely as there are actual issues everywhere that need attending. When Miss Orivanna defended herself she said, "Am I really being investigated over giving our Commanding Officer a gift?".

I have forgot a LOT of names, so if I did please post your name in a reply in whatever comments you have, i'm still trying to remember all of you, and its going to be like, 30 people. I'm sorry, I have a bad memory! ;~;
Last edited by Gelonvia on 01 Nov 2015, 04:14, edited 6 times in total.
Casca 'Legs' Orivanna: Sanctum Operative, Telecommunications Specialist/CQC Expert

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Re: Casca Orivanna (WIP)

Post by MrGabol100 » 27 Oct 2015, 15:53

WIP just for adding names to relations.

Ayy can't hold all these lmaos.

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Re: Casca Orivanna (WIP)

Post by Gelonvia » 27 Oct 2015, 16:01

Honestly i'm sleep deprived here and just trying to get my brain to function xV
Casca 'Legs' Orivanna: Sanctum Operative, Telecommunications Specialist/CQC Expert

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Re: Casca Orivanna (WIP)

Post by coroneljones » 27 Oct 2015, 16:27

SM rads,Free for the first dose
Gets yours today!
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
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Re: Casca Orivanna (WIP)

Post by TopHatPenguin » 27 Oct 2015, 17:46

coroneljones wrote:SM rads,Free for the first dose
Gets yours today!
I love how JK has gone from "Angry marine" to "Drug dealer" it's like his decline into the criminal underworld because of how HiT was taken out heh.
Shit cm memes: Image
That guy called Wooki.
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Re: Casca Orivanna (WIP)

Post by coroneljones » 27 Oct 2015, 19:39

Mr. Penguin wrote: I love how JK has gone from "Angry marine" to "Drug dealer" it's like his decline into the criminal underworld because of how HiT was taken out heh.
HIT back or Criminal decline!
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide
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Re: Casca Orivanna (WIP)

Post by Gelonvia » 27 Oct 2015, 19:39

Mr. Penguin wrote: I love how JK has gone from "Angry marine" to "Drug dealer" it's like his decline into the criminal underworld because of how HiT was taken out heh.
SM Cores are the good shit okay ;~;?! See all kinds of things!
Casca 'Legs' Orivanna: Sanctum Operative, Telecommunications Specialist/CQC Expert

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Re: Casca Orivanna (WIP)

Post by Gelonvia » 27 Oct 2015, 22:10

coroneljones wrote: HIT back or Criminal decline!
HIT BETTER NOT COME BACK! Casca needs her drugs! >~< Bad enough Tanya and Arty are making her quit smoking!
Casca 'Legs' Orivanna: Sanctum Operative, Telecommunications Specialist/CQC Expert

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Re: Casca Orivanna (WIP)

Post by Sadokist » 28 Oct 2015, 16:34

Gelonvia wrote: HIT BETTER NOT COME BACK! Casca needs her drugs! >~< Bad enough Tanya and Arty are making her quit smoking!

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Re: Casca Orivanna (Finished)

Post by Fitchace » 30 Oct 2015, 14:45

Nice bio!
"I’m Carson. Bill Carson. I work for the company. But don’t let that fool you. I’m really an okay guy."

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Re: Casca Orivanna (Finished)

Post by johners12345 » 30 Oct 2015, 15:07

Nothing about curtis weeter. -1 XD

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Re: Casca Orivanna (Finished)

Post by Sadokist » 30 Oct 2015, 17:50

I love zis <3

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