Job Ban Appeal

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Bath Salts Addict
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Job Ban Appeal

Post by Bath Salts Addict » 15 Jan 2016, 20:08

Byond ID: Bath Salts Addict

Character name: Adolph Hammerstein

Admin who banned you: Either Dragon2323 or TR-Blackdragon. Probably Dragon because Blackdragon stopped bwoinking me after a while.

Initial duration: Unsure. Possibly permanent.

Duration remaining: Unsure. Possibly permanent.

Reason for ban (EXACTLY what it says when you try to log in including the reference code): Picking up an M41A Rifle to defend myself and others against hostile PMCs, rather than ALIENS as the rule literally states, wherein it neglects to mention what a Doctor should do against fellow humans.

Your appeal, including evidence (an album is recommended for multiple screenshots): First off, I want to say that the phrase "FIRST, DO NO HARM" is NOT in the Hippocratic Oath. I suggest staff actually read up on the Hippocratic Oath before they thoughtlessly invoke it. In respect to maintaining a fair argument, I suppose the line "With regard to healing the sick, I will devise and order for them the best diet, according to my judgment and means; and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage." could be close, but I have to point out the key phrase "WITH REGARD TO HEALING THE SICK". The Hippocratic Oath is not legally binding in any country with a developed medical system. It is not a new set of laws a doctor has to follow, and unless it was considered malpractice, no medical practitioner has or ever will be charged for violating the Hippocratic Oath. If all doctors are pacifists who cringe at the thought of harming other human beings in a non-medical setting when it means their own ass and the asses of others get saved, then I must be pursuing a career in the wrong fucking profession.

With that out of the way, let's look to the rule that caused my job ban: "If you are unarmed and there is a rifle on the ground, you may pick it up and fire it at an alien who is IMMEDIATLY THREATENING YOUR LIFE. Once the alien is gone, you must drop the weapon and leave the area. Your job is MEDICAL not combat, fighting on the front-lines will result in a job-ban". So, according to staff, when the rule says ALIEN it means ALIEN. Apparently it matters who's threatening your life, because god forbid doctors ever think of harming humans. When aliens are bearing down on your door and about to murder you and the wounded you were just tending to, by all means grab that rifle and pop a few rounds off. When hyped up corporate mercenary thugs start bearing down on you, though, you better set out the good plates and set the tea on, because you can do fuck all when they start grenading you and your patients and shoot your Commanding Officer in the face while the Sulaco is under attack by a hostile alien threat.

The weirdest thing I find is that Dragon would go to the blatant untruth that I had been carrying the rifle the whole time. Here are the logs to prove otherwise:

