Overwatch Extension

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Overwatch Extension

Post by Necrofallen » 14 Dec 2015, 17:36

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): An extension to the overwatch system..Basically, overwatch officers become mini-AI's for squads.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
It would add (As I perceive it) alot of enjoyment to the round and take the 'boringness' out of being a Bridge Officer.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
Benefits: (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole)
Details (description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

^They're very much the same.

So, to put it simply, overwatch officers are given the ability to run various commands to assist marines during their mission, including but not limited to placing notification markers to alert undirectional marines of where they're required to go, the ability to place blueprints to quickly and easily design and build fortifications or what not, etc..Anyway, actual details!

As an overwatch officer, you'll be able to place various blueprints of objects such as walls, tables, windows, so on so forth with which your marines are able to construct using various resources, depending on what you decide to build.

As an overwatch officer, you'll no longer be limited to the SL's camera, but look around the environment surrounding the squads as though you were an AI, and the members were your cameras. (SL's leader's helmet acts as the link, of course, and the other cameras go out of range after ~14 tiles)

As an overwatch officer, a holographic image of your body will be projected from the SL's helmet, allowing your presence to be felt and confirmed among surrounding marines. (Like an AI hologram)

As an overwatch officer, you'll be able to place waypoints with attached notifications to help guide and transport your squad to required locations.

As an overwatch officer, you'll no longer be able to view and disconnect from your console at will. It will take time to connect to the interface, and it will take time to disconnect.

As an overwatch officer, you'll have constant access to various reading about your squad such as their vital signs, coordinates, ammunition(?), so on so forth.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

I'm perfectly happy to code it myself;


There's a shitty example of how someone might use the construction side of it. (Yeah, the icons are kinda ugly. Someone else should make new ones for me)

Aand then here's most of the code for the building. Which is the only thing I've done. Yay.

Code: Select all

	icon = 'icons/obj/blueprint.dmi'
	icon_state = "wall"
	name = "Undefined"
	density = 0
	layer = 5.1 // Above things like chairs.
	var/list/resources = list(/obj/item/stack/material/steel = 20)
	var/list/resources_left = list()
	var/list/tools = list()
	var/list/tools_left = list()
	var/turner = MATERIALS
	var/list/path = list(/turf/simulated/wall)

		resources_left = resources
		tools_left = tools

	attackby(var/obj/item/O, var/mob/user)
		if(turner == MATERIALS)
				turner = TOOLS
					if(is_type_in_list(O, resources_left[i]))
						if(istype(O, /obj/item))
							var/obj/item/stack/material/M = O
								user << "\red You don't have enough!"
								resources_left.Cut(i, i+1)
									turner = TOOLS
					if(is_type_in_list(O, resources_left))
						if(istype(O, /obj/item))
							var/obj/item/stack/material/M = O
								user << "\red You don't have enough!"
								resources_left.Cut(resources_left.Find(O), (resources_left.Find(O) + 1))
									turner = TOOLS
		else if(turner == TOOLS)
				turner = MATERIALS
			if(O.type == tools_left[1])
				user << "You begin to[(tools_left[tools_left[1]])] on \the [src]!"
				if(!do_after(user, rand(75, 200))) return
				user << "You successfully [(tools_left[tools_left[1]])] on \the [src]!"
				tools_left.Cut(1, 2)
				turner = MATERIALS

		if(!resources_left.len && !tools_left.len)
			user << "\blue You complete \the [src]!"

		usr << "You clear \the [src]!"

		for(var/i=1;i<=path.len;i++) // For everything we need to make:
			if(islist(path[i])) // Check whether it's a list
				var/list/L = path[i]
				var/obj/O = new path[i][1]
				O.loc = get_turf(src) // Create an object of the first element of said list
				for(var/pi=2,pi<=L.len,pi++) // Loop through the rest of the indexes in that list
					O.vars[path[pi]] = path[path[pi]] // Set the object's variable (pi) to the value it's set to in the list
				var/obj/O = new path[i]
				O.loc = get_turf(src) // Otherwise just make a standard object
				world << "[O] created" // Announce it for debugging
				sleep(1) // Leave a slight delay.

