Guide to Nubby Nubbs nubbyisms

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Guide to Nubby Nubbs nubbyisms

Post by TheGentGamer » 08 Jan 2016, 09:34

So if you don't know who nubby is, count yourself among the lucky few. A small cretinous kleptomaniac thief, he has a unique style of thought and speech. Here are some commonly said phrases and what they mean in the context of nubby.

Esspensive lookin fings- "that looks valuable and if it isn't mine, it will be"

Pro-fresh-uh-nal - if nubby claims he is a professional at something, he isnt.

Ed-yoo-crate-ed - and he most certainly is not educated.

Borrowed - stole whIle someone was looking

Le-gi-a-men ba'alfiel sal'age - nubby's ideas of legitimate Battlefield salvage include anything he doesn't own. If he tells you this it means whatever was stolen when no one was looking.

Found it lying 'bout - you caught nubby with something stolen but can't prove he stole it.

These are probably the most common ones, if yall see nubby using any other nubbyisms that you don't understand drop them here and I'll translate for you.

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