Ban Appeal - 2480 Mins

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Ban Appeal - 2480 Mins

Post by ralphsrewardscard » 15 Jan 2016, 13:34

Byond ID:

Character name:
Biggs Darklighter

Admin who banned you:
Ourikaon (???)

Initial duration:
2480 Minutes

Duration remaining:

Reason for ban (EXACTLY what it says when you try to log in):

Your appeal, including evidence (an album is recommended for multiple screenshots):

I can't pull the logs up anymore (Screenshots) since they got buried in the rest of the round text, but:
I am not okay with my ban at all. It's not right.
I had just got done working in Medbay with Klaus and Frid when I realized my character was hungry, so I walked to Mess hall to eat.
I sit down and start munching on a donk pocket.
Felix walks up to me, grabs me, and puts me on the table. He does this a couple more times so I ask him why.
He does not respond and does it a few more times. An Marine walks by and I yell for help, but they keep going.
I finally am able to get up and start heading towards supply to get a webbing for my medical supplies. (I was a doctor.)
He follows me, still not talking.
I walk to Armory and grab a gun from the vendor and cock it.
I tell Felix to leave. He disarms me, okay, no biggie.
Instead of leaving, he then throws a knife at me, it hits me in the head and sticks. He tries to run out the door but I pick the shotgun up and shoot him.
He stops, turns and I shoot him again. He throws another knife at me, hitting me in the hand and sticking there.
We begin having a fire fight when the MP J. Reaper walks in.
I scream HELP and he stands there. He doesn't know much English so he stands there instead of talking.
Felix now starts talking that the MP is there and tells him that I shot him and tried to kill him, when he is the one that was A) Harrasing me by tabling me and B) Throwing the knife in my head for no reason.
The MP just stands there still.
Felix takes out his 44 magnum (He was using a M41a that he dropped earlier)
So I open fire on him, due to our previous encounter just seconds ago I can conclude that he pulled the gun out to shoot me again.
He gets a couple shots on me and I do him.
We both drop. I Ahelp it finally now that I can.
Ordukai gets my ticket and asks me what happens. I tell him and then the IC issues continue.
I yell for help over comms and Fridrich comes.
In LOOC I tell the MP and Fridrich that Felix had griefed me.
Fridrich takes Felix's body to medbay and leaves me there to die.
The MP walks out for a few minutes and comes back to find me still dying.
He takes me to Medbay where I receive treatment.
I notice Fridrich doing Surgery on Felix so I grab Felix and trash him.
I try and explain again to Fridrich that Felix is griefing and should not be helped until an admin has cleared shit up.
Minutes go by and I return to normal duties, still crippled.
Fridrich comes back with Felix's body and tries to clone him.
I tell him not to clone him and that hes a griefer.
This is where Ordukai insists that Fridrich told me to drop the whole incident, which he didn't.
Fridich only said that he wanted to clone him and nothing more, he would not listen that he was a griefer.
I agreed finally, but only if I could treat him.
Fridrich denies it so we wait there till he clones.
He finally clones. (I did not prematurely abort his cloning as normal doctors don't have access to that)
I pull his body out quickly and run to the firing range.
Fridrich chases me closely.
Its now when we reach the Dropship pad that Fridrich pulls out a 44 magnum, so I drop the body so that Fridrich could know that I didn't intend to harm him.
Instead of grabbing Felix's body and taking him back to Medbay, he runs over to me and sticks me with anesthetics. I scream "Augh!" to RP my surprise.
Fridrich then sticks me two more times with Anesthetic pens and drags me to straight to brig, leaving Felix to get gibbed.
I did NOT try and gib Felix, despite Ordukai speculating this.
So now I'm dying in brig because Fridrich tried to kill me through OD'ing.
I get dragged to medbay in a straight jacket and cuffed to a chair.
Fridrich left me there to die instead of treating me.
From there on I drifted in and out of conciousness only to be helped by Oli, when I regained conciousness long enough to yell for help.
From there on I was heavily handicapped until my death when aliens rushed in and killed me.
My round was ruined and I was banned all because Felix wanted to start something with me for no reason.
We previously had no interaction up until he started tabling me without saying a word.
My ban is extremely unjust.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Ban Appeal - 2480 Mins

Post by Feweh » 15 Jan 2016, 13:42

You were rightfully banned

Felix and you both received proper justice for breaking server rules. It doesnt matter who did what first or why you shot him etc.
Last edited by Feweh on 15 Jan 2016, 14:00, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ban Appeal - 2480 Mins

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 15 Jan 2016, 13:51

Well I'm going to ask why did you not ahelp when he was tableling you? There was no lethal at that point and he was still in violation of the rules. This could have ended much better had you have followed the protocol. Take no action against the griefer and ahelp. Ordukai from what I understand (since I don't see him that much) does his investigations rather thoroughly. From what I am gathering you did wrong as well as the other... you also continued to bother Felix after everything settled down.. you failed to just move on... after you ahelp someone stop interacting with them. Leave it to the admins to handle it from there.. trust us even if he was cloned he wouldn't have had the chance to cause harm as he was more then likely in conversation with an admin. We have ways of making you sleep if it's needed to cease activity. But anyway speech is over.