		name = "Metal Wall"
		name = "table"
		path = list(/obj/structure/table)
		resources = list(/obj/item/stack/material/steel = 3)
		tools = list(/obj/item/weapon/wrench = "secure the bolts")
		icon_state = "table"
		name = "Full Window"
		path = list(/obj/structure/grille, /obj/structure/window/basic)
		resources = list(list(/obj/item/stack/material/steel = 2, /obj/item/stack/rods = 4), /obj/item/stack/material/glass = 5)
		icon_state = "window"
			name = "Reinforced Window"
			path = list(list(/obj/structure/grille, health = 25), /obj/structure/window/reinforced)
			resources = list(list(/obj/item/stack/material/steel = 7, /obj/item/stack/rods = 14), /obj/item/stack/material/glass = 10)
			icon_state = "rwindow"
		name = "Rack"
		path = list(/obj/structure/table/rack)
		resources = list(list(/obj/item/stack/material/steel = 3, /obj/item/stack/rods = 4))
		icon_state = "rack"
		name = "Disassemble"
		path = list()
		resources = list()
		icon_state = "disassemble"

		attackby(var/obj/O, var/mob/user)
			return attack_hand(user)

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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by MauroVega » 14 Dec 2015, 17:50

+1 Brig finally gets love
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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by SkyeAuroline » 14 Dec 2015, 19:09



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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by LordLoko » 14 Dec 2015, 19:35

If the code allows it +1
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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by ChickenShizNit8 » 14 Dec 2015, 19:38

Amazing idea.
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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by KittyLava » 14 Dec 2015, 19:53

I can tell this may be somewhat of a nightmare coding in, from switching from their body to miniature AIs to their bodies back vise-versa.

Would they be restricted to normal vision without night vision based on what the marines can see using in range, if it's to use others within the SL's helmet range limit. Another question would be are the camera lines going to separated to specific squad ones by their ID tag's set squad or any to all marine's helmets within the area. Vital signs I can see working if there was a health hud module for examining marine vitals, though ammunition would be a tricky thing to encode in so might be better for the squads to communicate in.

Something else to be concerned about is would these holographic images for construction linger for a while before vanishing; visible to just the marines in the squad, all marines, or everyone. If they don't linger for a while, do they have to be removed by anyone jacked into the over watch console. If it's visible to all and lingers on after placing once construction is completed then it'll mess somewhat, if it's just for that squad's marines then overlaying construction from different squads' over-watch operators then that would become an IC problem for their lack of coordination

On the other hand representation of command staff could be interesting alongside helpful, ensuring the marines have an ID their operator is still up and helping, alongside coordinating a path somewhat from what they've noticed/gathered in prior oversight of marine activities to help guide them in areas briefly. Last question would be in case you've got SSD officers at their posts, would it be possible to carefully disconnect them safely taking a bit longer than were the officer to disconnect themselves inside, to prevent damaging/killing the officer from jacking them out of it.

Honestly the idea is quite interesting alongside theoretically possible for technology to created for something like that, using neurological implants to interfaces for enhanced control. However implementing it may be tricky, with time consuming. I'd give the Idea a +1, yet not sure what the final decision may be.

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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by Necrofallen » 15 Dec 2015, 03:50

KittyLava wrote:I can tell this may be somewhat of a nightmare coding in, from switching from their body to miniature AIs to their bodies back vise-versa.

