Complaint - Ban/Felix 'Tank'

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Complaint - Ban/Felix 'Tank'

Post by ralphsrewardscard » 15 Jan 2016, 07:23

Your Byond Key:

Your character name:
Biggs Darklighter

Their character name:
Felix 'Tank'

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it):
? ? ?

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):
1/15/2016 1:16AM

What rule(s) were broken:
Griefing, Attempting to kill another Marine.

Description of the incident:

I can't pull the logs up anymore (Screenshots) since they got buried in the rest of the round text, but:
I am not okay with my ban at all. It's not right.
I had just got done working in Medbay with Klaus and Frid when I realized my character was hungry, so I walked to Mess hall to eat.
I sit down and start munching on a donk pocket.
Felix walks up to me, grabs me, and puts me on the table. He does this a couple more times so I ask him why.
He does not respond and does it a few more times. An Marine walks by and I yell for help, but they keep going.
I finally am able to get up and start heading towards supply to get a webbing for my medical supplies. (I was a doctor.)
He follows me, still not talking.
I walk to Armory and grab a gun from the vendor and cock it.
I tell Felix to leave. He disarms me, okay, no biggie.
Instead of leaving, he then throws a knife at me, it hits me in the head and sticks. He tries to run out the door but I pick the shotgun up and shoot him.
He stops, turns and I shoot him again. He throws another knife at me, hitting me in the hand and sticking there.
We begin having a fire fight when the MP J. Reaper walks in.
I scream HELP and he stands there. He doesn't know much English so he stands there instead of talking.
Felix now starts talking that the MP is there and tells him that I shot him and tried to kill him, when he is the one that was A) Harrasing me by tabling me and B) Throwing the knife in my head for no reason.
The MP just stands there still.
Felix takes out his 44 magnum (He was using a M41a that he dropped earlier)
So I open fire on him, due to our previous encounter just seconds ago I can conclude that he pulled the gun out to shoot me again.
He gets a couple shots on me and I do him.
We both drop. I Ahelp it finally now that I can.
Ordukai gets my ticket and asks me what happens. I tell him and then the IC issues continue.
I yell for help over comms and Fridrich comes.
In LOOC I tell the MP and Fridrich that Felix had griefed me.
Fridrich takes Felix's body to medbay and leaves me there to die.
The MP walks out for a few minutes and comes back to find me still dying.
He takes me to Medbay where I receive treatment.
I notice Fridrich doing Surgery on Felix so I grab Felix and trash him.
I try and explain again to Fridrich that Felix is griefing and should not be helped until an admin has cleared shit up.
Minutes go by and I return to normal duties, still crippled.
Fridrich comes back with Felix's body and tries to clone him.
I tell him not to clone him and that hes a griefer.
This is where Ordukai insists that Fridrich told me to drop the whole incident, which he didn't.
Fridich only said that he wanted to clone him and nothing more, he would not listen that he was a griefer.
I agreed finally, but only if I could treat him.
Fridrich denies it so we wait there till he clones.
He finally clones. (I did not prematurely abort his cloning as normal doctors don't have access to that)
I pull his body out quickly and run to the firing range.
Fridrich chases me closely.
Its now when we reach the Dropship pad that Fridrich pulls out a 44 magnum, so I drop the body so that Fridrich could know that I didn't intend to harm him.
Instead of grabbing Felix's body and taking him back to Medbay, he runs over to me and sticks me with anesthetics. I scream "Augh!" to RP my surprise.
Fridrich then sticks me two more times with Anesthetic pens and drags me to straight to brig, leaving Felix to get gibbed.
I did NOT try and gib Felix, despite Ordukai speculating this.
So now I'm dying in brig because Fridrich tried to kill me through OD'ing.
I get dragged to medbay in a straight jacket and cuffed to a chair.
Fridrich left me there to die instead of treating me.
From there on I drifted in and out of conciousness only to be helped by Oli, when I regained conciousness long enough to yell for help.
From there on I was heavily handicapped until my death when aliens rushed in and killed me.
My round was ruined and I was banned all because Felix wanted to start something with me for no reason.
We previously had no interaction up until he started tabling me without saying a word.
My ban is extremely unjust.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused:
Three - Four day ban.
He began tabling me for literally zero reason, then proceeds to throw a knife at me and try to run with the excuse that "I had a gun and cocked it"
I did have a gun and I did cock it, I had no intents to use it however. I even told him to leave me alone, to which he didn't. I followed the guidelines by asking for help. I called for MP help first. Nothing, because he doesn't know English. Then I ask in LOOC why hes doing it. No reply. Then I admin help it finally when I'm in crit and the damage is done. I only had the gun to try and make him leave me alone. All I wanted to do was have a nice round as a Doctor because In the previous round I played as medic and couldn't preform surgery on those who needed it. His reasoning for attempting to kill me is very menial and my ban was extremely unjust.