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Re: Ban Appeal - 2480 Mins

Post by ralphsrewardscard » 15 Jan 2016, 15:14

TR-BlackDragon wrote:Well I'm going to ask why did you not ahelp when he was tableling you? There was no lethal at that point and he was still in violation of the rules. This could have ended much better had you have followed the protocol. Take no action against the griefer and ahelp. Ordukai from what I understand (since I don't see him that much) does his investigations rather thoroughly. From what I am gathering you did wrong as well as the other... you also continued to bother Felix after everything settled down.. you failed to just move on... after you ahelp someone stop interacting with them. Leave it to the admins to handle it from there.. trust us even if he was cloned he wouldn't have had the chance to cause harm as he was more then likely in conversation with an admin. We have ways of making you sleep if it's needed to cease activity. But anyway speech is over.

He does look into it very deeply, he spent about 40 minutes looking into the whole thing I think.
But I was in the middle of typing up an Ahelp when I was getting tabled but noticed another marine go by so I instead yelled for help instead of involving admins since it wasn't a big deal at that point.

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Re: Ban Appeal - 2480 Mins

Post by Ordukai » 15 Jan 2016, 22:28

Using the server logs and the evidence that I gathered from the round, I'm going to update your version of events to accurately represent what happened as best as I can.
I'll put any evidence either to the right of the claim or (If not mentioned at all) in order alongside it, as well as my comments or whatever underneath the offending sections.
I'm also going to do a little flashy color system for what I want you to respond to, Ralph.
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I carefully kept track of the times in order to make this as coherent as possible, but there are a few missing, possibly important gaps.