Would they be restricted to normal vision without night vision based on what the marines can see using in range, if it's to use others within the SL's helmet range limit. Another question would be are the camera lines going to separated to specific squad ones by their ID tag's set squad or any to all marine's helmets within the area. Vital signs I can see working if there was a health hud module for examining marine vitals, though ammunition would be a tricky thing to encode in so might be better for the squads to communicate in.
The way that overwatch works currently is that the officer's perspective is simply locked onto the SL. The way the AI does it is it creates an entirely new mob for the AI 'eye', and then any tiles that aren't covered by cameras are deemed blocked off from sight. The same thing I plan to do. Yes, they would be restricted to normal vision else the overwatch officers may actually be of use during combat, which is not the idea. It's just to support the marines. I don't actually have the source code, but I assume there's global vars like 'charlie' that hold all the members of a squad; So yes, all members of a squad according to their ID. Ammunition is as simple as finding an object inside of their inventory that is of the /ammo origin, and then getting the amount and placing it on the overwatch officer's hud. I'm unsure whether I'll do this though, as it may be power-hungry.
KittyLava wrote:Something else to be concerned about is would these holographic images for construction linger for a while before vanishing; visible to just the marines in the squad, all marines, or everyone. If they don't linger for a while, do they have to be removed by anyone jacked into the over watch console. If it's visible to all and lingers on after placing once construction is completed then it'll mess somewhat, if it's just for that squad's marines then overlaying construction from different squads' over-watch operators then that would become an IC problem for their lack of coordination
Construction blueprints remain forever until interacted with. If supplies had been added to the blueprint, it will be dense (not able to be walked through) and must be clicked on by someone (including aliens) to remove. If it doesn't have supplies, you can also simply walk through it to remove it. The Overwatch Officer can also remove it, of course. I *can* simply add it as an 'overlay' to all members of the squad, but that'd be a little tricky and extremely buggy, so I'm just keeping it so EVERYONE can see it. So yeah, it will look cluttered if the overwatch officer spams it, but it's as simple as walking through it.[/quote]
KittyLava wrote:On the other hand representation of command staff could be interesting alongside helpful, ensuring the marines have an ID their operator is still up and helping, alongside coordinating a path somewhat from what they've noticed/gathered in prior oversight of marine activities to help guide them in areas briefly. Last question would be in case you've got SSD officers at their posts, would it be possible to carefully disconnect them safely taking a bit longer than were the officer to disconnect themselves inside, to prevent damaging/killing the officer from jacking them out of it.
Yes, you would be able to externally eject someone.

Honestly the idea is quite interesting alongside theoretically possible for technology to created for something like that, using neurological implants to interfaces for enhanced control. However implementing it may be tricky, with time consuming. I'd give the Idea a +1, yet not sure what the final decision may be.
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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by Seehund » 15 Dec 2015, 08:10

+1 on everything, except the hologram. Perhaps it's just me, but it feels out of place for the universe.

Maybe some sort of drone, really the same thing with a different sprite.
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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by MilesWolfe » 15 Dec 2015, 08:18

this isnt really lore friendly

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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by monkeysfist101 » 15 Dec 2015, 09:02

+1 to the camera idea.
-1 to the rest of it.

While it'd be good in a Halo or Star Wars game, hologram officers is very out of place in the Aliens universe. These people don't even have flatscreens.
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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by MilesWolfe » 15 Dec 2015, 09:28

monkeysfist101 wrote:+1 to the camera idea.
-1 to the rest of it.

While it'd be good in a Halo or Star Wars game, hologram officers is very out of place in the Aliens universe. These people don't even have flatscreens.
correct, every system they use is analog. Computers are terminals still like in fallout.

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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by hall » 15 Dec 2015, 09:55

+1 for that

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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by MrGabol100 » 15 Dec 2015, 12:33



Big +1 from me, on everything but the hologram, everything else, lookin' good!

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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by Necrofallen » 15 Dec 2015, 13:20

Haha I had natural selection in mind when I wrote this. The reason for the holographic projection is that sometimes overwatch officers don't talk much, it kind of feels like they're passively watching over you and just pointing out your mistakes; With the hologram, it'd feel like they're actually down there with you, actively helping you, and you can see where they are looking at and so forth. I didn't really think of the lore at all. People seem to not like it; I won't add it.

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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 15 Dec 2015, 14:19

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+1 This would be the best thing for a BO to do.
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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by Sadokist » 15 Dec 2015, 15:56

Yea this could be cool. +1

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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by Azmodan412 » 15 Dec 2015, 16:58

Would be cool, yes. Would be an utter shitstorm if shitler marines shoot hologram and end up FFing other marines, and ignoring the BO's orders. And Ramboing. Neutral.

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Re: Overwatch Extension

Post by apophis775 » 15 Dec 2015, 17:53

I'm going to say Denied.

This isn't very CM or near our theme. While it seems like an interesting idea, I think it would be a bitch to implement, not to mention the silly amount of lag and issues it could generate.
