Website: http://www.kingdinosaurgames.com/
Please note - This game is ABOUT to enter PAID-BETA shortly.
Most of the game is done and a Beta will be put out in the coming weeks to test various "modules". I know a lot of people, especially in staff chat that REALLY love these world dominion type of games and figured you'd all enjoy this gem. I highly suggest you check out the FAQ page, the link is posted bellow.
That Which Sleeps is a turn based strategy game in which the player takes on the role of an awakened evil from the world's past and must manipulate a living, reactive world from the shadows using a cast of unique corrupted Agents. The player must balance an aggressive approach utilizing his considerable power and eager hordes with the need to remain unknown to the Champions and Heroes of the world.
Corrupt, conquer, charm, and manipulate - with a fully realized world driven by thematic AIs that follow their own interests you can pursue multiple paths to victory.
Customize the world with your choices at the beginning of each scenario, choosing an Ancient Evil and selecting his origins and what dire deeds he has wrought on the world.
Make difficult choices with limited agents, choosing to send your Prophet to rouse the orc hordes or beset Kings with maddening dreams will greatly change the flow of the game.
Disrupt the Balance of Power by creating famines in the farmland, stoking the flame of old vendettas, or recruiting pirates to the sea.
Watch the fame of your Agents rise and heroes will begin to hunt them down. Let them fall as scapegoats and keep your name secret, or imbue them with dark power and take the fight back to the heroes.
Each action you take leaves clues behind that cunning heroes can decipher, eventually leading them to the truth. Kill or corrupt them before they find a receptive ear at court.
How do I win a game of That Which Sleeps?
The generic victory condition is to reduce the world to a state where it can no longer resist you. Destroying POIs (Points of Interest, which can range from everything to towns to castles to forests to ruins to more exotic locales) or driving them into a state of anarchy gets you closer to this goal; do this to so many locations that the world is essentially in ruins and the game will award you the victory. Destroying the Alliance, killing the Chosen One, and other goals also can contribute to your victory. This method of victory is called Devastation.
However, your Old One is not strong enough, particularly at the start of the game, to just get up and take over the world. You as the player must use your Old One's abilities and his/her/its Agents to manipulate the world from the shadows, setting up the conditions for the world to destroy itself in mutual hatred and fear. If done correctly, the world will not realize your Old One has returned until it is too late for them to effectively stop you.
Certain Old Ones and/or Scenarios can enable other specific victory conditions. For example, Moloch can win a Conversion victory by regressing enough of the world's terrain back to its primitive jungle beginnings. Several Old Ones can win a Sublimation victory by finding Limos, the world's Creator, and draining him of his remaining power.
The Endless Simulation stretch goal feature can also alter victory conditions. In particular, a generic victory does not immediately end the game. Instead, the game goes into a "Dark Age", where you rule the world as your Old One and attempt to consolidate your control, while the remaining elements of the world attempt a guerilla war to undermine your rule and enable the forces of good to once again triumph.
How do I lose a game of That Which Sleeps?
Every action you and your Agents take can potentially alert the world to your presence. In general, subtle actions generate few and cryptic clues, while powerful actions generate many and obvious clues. As the world pieces together these clues, two things start to happen. One, a group called the Alliance forms to banish you back to your sleep. Two, an individual Hero called the Chosen One arises to fulfill his destiny, which is again to put you back in snoozeland. You, of course, can and should interfere with these processes.
Eventually as the game winds down to its conclusion, there is generally a climactic battle for the fate of the world, pitting the Chosen One and the Alliance against your Old One and its Agents. The more havoc and chaos you've caused in the world, the weaker the forces arrayed against you will be. Neglect them, and you will find an unstoppable army on your doorstep.
There are other ways to lose, most of which are caused by being inattentive to some part of the world where important things are going on. For example, an undisturbed Sage may research enough Lore to power a ritual that can put you back to sleep mid-game, or a nation may find your Great Seal early and march a powerful army over there to destroy it before you can wake up fully.
Additional Info:
FAQ: http://www.kingdinosaurgames.com/forum/ ... f=18&t=213
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm9sNH ... NnESETwe2w