I had just got done working in Medbay with Klaus and Frid when I realized my character was hungry, so I walked to Mess hall to eat.
I sit down and start munching on a donk pocket.
[04:38:33]EMOTE: Biggs Darklighter/Ralphsrewardscard : <B>Biggs Darklighter</B> whistles.
^Important note: Felix said that the reason he started tabling Ralph was because "[04:52:39]ADMIN: PM: DevilzHand/(Felix 'Tank' Woodward)->Ordukai/(Victor Holding): IC he whistled at me. I don't like being hit on by other guys." Which I A)Did not believe actually happened (At the time) and B)Thought was a shit reason regardless. Apparently it DID happen, so he wasn't lying. Who knew. This fact will be denoted by an * because I'm not going to type out "He had a reason, just a shit one" every time Ralph says there was no reason. Whether or not Felix was close or far, behind or in front is actually fairly irrelevant, since it's such a shit excuse anyways. Just know that he did have a reason, which means this could, theoretically, be considered to have started out as an IC/RP problem and not a random griefing one, ignoring the fact that Felix never responded and was silent most of the whole time.
Felix walks up to me, grabs me, and puts me on the table. He does this a couple more times so I ask him why. [04:38:51]SAY: Biggs Darklighter/Ralphsrewardscard : No. ;;; [04:38:53]SAY: Biggs Darklighter/Ralphsrewardscard : Why. ;;; [04:39:04]SAY: Biggs Darklighter/Ralphsrewardscard : Why.
He does not respond and does it a few more times. An Marine walks by and I yell for help, but they keep going.[04:39:21]SAY: Biggs Darklighter/Ralphsrewardscard : HELP.
[04:39:35]SAY: Biggs Darklighter/Ralphsrewardscard : Just remember when you're dying that I'm the one that will be saving you.
^Not certain where this^ fits timewise as I was unaware of the problem at this point. This would be one of those times where you could have ahelped, however.
I finally am able to get up and start heading towards supply to get a webbing for my medical supplies. (I was a doctor.)
He follows me, still not talking.
^The logs do show no words by Felix.
I walk to Armory and grab a gun from the vendor and cock it. Shotgun found on the floor in prep area fingerprintshidden = /list (1) [04:39:50]Real name: Biggs Darklighter, Key: Ralphsrewardscard
^This was your first mistake, by the way. "You are a DOCTOR not a marine. You are authorized one single M4A3 Pistol with 2 magazines for personal defense ONLY after the sulaco has been boarded." And I'm pretty sure that "Personal defense" part refers to the aliens. Rather than go to the armory and grab a shotgun because someone tabled and followed you, you should have contacted the MPs who (At this time) you did not know were new.
I tell Felix to leave. He disarms me, okay, no biggie. [04:39:51]ATTACK: (Felix 'Tank' Woodward) disarmed Biggs Darklighter (ralphsrewardscard) ;;;[04:39:58]SAY: Biggs Darklighter/Ralphsrewardscard : Back.
^This shows that Felix disarmed you when you picked out the shotgun, not after you tell him "Back", which isn't the same thing as "Leave", especially when you went and grabbed a shotgun before saying it. That's a threat..
Instead of leaving, he then throws a knife at me, it hits me in the head and sticks. He tries to run out the door but I pick the shotgun up and shoot him.[04:40:04]ATTACK: Biggs Darklighter (ralphsrewardscard) was hit by a Throwing Knife, thrown by Felix 'Tank' Woodward ;;; [04:40:13]ATTACK: Biggs Darklighter (ralphsrewardscard) shot Felix 'Tank' Woodward with a the shotgun slug
Cannot verify their positions because I was not witnessing it yet.
He stops, turns and I shoot him again. He throws another knife at me, hitting me in the hand and sticking there.[04:40:17]ATTACK: Biggs Darklighter (ralphsrewardscard) shot Felix 'Tank' Woodward with a the shotgun slug ;;; [04:40:36]ATTACK: Unknown (as Felix 'Tank' Woodward) was hit by a Throwing Knife, thrown by Biggs Darklighter (ralphsrewardscard)
^Hm. Now this is interesting, isn't it? Felix Woodward was hit by a throwing knife, thrown by Biggs Darklighter. 19 seconds after your last shot. This definitely doesn't match what you said, unless there's some weird server log malfunction where it switches the attacker and the attacked that I'm unaware of.
[04:40:37]ATTACK: Unknown (as Felix 'Tank' Woodward) injected Unknown (as Felix 'Tank' Woodward) with Tricordrazine Auto-Injector
^Unmentioned event, probably because Ralph didn't notice or didn't think it was important. Just putting it here in case someone does.
We begin having a fire fight when the MP J. Reaper walks in.
I'm guessing the appearance of the MP was around 04:40:40, based on the logs below. However, there was no firefight listed between the previous entry and this time. A bit confusing
I scream HELP and he stands there. He doesn't know much English so he stands there instead of talking. [04:40:41]SAY: Biggs Darklighter/Ralphsrewardscard : BACK. ;;; [04:40:42]SAY: Biggs Darklighter/Ralphsrewardscard : FUCKER.
^You actually didn't scream help. Maybe you thought it really loudly and so remembered that you screamed help, but in truth said nothing in either IC or LOOC. Perhaps you mean "Back fucker"?

Felix now starts talking that the MP is there and tells him that I shot him and tried to kill him, when he is the one that was A) Harrasing me by tabling me and B) Throwing the knife in my head for no reason.
[04:40:53]SAY: Unknown (as Felix 'Tank' Woodward) : That prick shot me ;;; [4:41:01]SAY: Biggs Darklighter/Ralphsrewardscard : He fucking threw a knife into my head first.
^Again, no firefight logs shown. Maybe you both missed every shot? The words are presumably directed towards the MP who I (later) saw was present. I was still not informed of the situation at this point. My guess is that the MP (Still yet to be recognized as incompetent/new) walked in the prep area door somewhere around 04:40:40, prompting the start of verbal jockeying from both sides to get the MP to agree with them and not the other, Ralph by "Offering Felix an end to the fight" while the MP watched ("Back fucker" does still count for that, even if it's not effective) and Felix by "Directly appealing to the MP", possibly in response to Ralph's attempt or maybe separately. Attempting to find a safe spot out of the firing arc of their opponent might explain any slight gap in the time.
The MP just stands there still.
^This could definitely be the case. The MP was quite new and probably had no clue what was going on.
Felix takes out his 44 magnum (He was using a M41a that he dropped earlier)
^Sadly I only grabbed the fingerprints for the shotguns, and that was to determine whether Felix disarmed you before or after you grabbed the shotgun. Not sure how they'd help anyways.
So I open fire on him, due to our previous encounter just seconds ago I can conclude that he pulled the gun out to shoot me again.
He gets a couple shots on me and I do him.
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^This is only the second time that he's hit you with anything at all.
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We both drop. I Ahelp it finally now that I can.
End fight recap! For the first 80 seconds of the fight, felix had literally only hit you, Ralph, once. With a throwing knife. Much later he shoots you once with magnum. Hopefully you can understand why this looked sketchy to me as an admin. Of course, I could have been there to witness that maybe he was shooting really really close to you but not actually at you if you had ahelped it before the end of the fight. Note: If I was incorrect in my assumption that "the MP was present, which is why you were both speaking," please inform me.
Also. You could have ahelped me before. You could have ahelped me while you were being tabled, you could have ahelped me when he threw the knife at you and ran away. In any of these lengthy pauses where Felix didn't appear to be hitting/shooting you you could have found cover (Since he wasn't hitting you anyways) and ahelped me then.

