Polish Report

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Polish Report

Post by WyattH » 13 Jan 2016, 14:41

Their character name: Space Ten and Ion Raldin

Their Byond key: No idea

Approximate time and date of the incident: 11AM CST

What rule(s) were broken:
2. We are an ENGLISH ONLY server.
2. Character Names
9. Job-specific Rules: Corporate Liason: Causing harm to the marines or damage to the Sulaco

Description of the incident: Joined the round with the name of "Space Ten", continually talked with his meta-buddy Ion Raldin in Polish even after being warned about Rule 2 and then later messed around with the lower deck SMES thus depriving the lower deck of power and robbing the marines of telecomms for large portion of the round. I don't think the telecomms going down was intentional but it happened anyway. Ion Raldin didn't do much that bad besides the Polish stuff and meta-buddy with his polish friend.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

Lots of Polish(at least according to google)

Code: Select all

Ion Raldin (follow) asks, "Postanowiles zostac gosciem z korpo ?"
Ion Raldin (follow) asks, "I po co ci ciagly skan otoczenia w poszukiwaniu rur ?"
Ion Raldin (follow) says, "O widze ze reagujesz"
Ion Raldin (follow) says, "Ja t nacisniejsz to mozesz pisac"
Space Ten (follow) says, "Nie moge znalez fax'a,"
Ion Raldin (follow) says, "Moze w pokoju komunikacyjnym"
Space Ten (follow) asks, "A wiesz gdzie on jest?"
Ion Raldin (follow) says, "Chyba dalej ale pewnie nie mamy dostepu do niego"
LOOC: Gunso: We are an ENGLISH ONLY server. Speaking other languages in OOC, LOOC, or DSAY is strictly FORBIDDEN. Our staff also speak only English, so you are required to speak it over staff PMs and Ahelps. IC there is a little bit of leeway if you throw in an occasional word or well-know phrase from another language, but entire conversations in other languages is a No-Go. We follow the trope of "everyone in the future speaks English".
Ion Raldin points to Telecomms Control Room
Ion Raldin (follow) says, "Tam chyba nie"
Ion Raldin (follow) asks, "Udalo sie ?"
Ion Raldin points to Telecommunications Monitor
Space Ten (follow) says, "To nie jest fax. W opisie funkcji mialem ze mam faxowac do centrali."
Ion Raldin (follow) says, "Na planete checsz leciec"
Ion Raldin (follow) says, "Gora"
Ion Raldin (follow) says, "Na mostek tedy"

Here is him in the SMES room with the power out in the APCs

How you would punish the accused: A jobban from CL until they understand the server and rules better, CL has FAR too much access for a player like this.

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Re: Polish Report

Post by apophis775 » 13 Jan 2016, 22:15

Eh, if they aren't going to speak engrish, PERMABANS for the both of them.

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Re: Polish Report

Post by Silvan78 » 14 Jan 2016, 07:25

I'm the person in question. Have spoken with a friend, noticed the warning (indded to late), refrained from polish afterwards. A friend started as CL, we've been lookin for a fax, lead him to communication room, but there was no fax there; then led him to bridge for more competent people to handle this. Noticed warning (Gunso) on the screen and refrained from using polish. In my defense i have been using it to aid a friend as we're very new to the game and the controls and items are still very elusive; spoke my lang. in secluded area to avoid confusing other players and speed up the help process.

The translation of log posted above follows:
Ion Raldin (follow) asks, "Postanowiles zostac gosciem z korpo ?" (Have you decided to be guy from corporation?)
Ion Raldin (follow) asks, "I po co ci ciagly skan otoczenia w poszukiwaniu rur ?" (and why do you need constant surrounding scan in search for pipes?)
Ion Raldin (follow) says, "O widze ze reagujesz" (oh, i see you're reacting now)
Ion Raldin (follow) says, "Ja t nacisniejsz to mozesz pisac" (as you press "t" you can type)
Space Ten (follow) says, "Nie moge znalez fax'a," (Can't find the fax)
Ion Raldin (follow) says, "Moze w pokoju komunikacyjnym" (Maybe in communication room)
Space Ten (follow) asks, "A wiesz gdzie on jest?" (And do you know where it is?)
Ion Raldin (follow) says, "Chyba dalej ale pewnie nie mamy dostepu do niego" (Probably further away, buy i do not have access to it, i presume)
LOOC: Gunso: We are an ENGLISH ONLY server. Speaking other languages in OOC, LOOC, or DSAY is strictly FORBIDDEN. Our staff also speak only English, so you are required to speak it over staff PMs and Ahelps. IC there is a little bit of leeway if you throw in an occasional word or well-know phrase from another language, but entire conversations in other languages is a No-Go. We follow the trope of "everyone in the future speaks English".
Ion Raldin points to Telecomms Control Room
Ion Raldin (follow) says, "Tam chyba nie" (Not this way probably)
Ion Raldin (follow) asks, "Udalo sie ?" (Have you succeded?)
Ion Raldin points to Telecommunications Monitor
Space Ten (follow) says, "To nie jest fax. W opisie funkcji mialem ze mam faxowac do centrali." (this is not a fax machine, In function description a had faxing to corporate headquaters)
Ion Raldin (follow) says, "Na planete checsz leciec" (are you planning to fly to the planet/do you want to fly to the planet)
Ion Raldin (follow) says, "Gora" (up)
Ion Raldin (follow) says, "Na mostek tedy" (this way to the bridge)

There was no refusal to talk in english, i hope the accuser can post our following chat logs as we have been speaking english only. Also i'm more to blame than a friend of mine, as i have started chat in polish, he just responded accordingly. I would like to pleade guilty of ignorance, but no harm intend to the game. Thus could you refrain from baning us?

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Re: Polish Report

Post by apophis775 » 16 Jan 2016, 17:25

I believe this was resolved?

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Re: Polish Report

Post by SASoperative » 16 Jan 2016, 17:27

I think this was resolved as well? Can any staff confirm this

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Re: Polish Report

Post by Lostmixup » 18 Jan 2016, 14:35

Resolved, so moved.
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