Rule Rewrite Draft

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Byond: Apophis775

Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by apophis775 » 23 Dec 2015, 17:05

This is a DRAFT of the rule rewrite I'm doing for the 2016 ruleset, which will also include the RP guidelines. I'll have this finished today or tomorrow. If there's a rule you think we need to rewrite or address, make sure you post that here. I'm also redoing the doctor weapon rule, so please hold off comments on that until I get to it. Once we have this locked down, I'll post it in general for final feedback before it replaces the current ruleset.
A Note About Roleplay
Colonial Marines is a medium roleplay server with higher/more roleplay being greatly encouraged. "Medium" is loosely defined as being strict but not too strict. In other words, you should consider your character to be a separate entity from you as a player. Your character's actions and feelings in-game should be based solely on your character's experiences and not your own as the player. However, specifics such as Flavor Text, while also very encouraged, are not required. It is also encouraged (but not required as it is on other servers) to use roleplay dialogue before making split decisions such as using lethal force against another character. Finally, you are expected to follow the Roleplay Guidelines, as well as all the rules specific to your chosen job.

General rules (Xenos & Humans):

Rule 0. Admins (not Mods or Mentors) retain the authority to ignore the following rules at their discretion when they feel it's in the best interest of the current round/server/playerbase at large. However, they will be fully accountable for their actions should they choose to exercise this privilege. If an admin says something is a rule, and you disagree, FOLLOW WHAT THEY SAY AND MAKE A COMPLAINT ON THE FORUM. Do NOT excessivly argue with them, you WILL receive a ban or extension on your ban.

Rule 0.1 READ ALL THE RULES. By playing on the server, you are confirming that you have read ALL of our rules (not just some or a few). Ignorance is not an excuse and breaking rules without reading may extend your punishment.