Ordukai gets my ticket and asks me what happens. I tell him and then the IC issues continue.
So, I finally get wind of this via your Ahelp. And boy do the issues continue, mostly on your side (After all you finished killing Felix once the other doctor arrived), not anyone elses. What happens next will be covered in Part 2 of my response, but I've already accidentally spent 5:10 hours on this because I ended up enjoying searching through the logs and formatting my response so much. However, I am not willing to continue right now. Part 2 is the "Good stuff", though, where your appeal REALLY starts to fall apart and omit important information, and is where most of your 2 day ban reason comes from. A brief summary includes (The doctor confronting you and telling you to let it drop), (Stealing the body from cloning and punching it as you dragged it around), (Dragging the body in the hangar near the firing range while punching and eventually leaving it in the middle of where the shuttle lands). In the mean time, please address the flashing text as I requested.
TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.

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Re: Ban Appeal - 2480 Mins

Post by Reznoriam » 16 Jan 2016, 02:30

Thank you for the recap, Ord. I was really confused about this whole thing and it was making my head hurt, so it's nice to see the full account.

Incidentally regarding the above and if memory serves correctly I dosed Biggs with a total of 20 units of Soporific from Anesthetic quick injectors to stop him from continuing his murderous anti-Tank rampage, 2.5 units of Peridaxon and 2.5 units of Tricordrazine to make sure he was stable from my hypospray, and finally put him in a straight jacket provided by the MP since I didn't think he would be inclined to stop any of his actions. I was the CMO at the time, and did ask him to drop it and leave it alone. I asked both parties to just leave it alone I think while they were still in the armory I think.

Regarding Tank's body in the hangar, I did try to retrieve it after Biggs was anesthetized but it had disappeared. I think Ord might have moved it, or perhaps another person dragged it off while I wasn't looking.

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Re: Ban Appeal - 2480 Mins

Post by Ordukai » 16 Jan 2016, 09:16

Now. Where did we leave off? Ah yes. "J. Reaper" (His IC name) is the MP, for reference. (Sadly my incredible flashy glowy color system apparently makes Lost ill, and he wants me to keep it simple. Since he's headmod now I can't just say "Psh, whatever man" ;). Fortunately I was actually witnessing this part, and so I don't need to excessively show logs for things or ask about positioning and stuff with flashy lights anyways. The name of the game of this post will be "Spoilers", so responses are on top and evidence is in spoilers)
↓"The now that I can" is well covered in my last post. No ahelps were sent at this time.
We both drop. I Ahelp it finally now that I can.
↓I think you're a little bit confused. The below entries should be switched around. You simply called for help Ic'ly before ahelping. Not a big deal. What IS a big deal is the arrival of J. Reaper. Wasn't he supposed to be here somewhere around 04:40:40? That's almost 3 minutes ago. Surely he would have said something about the shooting sometime between then and now.
I yell for help over comms and Fridrich comes.
Ordukai gets my ticket and asks me what happens. I tell him and then the IC issues continue.
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↓Fridrich arrives, Ralph gives me a general idea of the situation. Before that, what I saw was an MP sitting in a chair, a doctor and squad marine looking at each other and falling over occasionally and broken windows and discarded guns, which may account for where most of Felix's shots went. The rest of it is just Fridrich and Ralph healing Ralph up. I'm excluding my conversation with Felix, because it's no longer really relevant (since I'm not investigating an event that's happening in the current round and just pulling this from the logs I already have). Anyways. The issue between the two of them seems to be winding down. No more gunshots while I'm watching, at least.
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↓Some screams, presumably from Ralph resuming the attack. I don't actually recall the specifics of this point
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↓Ralph, having been healed up from the fight, runs and disarms Felix of his magnum (Or found another magnum on the floor) and tries to shoot Felix with it while running in the opposite direction. And then tells Felix to stay away when he had yet to actually move.
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↓So after the doctor comes, and Felix stops fighting you continue to fight. As felix is just standing there, you continually try to grab a magnum and attempt to shoot him more. And then you succeed.
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↓I don't know why you're surprised that Fridrich would try to save Felix's life. From Fridrich's perspective (And my initial perspective), he walked in on two people slowly dying, and while one of them just stood there slowly dying, the other actively tried to murder him.
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↓Once more, your account of events is quite blind. Telling someone to fuck off and calling them a griefing cunt isn't informing others of griefing.
In LOOC I tell the MP and Fridrich that Felix had griefed me.
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↓The MP comes and I suppose assists Biggs. I'm not watching him, having turned my attention to Fridrich and the logs, trying to match up Ralph's story and the VV unsuccessfully.
Fridrich takes Felix's body to medbay and leaves me there to die.
The MP walks out for a few minutes and comes back to find me still dying.
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↓Ah, found the part where you informed the MP over LOOC that you were griefed. Unfortunately the MP was about as new as they come. Also, you only bothered to speak to him about it long after Felix had been removed from the location. I'm getting a sense of "I'll handle it myself. With bullets. Lots of 'em" here.
He takes me to Medbay where I receive treatment.
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↓So Biggs dispatches the MP on his task and Frid identifies Felix's head and prepares for surgery.
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TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.