Yes, I have a not so great track record on here but I love this server since I started playing it again and I would do nothing that would compromise my ability to play here.
Just because my track record isn't great doesn't mean my word should be taken any lesser than anyone else. I love this server and I will not let this go until justice is served.

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Byond: Ordukai

Re: Complaint - Ban/Felix 'Tank'

Post by Ordukai » 15 Jan 2016, 07:34

As I tried to tell you multiple times, do not confuse your ban with Felix's ban. Felix has already been banned, as I informed you he would be. Glancing over this I can already pick out several... lets call them "oversights" in your story. If you'd like to make a ban appeal, bearing in mind that I've already dealt with Felix, do so in the ban appeal section.

I apologize for not responding to your ahelp with a message to let you know that I cared, but I thought it more important to actually jump to where the action was and take note of what was occurring.
TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.

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Re: Complaint - Ban/Felix 'Tank'

Post by DevilzHand » 15 Jan 2016, 13:09

You forgot the small detail about after I was cloned you started to drag my body around punching it. The only reason you "brought" it to the shooting range is because you got stopped there. Several things: The marine that walked by was an MP. You didn't run to get the shotgun since you already had it. I used the magnum first then the rifle. You preceded to shoot me, not once,not twice, but many times with different guns such as you finishing off the shotgun and then you grabbing a magnum and firing that at me. Remember you shooting me is happening WHEN the MP is in the room.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Complaint - Ban/Felix 'Tank'

Post by Feweh » 15 Jan 2016, 13:15

DevilzHand wrote:You forgot the small detail about after I was cloned you started to drag my body around punching it. The only reason you "brought" it to the shooting range is because you got stopped there. Several things: The marine that walked by was an MP. You didn't run to get the shotgun since you already had it. I used the magnum first then the rifle. You preceded to shoot me, not once,not twice, but many times with different guns such as you finishing off the shotgun and then you grabbing a magnum and firing that at me. Remember you shooting me is happening WHEN the MP is in the room.
You always seem to go through these random spurts where you do nothing wrong at all for months. Then all of a sudden youre tripping people up with soap and throwing them on tables and next thing you know someone is shooting someone.

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Re: Complaint - Ban/Felix 'Tank'

Post by ralphsrewardscard » 15 Jan 2016, 13:26

DevilzHand wrote:You forgot the small detail about after I was cloned you started to drag my body around punching it. The only reason you "brought" it to the shooting range is because you got stopped there. Several things: The marine that walked by was an MP. You didn't run to get the shotgun since you already had it. I used the magnum first then the rifle. You preceded to shoot me, not once,not twice, but many times with different guns such as you finishing off the shotgun and then you grabbing a magnum and firing that at me. Remember you shooting me is happening WHEN the MP is in the room.
Yeah but why did you even start fucking with me in the first place? I was feeding my guy since he was hungry and you walk up without saying anything and just throw me on the table for a good minute or so without speaking, then follow me. Then I get the gun, cock it, and tell you to leave me alone and you still don't say anything and instead throw the knife at my face.
What the hell man? You ruined my round. All I wanted to do was heal people as a doctor and have fun.
  • I did not already have the shotgun. I got it out of the vending machine when you followed me.
  • The way you're talking about this seems like you're trying to make out that I instigated everything by shooting you for no reason, lets clear that up:
Reasons why I shot you:
  • You threw a knife in my face for no reason other than I took the shotgun out of the rack and cocked it.
  • You weren't talking at all and you proceeded to throw knives at me.
You were acting like a greytide shitter.
Thats it.

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Re: Complaint - Ban/Felix 'Tank'

Post by ralphsrewardscard » 15 Jan 2016, 13:31

Ordukai wrote:As I tried to tell you multiple times, do not confuse your ban with Felix's ban. Felix has already been banned, as I informed you he would be. Glancing over this I can already pick out several... lets call them "oversights" in your story. If you'd like to make a ban appeal, bearing in mind that I've already dealt with Felix, do so in the ban appeal section.

I apologize for not responding to your ahelp with a message to let you know that I cared, but I thought it more important to actually jump to where the action was and take note of what was occurring.

I think I will make a ban appeal, actually, now that its cleared up.

Thank you.

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Re: Complaint - Ban/Felix 'Tank'

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 15 Jan 2016, 13:58

This can be locked and closed

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Re: Complaint - Ban/Felix 'Tank'

Post by Lostmixup » 16 Jan 2016, 04:47

Locked and moved.
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