Rules for everyone:
  1. Don't be a Dick. - "Dickish" and "Asshole" behavior will not be tolerated. If you're pissing someone off, your probably going to get spoken too. Punishment is up to the staff member and maybe be anything from a warning to a 10-day ban depending on the severity. This includes LOOC and OOC racism.
  2. We are an ENGLISH ONLY server. Speaking other languages in OOC, LOOC, or DSAY is strictly FORBIDDEN. Our staff also speak only English, so you are required to speak it over staff PMs and Ahelps. IC there is a little bit of leeway if you throw in an occasional word or well-know phrase from another language, but entire conversations in other languages is a No-Go. We follow the trope of "everyone in the future speaks English".
  3. Respect the Staff - If you have an issue with them, follow what they say, and then file a complaint. If you argue with the staff, expect to be muted or have your punishment increased.
  4. Don't ask for special treatment - Things like asking to be a spider, or placed inside a dog or other random things. Also, feel free to send a SINGLE ahelp to the staff if you think there are AFK aliens, but it is not a requirement for staff to place you into an AFK Xeno (there's a verb for that). If the staff member believes it's necessary, they will ask in Deadchat. Don't spam them.
  5. No griefing
    Griefing - Defined as the perceived intent of one player wanting to cause grief or annoyance to other players or to the server without any roleplay reason. The emphasis is on "intent". If an admin or mod believes that the players intent is to grief then action will be taken. You can appeal these actions, on the Ban Appeals forum. Any damage to the station or players caused by griefing can be repaired at an Admin's discretion.
    Examples of Griefing:
    • A marine grabs a gun and immediately starts shooting other marines for no discernible reason.
    • A player attempts to break the ship or eject the core for no reason (ejecting the core when it is not destabilizing will result in an IMMEDIATE ban and job-ban).
    • Harming other players (of the same species) at the end of the round. Marine vs Xeno is fine. End of Round Grief is an IMMEDIATE 3 hour ban with no warnings.
    Examples that are NOT Griefing:
    • Two marines get into a fight over something and start throwing punches at each other.
    • Two consenting marines want to roleplay a situation that ends with them attacking or killing each other. (Ahelps ahead of time would be best, as you'll get Bwoinked at one point when the combat logs pop up)
    • A distraught Survivor shoots at an approaching marine and runs away.
  6. No ERP - ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY - Erotic Roleplay is defined as roleplay that has a strong erotic element intended to elicit a sexual response from the receiver(s). It may involve two or more people or be done in front of spectators. This includes reading stories about ERP but not participating directly (WGW). Both consensual and nonconsensual ERP will be met with a PERMABAN. This is not to be confused with distasteful but acceptable male/marine bravado such as "/me scratches his crotch", "/me teabags the alien" or "/me pinches [player]'s nipple." However, these actions can be handled in-character as Neglect of Duty or Sexual Assault per Marine Law should players wish it. Bottom line: If you're not sure if it's ERP or not, or you don't want to be permabanned, just don't do it.. We typically do NOT accept ban appeals for ERP.
  7. Ban Evading - Defined as attempting to log into the server with a different account after one account was banned or using any evasion scripts. This results in your current punishment being upgraded to a PERMABAN (NO EXCEPTIONS). Admitting to having/using scripts or the ability to ban evade, will also result in an upgraded ban.
  8. Multikeying - Expressly NOT allowed. If you are caught Multikeying, you will be permabanned with a sticky across all your ckeys. When you play here, use the SAME Ckey always.
  9. No Powergaming - Performing actions outside your assigned job (your skills or background DO NOT MATTER prior to the round) or abusing bugs.
    • A Standard Marine knowing surgery.
    • A doctor knowing how to hack an airlock.
    • A standard marine (or anyone who isn't a Doctor/Medic/Researcher) using a cloner. This may result in an explosion or your death.
  10. Using "table combat" or "tabling" against other marines/humans.
  11. No Metagaming:- Acting upon knowledge your character does not have.
    Examples of metagaming:
    • Dragging lockers with you onto the shuttle at first contact
    • Dragging around extra power-packs as a specialist
    • Welding vents before seeing the Xenos use them or before the xenos have boarded the Sulaco
    • Equipping hardsuit helmets and other face protection before knowing about facehuggers.
    • Setting up defenses on the Sulaco before the Queen sends/receives drop pods/shuttles for the first time. (Note: there will be a big alarm when the queen uses the shuttle consoles.)
    • Chasing down Xenos immediately after first contact.
    • Doctors performing surgery without first determining what's really wrong with an infected patient (before major surgery you MUST use a greenscanner ALWAYS)
    • Suicide without an EXTREMELY good reason. "I'm logging out", or "Just Because" are quick ways to permaban.
    • As a Xeno: damaging any systems to prevent setup. Do not melt key power or atmos components.
    Examples that are NOT metagaming:
    • Xenos slashing APCs or cameras.
    • A marine grabbing tougher face protection after seeing a comrade get facehugged.
    • A doctor performing bone repair surgery on a limb that a marine tells them is broken, or that appears broken on the portable med scanner.
  12. No IC in OOC or LOOC - Keep IC in IC and (L)OOC in (L)OOC. If you mention an in-game secret in (L)OOC, such as the location of the Queen, expect a ban.
  13. No OOC in IC - If you talk OOC in-game, like using the ((OOC message)) method, you will be given a warning, then a mute, and finally a ban. It's not rocket science to not talk OOC in character.
  14. Play your assigned role - If you end up with a role you don't like, petition it with the LOs/Commander or Ahelp to get changed. If you instead suicide or ghost near round-start, you will receive a job-ban. Job changes should be a LAST RESORT. If you don't want a specific role, make sure your preference says "never" and action to take if the role is unavailable as "return to lobby". This also gives you the best chance at alien (having all jobs never)
  15. No Intentional Breaching Walls or windows. - If you intentionally breach walls or windows on a space-map or the Sulaco, expect something bad to happen.