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Re: Ban Appeal - 2480 Mins

Post by apophis775 » 16 Jan 2016, 17:31

I'm going to hope there's a VERY good explaination for this.

It seems like a LOT of what's been said here by ralph is fabrications/misrememberings. I'm hoping it's not direct lies, but pending the end of this investigation, the ban may be UPGRADED to a permaban, as I do not tolerate liars at all.

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Re: Ban Appeal - 2480 Mins

Post by Reznoriam » 18 Jan 2016, 14:35

[04:56:40]OOC: (LOCAL) Biggs Darklighter/Ralphsrewardscard : Edgy kid
[04:56:48]OOC: (LOCAL) Biggs Darklighter/Ralphsrewardscard : Get bullied in middle school yesterday?
[04:57:04]OOC: (LOCAL) Felix 'Tank' Woodward/DevilzHand : You still crying?
[04:57:06]OOC: (LOCAL) Fridrich Austermann/Fridrich : Excuse me?
[04:58:50]ADMIN: PM: Ralphsrewardscard/(Biggs Darklighter)->Ordukai/(Victor Holding): No, he stuck me three times and dragged me to brig to let me die.
[04:59:01]ADMIN: PM: Ralphsrewardscard/(Biggs Darklighter)->Ordukai/(Victor Holding): Wasn't an accident, had issues with this guy before. Hes not a very good player
[05:00:06]OOC: (LOCAL) Biggs Darklighter/Ralphsrewardscard : Have fun getting bullied in class tomorrow, Frid.

You know, getting called a "not very good player" from someone like this kind of feels like a compliment...

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Re: Ban Appeal - 2480 Mins

Post by apophis775 » 28 Jan 2016, 16:07

Is there more on this?

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Re: Ban Appeal - 2480 Mins

Post by SASoperative » 28 Jan 2016, 19:08

I don't think so...?

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Re: Ban Appeal - 2480 Mins

Post by Ordukai » 29 Jan 2016, 04:25

Sorry, I'm not sure what else you're looking for. I suppose I could make a part 3 showing how he denied some stuff (which he had literally just done) during my ahelp conversation with him, but other than that tell me if there's anything more you want to see from this and I'll do my best to show it.Also, I'm not sure what you mean by fabrication as opposed to lying. Do you mean something like embellishment?
He omitted critical facts (And straight up lied when he said)
ralphsrewardscard wrote:He stops, turns and I shoot him again. He throws another knife at me, hitting me in the hand and sticking there.
But I already went into that much more so than his omission while I was attempting to investigate.

All in all he made my investigation of the situation just after it happened more difficult than it aught to have been and then came up with this ridiculous ban appeal, which I spent a great amount of time responding to with horrible gaudy and useless beautiful and sensible colors. Despite this effort on my part he refused to address any of the messily neatly laid out points I brought to his attention.

If he doesn't want to address any of these problems and you don't want me to spend another 5 hours describing my follow-up investigation and any problems I came across there then there's not much more to say on this appeal than what I've already done. Don't expect any mindblowing revelations and I-

Hey wait a second, this has already been dealt with. Some investigator I am :s
TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.

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Re: Ban Appeal - 2480 Mins

Post by Lostmixup » 05 Feb 2016, 20:47

This has expired at this point. Locked and will be moved.
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