Crusher tweak

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Crusher tweak

Post by Gandalf » 02 Jan 2016, 21:54

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
Make crushers bonk less

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Currently, what will and wont make a crusher stop is pretty arbitrary - tables and barricades and electric grilles are fine, people and normal girders are not. This is a MASSIVE FUCKING DEAL when it causes a stun that lasts around 4 seconds. That bonk WILL kill you.

Crushers are kinda bitches as it is, when on paper they should be able to charge in, continue moving and charge out the other side of the target, realistically they're going to bonk something and get killed. Most crushers I see dont even use charging outside of breaking walls in quiet areas, simply cos it's not viable in combat.

Won't hit the balance too hard as it still requires a long runup to be effective and only works in a single tile strip. It'll be a single pass. I'd also suggest reducing the actual damage done to humans - less a charge, more a trample.

The charge is an ability that only works if it hits - a tall order unless there's multiple potential targets since you start off screen. If there ARE multiple targets, it's not viable as they'll simply shoot you when you're stunned.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
1) While at full speed, a crusher can slow down without bonking by switching charging off or changing from hunt to stalk.
2) Humans dont stop a max speed charge
3) Charge damage on humans is significantly reduced

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
It's just tweaks.

Also, the current meta is HEAVILY in favour of marine turtling, to the point where pretty much every marine win has been a direct result of a turtle and every loss has been because they didn't turtle. The only ways this is gonna get broken up is giving xenos more options for turtlebreaking or by nerfing the defensive items.

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Re: Crusher tweak

Post by Toroic » 02 Jan 2016, 22:50

Actually, what will and will not make you bonk as a crusher is dependent upon your momentum and what you're breaking.

Tables can be broken with 10+ momentum and you can pass through them without a bonk.

Girders for example can be crushed with 15-20ish momentum without a self-stun of any sort.

A reinforced wall causes self stun, but the girder can be taken down without stun.

You can also do charges in shorter distances or even move perpindicular to your eventual target. This allows you to build 20 momentum in a fairly short space, but takes practice.

Also, I would prefer things as they are to reducing damage on marines. Landing a solid charge is like insta-kill
"Crush your enemies. See them driven before you..."

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Re: Crusher tweak

Post by Arachnidnexus » 03 Jan 2016, 06:04

I would like it if building up more momentum makes you less prone to self-stuns. The current system of hitting the right momentum timings is a bit wonky and unintuitive to say the least. +1 for the twerks.

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Re: Crusher tweak

Post by Bath Salts Addict » 05 Jan 2016, 14:54

It's logical to assume that a creature evolved to literally smash stuff with its head wouldn't get knocked over when it smashes stuff with its head.

I've literally built cave systems as a Crusher the bonk stun is annoying.
+1 to everything but reduced Marine damage.

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Re: Crusher tweak

Post by outordinary » 08 Jan 2016, 15:53

I'd say, first of all, MAKE THE DAMN PLASTEEL BARRIERS BREAK LIKE GIRDERS! Those things are impervious to everything even the caste Made to break barricades.For the multiple target thing, you gotta time that Stomp man. As for people, running into a person and bonking is not ok, maybe two people as the first hit could lower your momentum. Other than that, everything else seems fine with crusher. It's probably the least tweaked evolution out there.

+1 for the tweaks

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Re: Crusher tweak

Post by Infernus » 10 Mar 2016, 12:38

This was already added. They get stunned less often in common situations.