Marine-specific rules (also applies to survivors once they have been rescued by the marines):
  1. Lethal Force - This is defined as one marine purposefully using lethal weapons (guns, explosives, sharp objects, etc) on another marine (including beating a marine into crit/death) for a roleplay or in-character reason. The difference between this and grief, is that it normally involves 2 or more consenting players in a role-played incident or role-played escalation. A verbal argument followed by immediate murder is not "Lethal Force". You must properly escalate the situation (Argument>Pushing/Shoving/punching>Melee weapons>Guns). If you participate in a lethal force situation (even defending yourself) you are waiving your right to admin assistance (defined below). THIS DOES NOT PREVENT IC CONSEQUENCES SUCH AS DEMOTION OR ARREST. The key part of "Lethal Force" is that it is Roleplayed.
    *Staff assistance - Defined as any action taken by any Staff to heal or aid in a player's negative state.
    • Marine A and Marine B are arguing by the RO office for an extended period of time. Marine A threatens marine B's life. Marine B punches/stabs marine A. Marine A punches/stabs/shoots back. This is LETHAL FORCE and allowed by the rules (but expect to be stunned into senselessness by an MP or beaten down by nearby marines).
    • Marine A is upset the RO refuses to give him a specific modification. The RO continues to refuse, even after the marine threatens his life. Marine A shoots at the RO with his rifle until the RO is dead. This is GRIEF (even if the RO responds by shooting back). There was no RP escalation. Argue>shooting will ALWAYS be grief if there isn't some sort of physical altercation involved first.
    • Marine Z is upset with Bridge Officer Q. Marine Z draws his bayonet and knocks the BO down, then stabs him until he dies. This is GRIEF. If you are going to escalate, you MUST give them time to respond with similar (or greater) force. Meaning, if you stab someone, you MUST give them a chance to say something back IC, retrieve their knife to fight, or draw their weapon before you continue.
    • Player: "Help! This guy is shooting me!" Admin: "You used lethal force on them first. Good luck."
    Lethal Force is a very SLIPPERY SLOPE, so it's best that you avoid it. Additionally, if you CONSTANTLY resort to lethal force in-game when inappropriate, it may start to be considered griefing.
    *The bottom line: If you use lethal force, you're on your own, even if you're defending yourself.
  2. Character Names - Your character must have a normal first and last name. One-word nicknames are allowed inside the name (e.g. Derek 'Double-D' Donahue, Jane 'Crusher' Sanchez) . Ranks, titles, honorifics, offensive, famous and/or pop-culture names are not allowed (e.g. Dr John Smith, Barack Obama, Lt John Doe, Adolf Hitler). Also, avoid lore-based names like Weyland, Yutani, Bishop, Ripley, etc - these are restricted to admin characters for RP only.
  3. Incompetent Marines - The Colonial Marines wouldn't hire people with missing limbs (unless you had robotic replacements) or mental issues that cause them to harm themselves or fellow marines due to insanity.
    Exception: Late in the round after seeing squadmates die from getting their chests ripped open, suicide is a viable RP option, and self-sacrifice to aid their comrades is ALWAYS an option.
  4. Get in Uniform - Marines running around with M41s, grenades, mines, ammo bags, but wearing pajamas. Or, an LO that just changed their job to Marine still wearing their blue LO uniform. These break roleplay and immersion and are not acceptable. Get into the uniform you should be in and stay in it.
  5. Mutiny - Mutiny is not allowed unless an Adminhelp is made giving the reason before you start. Also, you must follow these rules:
    • The situation MUST be role-played.
    • The commander MUST be given a chance to stand-down peacefully
    • You MUST have the support of SEVERAL other marines (at least 5, no single man mutinies)
    • You must not kill ANY innocent marines (Any marine is "innocent" if they are not the target of the mutiny (commander and whoever helped him do whatever angered everyone))
    • Uninvolved marines should be given the chance to remain uninvolved. They *might* shoot if they see you firing on the commander without a reason. Try to subdue them, WITHOUT lethal force or explain the situation.
    • Minimize Losses (use either non-lethal force ONLY, or give all marines who oppose you a chance to stand-down)
    • Do not start firing until you have been fired upon
  6. ID theft is ILLEGAL - Because of how IDs work on our server (everything from stopping a turret from killing you, to tracking your squad and armor) ID "theft" is considered an OOC problem and may be handled by staff instead of MPs. Exceptions: Taking an ID from a corpse to get into an area in order to your life, or someone else that is in IMMEDIATE danger. ID MUST be returned if the player is revived (if possible).
  7. Building Defenses on the Sulaco - Marines may not build defenses on the Sulaco before the Queen sends/receives drop pods/shuttles for the first time. Doing so is to be treated as metagaming and may be punished with a ban and WILL have any constructed defenses removed as well as all vents unwelded.
  8. No firebombs/Napalm - Firebombs/napalm cause TREMENDOUS complications with atmospherics. Don't make them. We are in the process of removing the ability to make them from the code. Also, be careful what other super grenades you hand out, you may be held responsible if people grief with them or destroy large sections of the Sulaco.
  9. Job-specific Rules: (Note: These rules apply to anyone performing the tasks associated with the jobs as well).
    All crew stations on the Sulaco
