Character name: Jake Black
Admin who banned you: unsure
Initial duration: permajobban
Duration remaining: perma
Reason for ban (EXACTLY what it says when you try to log in): Jobban (from RO,CL,MD,CMO and Researcher) because I did suicides in those roles
Your appeal, including evidence (an album is recommended for multiple screenshots): Sorry guys but when I suicide as CL I was realy bored because When I send fax, no-one respond and when I was asking someone they told me to fuck off, so I shoot myself. as RO well I suicide just in the busy cargo office ...well..sorry that was a bad idea..for that I dont really know what to said about that. As Researcher I got jobban because one marine bet me for 100 thalers in busy cargo lounge, that I would shoot myself .. I thought it will be funny RP ..... well... a 34 seconds later I got jobbaned from med staff and researcher with no notice not even "why". (I would even notice it if I didnt scroll throug chat log) from admin/moderator and then 20+- later I got baned for 12 becasue I did suicide ....great... okay ...I dont know ... I am really sorry I can do good RP but when nobody dont care about that its useless ... Please unjobban me from those job...I apologise for that what happend....I regret what I did ....