Adjective & Minijar

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Adjective & Minijar

Post by aldal » 08 Nov 2015, 15:09

Your Byond Key: assdad211

Your character name: random

Their Byond key: Adjective / Minijar

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 40 minute ago through 5 minutes ago

Which Admin Protocols ( were broken: "The moderators are the police of the server. Their PRIMARY FOCUS is to ensure that rules are not being broken, and that the integrity and fun of the server is maintained. Player enjoyment and enforcement of the rules, are their top two priorities"

"2. Preserve the RP and enjoyment of the server"

Description of the incident: It is about 15:01 station time. There are about 80 people in the server. The aliens are all dead and there are around 30 marines left, with some others on the Sulaco. A ravager is the only alien remaining and there are no eggs or facehuggers left.

The ravager runs up to small groups of marines, swipes whoever he can, takes one bullet then immediately charges away and runs all the way to the hive where he heals on weeds. Then he comes back and does it again the same way. This continues indefinitely because the marines are split up searching for him, and he moves significantly faster than they do so he just runs away when in danger. Even when surrounded in med-dome and extremely hurt he manages to escape just by being stupidly fast.

Eventually half of deadchat is complaining about the ravager holding up the round. Adjective and Minijar say that they aren't going to do anything because 'he's just playing the game' and 'his fun matters'. This continues for another twenty minutes. People are salting at the ravager in LOOC and deadchat is essentially 90% salt at this point. Adjective mutes everyone who's complaining in LOOC even though there are other people, himself including, encouraging the ravager in LOOC which is equally uncool.

The ravager continues to do this for about 40 minutes more with the player count steadily dropping. Nothing is done about it. After someone in LOOC asks him to suicide, he does. Apop also seems to have logged on around this time so maybe he also asked him to make an end to it. The station time is 15:52 at his time of death.

I can say from experience that essentially all staff members besides Adjective & Minijar would've ended the game after like fifteen minutes of this. Either that's the correct policy or this is. It can't be both.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Adjective encouraging the ravager in LOOC. Image

How you would punish the accused: There was no malicious abuse of power, so no punishment is necessary, but I would instruct them to end the game during these kinds of circumstances rather than let it go on for 50 minutes. The fun of 80 players is immensely more important than the fun of 1. Colonial Marines already has less players every day, and we cannot afford to have a full server held up by one person during a weekend primetime period.

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Re: Adjective & Minijar

Post by Adjective » 08 Nov 2015, 15:21

I will make one statement. Moderators are to police the server not administrate it. We will not alter the gameplay in ANY mannerism, including deleting or stopping the Ravager; unless they are stalling. This ravager in question was fighting frequently and was not stalling in any way. I am not an Admin, I will not alter the gameplay. As for Minijar, he is a Mapper and has no business at all in editing the flow of the game, unless there are no Moderators on.
Last edited by Adjective on 08 Nov 2015, 22:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Byond: ChickenShizNit8

Re: Adjective & Minijar

Post by ChickenShizNit8 » 08 Nov 2015, 15:22

This... What? First off Minjar is a Dev, not Moderator, he doesn't have a say in this (I don't think)

Second, I was there for this and was also /slightly/ pissed about how the Ravager was playing, but he wasn't breaking any rules in doing this, infact, he was rather SMART for playing like this. Yeah, the fight was indeed slow, but what're you gonna do? It's one Ravager with no eggs left. We can't just end the game for a few salty people in D-chat.

YES, it did hold the round up, YES, it was annoying, but all in all, many of us enjoyed this. This is as close to a Nostromo feel as I've had since we moved over to Alpha, so I don't see them as doing anything wrong here.
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Re: Adjective & Minijar

Post by SASoperative » 08 Nov 2015, 16:09

There is nothing to report. Vrai summed it up perfectly. Moderators should not be changing anything in the game its their job to police the server

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Adjective & Minijar

Post by apophis775 » 08 Nov 2015, 20:33

We aren't going to force-end a round because of only a few aliens left.

We WILL encourage that alien to fight, which he was doing.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Adjective & Minijar

Post by Feweh » 09 Nov 2015, 00:41

This is a issue Apophis that you've described previously that shouldn't be fixed with a rule.. but fixed with game-mechanics.

Example: Marine Victory within a certain time limit when no Queen remains or possible Queen can evolve.

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Re: Adjective & Minijar

Post by Ordukai » 09 Nov 2015, 00:55

When is it impossible for a new queen to evolve? When there are no drones? When there are no larva?I remember around where I (As ravager), a sentinel, and a crusher literally brought the alien hive back (I got the hosts, they guarded the hosts) with no queen, and maybe 8 facehuggers total left over from before, after the main batch were wiped out.

On the other hand, this line of discussion is somewhat offtopic for a "Report an admin" thread so please make a suggestion post if you'd wish to go into this idea more, Feweh :P
TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.

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Re: Adjective & Minijar

Post by Stivan34 » 09 Nov 2015, 08:45

The ravager did not have any huggers or eggs.
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Re: Adjective & Minijar

Post by Lostmixup » 09 Nov 2015, 21:54

Regardless of the ravager having eggs or huggers, moderators cannot do anything game changing (unless it's specific things that they are told they can do) without an admin's permission. There were no admins on, so vrai couldn't get permission to end the game earlier through in game means.

Also game devs are like emergency moderators when online. They only act when the moderators are overwhelmed.
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Re: Adjective & Minijar

Post by apophis775 » 10 Nov 2015, 21:20

Well, part of the thing with this, is that the ravager was mostly holding his own against the marines. They would attack with like, 2 marines and he's kill them both. Then move to try and attack them back.