    • Do not equip armor unless you are leaving the ship or it has been boarded.
    • Do not equip weapons larger than a pistol unless the Sulaco is under attack.
    • Do not leave the Sulaco unless it is being evacuated (The only exceptions, are noted in specific jobs).
    • If you are given an order that violates ANY server rule, tell whoever gave you the order you can NOT follow it. If you break a rule "the commander ordered me too" is NOT a way to avoid punishment.
    • Unless you are an MP, you should not be enforcing space-law.
    Commander/Executive Officer
    • Either the Commander or Executive Officer must be on the Sulaco AT ALL TIMES. If one goes to the surface, the other must remain on the ship.
    • If the commander is out of contact for more than 20 minutes, the Executive Officer may take complete command.
    • Only the commander may authorize executions of prisoners. You must make a ship-wide announcement and the reason for the execution known to the crew (and who is carrying out the sentence if it's not you). If you just shoot a prisoner for no reason, it's murder.
    • Do NOT give all-access or place all-access cards in the ID computers and leave them. This is a BANNABLE offense.
    Bridge Officer
    • Do NOT give all-access or place all-access cards in the ID computers and leave them. This is a BANNABLE offense.
    Military Police
    • You are permitted to leave the Sulaco and go to the FOB ONLY if you are directly ordered to arrest a specific marine, and that marine is at the FOB. If he runs, you can wait for him to return or have a squad assist you. You can NOT chase him down yourself.
    • You MAY fly the shuttle down to the planet and back. If you do, you are NOT allowed to leave the shuttle at ANY TIME as your job is to protect it from theft.
    • You must disregard a Commander's order if it is against these rules. However, if the order is against Marine Law, the choice is yours (see: Mutiny).
    • You may NOT have ANY lethal weapons, unless the Sulaco has been boarded. Having lethal weapons as an MP is a BANNABLE offense (no, not even if your going to the planet or chasing someone who shoots at you with lethals. Lethal weapons = BAN).
    • You are bound by space-law. Violating space-law, (or the procedures) WILL result in a job-ban.
    • The CMO is in charge of all the Doctors and Researchers.
    • The CMO may not leave the Sulaco unless it is being evacuated.
    • Doctors may stay on the Sulaco or go to a secured FOB on the planet with the CMO's permission only. (As in, direct verbal confirmation from the CMO, if they are unaware you are off the Sulaco, expect a job-ban).
    • Only the CMO and Doctors are allowed to perform surgery. Squad Medics should be stabilizing their patient in order to send them back to the Sulaco for major surgery.
    • You are a DOCTOR not a marine. You are authorized one single M4A3 Pistol with 2 magazines for personal defense ONLY after the sulaco has been boarded.
    • If you are unarmed and there is a rifle on the ground, you may pick it up and fire it at an alien who is IMMEDIATLY THREATENING YOUR LIFE. Once the alien is gone, you must drop the weapon and leave the area. Your job is MEDICAL not combat, fighting on the front-lines will result in a job-ban.
    • Do NOT make genetic superpowers. The scanner is for Clean SEs only.
    • You are only authorized pistols, chemsprayers, and grenades - no other weapons or marine gear unless for destructive analyzing.
    • Be careful what grenades you make and why you give them too. Handing out super-deadly-lethal grenades that damage the Sulaco or Lag the server WILL result in a job-ban.
    • If you give a deadly super-grenade to someone who uses it to grief, you MAY be held accountable, depending on the situation so be mindful of who you give what.
    • Do NOT make modifications to the Sulaco without consulting the Chief Engineer first.
    • Do NOT make modifications to Medbay without consulting the CMO first.
    Chief Engineer/Maintence Tech
    • At most, one Maintenance Tech is allowed on the planet at a time to assist the FOB once it is secured and constructed, but is only allowed a pistol and no other weapons.
    • The Janitorial equipment is for the Sulaco. Do not bring it to the planet.
    • Protect your air tanks, you only have a few.
    • You are not allowed to leave the Sulaco.
    • The only people who can over-ride you on equipment disbursement are the XO and Commander.
    • Your mech is for loading and unloading the shuttle, not wandering around.
    • You may use your mech for combat only if your life is directly at risk. You may not remove it from the Cargo Bay unless the cargo bay is being attacked and over-run.
    Squad Medic
    • As a squad medic you MAY use the Cloner.
    • You may NOT perform ANY surgery (no matter how minor).
    • You MAY do ANY other medical procedure.
    • You may NOT use the chem-lab
    Corporate Liason
    • You are NOT part of command staff, you work for Weyland and your priority is serving them.
    • You may *attempt* to bribe marines to work for you, however you do not outrank them (you are a civilian) and thus they don't have to listen to you.
    • You are authorized a pistol (at all times). Depending on the situation, Weyland may issue you other weapons, don't lose them.
    • Do NOT Self Antag. If you are doing a good job with RP and reporting to Weyland with your Fax, you *MIGHT* be given special goals. These goals *MIGHT* allow you to break some of the server rules, depending on the situation. If you are unsure AHELP FIRST.
    • Causing harm to the marines or damage to the Sulaco without first contacting W-Y through your fax WILL result in a job-ban and possibly a short server ban.
    • You are NOT Allowed to use your cards to grant access or custom titles to anyone. Doing so will result in a job-ban.

Xeno-specific rules:
  1. You are a Xenomorph
    • Act like one. Your are not a pet or best friends with the marines.
    • Talk like one. It is fine to use words like "medbay" and "shuttle". You can also replace "shuttle" with "metal bird" if you wish. Hivemind is the English translation of a Xeno's thoughts. However, keep it formal and realistic. No talking like a gangster, but "Queen, lets get to the shuttle" is fine.
    • You have no free will. Your will is that of the Queen. OBEY HER ORDERS. If the queen Ahelps about you disobeying her, you WILL be punished.
    • Grow the hive. Your goal is to expand the hive at ALL costs even YOUR LIFE.
    • Do not Kill infected hosts (once they have the icon) if they are defenseless or nested. It's counter-productive to your cause of spreading. If a marine escapes the nest and uses a weapon to resist, THEN you may kill them, but you should try to tackle and nest them. Remember: The most hosts you get, the more aliens you get. EXCEPTION: The queen MAY kill any marine she wants at any time, provided she had an RP justification (if asked by the admins). This power does NOT extend to aliens following the queens orders.
    • Obey the orders of superior castes, with the Queen overriding all other orders:
      • Tier 1 (lowest): Larva
      • Tier 2: Runner, Drones, Sentinels
      • Tier 3: Warrior, Carrier, Spitter
      • Tier 4: Ravager, Praetorian, Hivelord
      • Tier 5 (highest): Queen
      • [REDACTED]: Empress???
  2. No pulling/pushing objects for cover - Do NOT pull or push objects to use them as bullet cover while moving. You can, however, pull objects into a position and leave them.
  3. No Hugger Stacking - Hugger stacking is defined by the following, and results in ALL huggers being deleted (all of them, everywhere):
    • > 2 facehuggers on a tile
    • > 3 facehuggers in a locker
    NOTE: An egg counts as a "facehugger". So, 1 hugger and an egg is legal, 2 huggers and an egg is not.
  4. No collecting marine gear with lockers - Even if it's "to melt the gear in a group" or just to "store it". It's a no-no, it causes lagspikes and isn't very "alien" to use human technology like that. Melt the stuff individually.
  5. Do not eat dead bodies outside the main hive or to prevent cloning - This prevents retrieval/cloning, which you don't know about. Main Hive is defined as where the queen is laying eggs and the hosts are being secured. If your a lone Xeno running around the Sulaco or the Fob, do NOT eat bodies of people you kill. You'll get a ban for Meta/Powergaming.
  6. Aliens are NOT allowed to follow orders from the queen that break any of the pre-ceeding rules. - Breaking these rules WILL result in: a demotion to a lower level of Xeno, Death, or job-ban from Xeno (at staff discretion).

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by Rahlzel » 23 Dec 2015, 17:14

1. Dark blue on a dark gray background isn't readable.
2. Please paste anything you write into Word or LibreOffice to have it check your spelling/grammar.

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by apophis775 » 23 Dec 2015, 17:27

1. The Dark Blue is temporary till I experiment and find a good color.

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 24 Dec 2015, 16:35

1. People have been getting up in a massive tizzy about the "no guns for doctors" rule. Maybe make it simple and say that every job can carry a service pistol, but civilian jobs can't carry anything more. (Maybe allow anyone to use any weapon but stop them from wearing marine armor and helmets and ID lock the armory)

2. Specifically design a rule for End of Round Grief to make it absolutely crystal clear. It's already in the rules, but a lot of players seem to view it as a guideline, not a rule.

3. There's been a lot of confusion surrounding Alien slashing. Maybe add a little more clarification? Since the queen can control the lethality of slashing, shouldn't Aliens not be at fault for killing non-nedted hosts?

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by Lostmixup » 24 Dec 2015, 16:38

Apop, I can read through and properly grammar these things if you want lol.

Also, just generally add more specifics to certain things like End of Round Grief (it's fucking ERG, not EORG for the love of god please don't put EORG) because people get banned for a lot of ERG they didn't realize was considered ERG.

Add an area under job specific rules that applies to all sulaco personnel. Here you can add rules like "all sulaco staff may not wear armor until the sulaco is boarded" or "only researchers may use the cloning machine" and any other such rules that you may want.
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Byond: TopHatPenguin

Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by TopHatPenguin » 24 Dec 2015, 16:38

SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote:1. People have been getting up in a massive tizzy about the "no guns for doctors" rule. Maybe make it simple and say that every job can carry a service pistol, but civilian jobs can't carry anything more. (Maybe allow anyone to use any weapon but stop them from wearing marine armor and helmets and ID lock the armory)
Couldn't we just Id lock all weapons besides the service pistol? (So have every other weapon unlocked for squad standard and upwards. Civ roles such as doc and Mt limited to service pistol use, perhaps the head of a civ job should be able to use a smg?) (( We could also then Id lock spec weapons if need be))

Kind of just spitballing and attaching it to that idea.
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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by apophis775 » 24 Dec 2015, 17:03

I'm going to adjust the no guns for doctors rule. Doctors will be allowed a pistol only, and only once the sulaco has been boarded.

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by apophis775 » 24 Dec 2015, 17:04

Id locking weapons is difficult, but not impossible.

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 24 Dec 2015, 17:40

Alright. We need to add in a Zeno tolerance for racism

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by Feweh » 24 Dec 2015, 18:02

As per our discussion the other day..

Clarify what Medics/Doctors can and cannot do. This is still a issue with Medics cloning/doing surgery and it's really only noticeable if we happen to check medical and see it happening.

Something that also needs to be written down because most people dont think its Meta... Players bringing down EXTRA equipment/guns/supplies at round start. This has become ridiculously common now and I constantly have to explain to John Doe why he can't bring down 5 extra guns and a locker full of extra helmets. Seriously, we had one round where we deleted 4 different lockers at round start.

As well, players setting up sentries on Sulaco BEFORE being deployed. Once again, META to already be setting up a lethal weapon when at that point you have no idea if you'd even need it.

Both of the things I've mentioned are also mainly power-gamey... having a bunch of extra weapons and a pre-built sentry that only requires a wrench to be ready to go is ridiculous.

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 24 Dec 2015, 18:25

Also need to remove sulaco engineering access from squad engineers. Every round the squad engineers raid sulaco engineering for everything they could get from the ro. Or doing what they do for the ro... go to the window and ask for shit instead of raiding and stealing everything in sight

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by Lostmixup » 24 Dec 2015, 22:28

TR-BlackDragon wrote:Alright. We need to add in a Zeno tolerance for racism
Characters can be semi-racist, however racism in OOC is not tolerated.
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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by Jack McIntyre » 25 Dec 2015, 00:29

Also just a thought dragon,, but engineers should be able to go into engineering to get things, if they can't get metal it isn't the end of the world, but from my experience the engineering staff don't have much use for the extra metal and supplies unless they are building extra unnecessary things on the Sulaco.

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 25 Dec 2015, 03:04

Lostmixup wrote: Characters can be semi-racist, however racism in OOC is not tolerated.
Yea I ment that for ooc and looc
Jack McIntyre wrote:Also just a thought dragon,, but engineers should be able to go into engineering to get things, if they can't get metal it isn't the end of the world, but from my experience the engineering staff don't have much use for the extra metal and supplies unless they are building extra unnecessary things on the Sulaco.
And again the engine room and power control and atmos area should still should not be accessible by squad engineers. You have any idea how many times I've turned around to get something to return to one of the phoron tanks missing because some SE nabbed it.

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 25 Dec 2015, 10:09

TR-BlackDragon wrote:Alright. We need to add in a Zeno tolerance for racism
Goonstation has a specific rule like that (for both in game chat and OOC)
It doesn't work too well. Admins all interpret the rule differently, and, since it carries a ban, it's a bit of a wild card. I've gotten bwoinked over using the word "homosexual" in a non-negative way. It feels like a lot like a college safe space.

I think it should fall under rule 1. If a player is spouting racial slurs, I tell him to cool it. They have always listened. I've never had to ban for it.

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 26 Dec 2015, 11:50

I'm talking sever racism. Dude was spouting it at someone in looc and when I told him to stop he said why should i? There is no rule against it. I'm not saying make the rule for ic. I specifically want this rule for looc and ooc

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by Infernus » 26 Dec 2015, 13:15

TR-BlackDragon wrote:I'm talking sever racism. Dude was spouting it at someone in looc and when I told him to stop he said why should i? There is no rule against it. I'm not saying make the rule for ic. I specifically want this rule for looc and ooc
1. Don't be a Dick. - "Dickish" and "Asshole" behavior will not be tolerated. If your pissing someone off, your probably going to get spoken too. Punishment is up to the staff member and maybe be anything from a warning to a 10-day ban depending on the severity.

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by Ordukai » 26 Dec 2015, 20:34

Perhaps some mention in the rules of job reassignments? Such as "If you change your job you adopt the new job's rules" or just "Don't assign survivors jobs". Perhaps there are other things pertaining to job reassignment that I can't think of atm.
TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by Feweh » 27 Dec 2015, 02:30

Clarify donor items and when/if they are allowed to take them from dead players etc.

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by apophis775 » 28 Dec 2015, 15:28

TR-BlackDragon wrote:I'm talking sever racism. Dude was spouting it at someone in looc and when I told him to stop he said why should i? There is no rule against it. I'm not saying make the rule for ic. I specifically want this rule for looc and ooc

Ban him for 24 hours for breaking rule 1. "don't be a dick"

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by Lostmixup » 29 Dec 2015, 01:07

Need to do a quick grammar check on this apop. You used the wrong your in the first rule.

I still have a major problem with this doctor rule: "...using lethal force against marines (no matter the situation) results in a job-ban."
A doctor should be able to at least defend themselves against a marine in some way. If you're a doctor and you're getting your shit kicked in by a marine, realistically are you just going to sit there and take it if you don't have any sedatives on hand? It simply doesn't make any sense. Instead of saying "using leathal force" say "killing a marine." This way doctors may defend themselves, but are still not allowed to kill people.

We need clarification on if and when donor items may be taken.

Add to metagaming that taking lockers and lockers of gear before first contact is meta.
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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by apophis775 » 29 Dec 2015, 03:16

Do you notice how the doctor rule is below the "I hvaen't done anything below this yet" line?

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by Lostmixup » 29 Dec 2015, 03:56

apophis775 wrote:Do you notice how the doctor rule is below the "I hvaen't done anything below this yet" line?
Well, still put my two sense in that rule anyway.
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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by Rahlzel » 29 Dec 2015, 11:34

Lostmixup wrote: Well, still put my two sense in that rule anyway.

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Re: Rule Rewrite Draft

Post by Lostmixup » 29 Dec 2015, 19:51

Rahlzel wrote: *cents
At least I tried.
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