Code: Select all

You clean and seal healing deep burn on Collin 'Half Sack' Triggs's left foot.
You place medicine patch over tiny bruise on Collin 'Half Sack' Triggs's left foot.
Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen talks but you cannot hear .
You place medicine patch over moderate bruise on Collin 'Half Sack' Triggs's left hand.
Collin 'Half Sack' Triggs examines himself.
Collin 'Half Sack' Triggs can no longer stand, collapsing!
Desmond Coldsmith talks but you cannot hear .
You place medicine patch over tiny bruise on Collin 'Half Sack' Triggs's head.
Desmond Coldsmith talks but you cannot hear .
PMC Janelle Ironmonger fires the M39 SMG!
Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen is hit by the smg bullet in the head!
PMC Janelle Ironmonger fires the M39 SMG!
The smg bullet misses Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen narrowly!
PMC Janelle Ironmonger fires the M39 SMG!
Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen is hit by the smg bullet in the head!
PMC Janelle Ironmonger fires the M39 SMG!
Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen is hit by the smg bullet in the head!
The smg bullet shrapnel sticks in the wound!
You hear a sickening cracking sound coming from Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen's face.
You put the advanced trauma kit into the advanced first-aid kit.
PMC Janelle Ironmonger fires the M39 SMG!
Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen is hit by the smg bullet in the head!
The smg bullet shrapnel sticks in the wound!
You hear a loud cracking sound coming from Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen.
The smg bullet misses Unknown (as Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen) narrowly!
You put the advanced first-aid kit into the medical satchel.
Unknown (as Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen) fires the M41A Rifle (Wielded)!
You grab the M41A Rifle with both hands.
Unknown (as Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen) fires the M41A Rifle (Wielded)!
Unknown (as Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen) fires the M41A Rifle (Wielded)!
PMC Janelle Ironmonger is hit by the rifle bullet in the left arm!
Unknown (as Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen) fires the M41A Rifle (Wielded)!
Unknown (as Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen) fires the M41A Rifle (Wielded)!
The rifle bullet misses PMC Janelle Ironmonger narrowly!
Unknown (as Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen) fires the M41A Rifle (Wielded)!
You are now carrying the M41A Rifle with one hand.
Unknown (as Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen) fires the M41A Rifle (Wielded)!
PMC Rube Levett is hit by the rifle bullet in the chest!
*click click*
You turn on the Emitter.
You grab the M41A Rifle with both hands.
Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen(as Daniel 'Firebrand' Hassen) talks but you cannot hear .
You fire the M41A Rifle (Wielded)! [27/30]
PMC Rube Levett is hit by the rifle bullet in the head!
You fire the M41A Rifle (Wielded)! [26/30]
Here it clearly shows that I had been using both hands to hold my medkit and a trauma kit in the other. With an engineer wounding himself on an emitter, a footless Marine in a shuttle and one that had no weapon, I believe, me and the CO were the only ones perfectly healthy. Then a PMC walked in, dropped a grenade as I was treating the engineer, knocked him into crit and nearly knocked me into crit before running away. Picking up the engie's rifle, I gave chase briefly before he went out of view, in which I then dropped the rifle and started treating myself and then the engineer. I screamed to the CO that the PMCs were hostile, and picked the rifle back up briefly when one turned the corner. They left, causing me to drop the rifle, then they came back shortly after I went back to treatment. When they shot at Daniel, the CO, I put the kit away and picked up a rifle and started firing. After I pointed out that fact, and possibly unwilling to admit he made a fault despite that he's only a TrialMod and a minor fault would be understandable, he started nit-picking about the choice of words. Yes, it says alien, so what? Chances are, doctors would be attacked first and foremost by aliens rather than PMCs. A lack of clarification is understandable, but to issue a punishment due to said lack of clarification? That's just pure shit.

Of course, none of my points mattered anyways as after I had made my last few arguments the round had ended and I discovered I was jobbanned from ship-based Medical staff without any further discussion on the matter.

If this appeal won't be accepted based on a lack of proper clarification regarding the rules, then at least word them better. Right now, anyone could have fallen for that. The ban itself isn't what flusters me, it's the fact that the matter was handled unprofessionally and despite the majority obviously against any ruling, Apop considered it "whining". If medical staff are just going to be restricted in such a stupid way and are supposed to just lay down and let themselves die rather than defend themselves regardless of what's actually doing the attacking, then it's not a job I want to be playing anyways, and a job I wouldn't recommend anyone else to play either.

For witnesses, I'd like to call upon The Plahunter, who was the CO getting shot at, the players playing the PMCs who shot at us in the first place, and the guy playing the wounded engineer Collin 'Half-Sack' Triggs, assuming they weren't unconscious when fighting broke out.

None of that matters anyhow because of the fact the rule says aliens instead of just "a threat".

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Re: Job Ban Appeal

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 15 Jan 2016, 20:13

Even Apop stated that you can only use a pistol against other humans... you were there in the ooc chat when he said it. But yes i droped out from pming you when i realized Dragon was Pming you

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Job Ban Appeal

Post by Feweh » 15 Jan 2016, 20:14

I placed the job-ban on the request of Dragon (Arabelle).

You have a awful history of notes and you're constantly arguing with staff about the rules. In the future, don't argue because it's getting ridiculous with you and you've developed a history of talking back to staff members all the time.


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Re: Job Ban Appeal

Post by Dragon2323 » 15 Jan 2016, 20:26

Apophis supported the notification that you had outright lost your regard for the rule and the manner that it is clarified. With how it is stated, you aren't supposed to be trying to make a last-ditch Rambo effort against highly trained mercenaries. I recalled my input that you claim "lying", when I had spent my time observing you at that point, amidst answering inbound inquiries and still running two bouts of intervention. The lack of discussion regarding your jobban came from partaking in a short-term debate in msay regarding it, and reviewing your notes. By the time the round had properly restarted, I was still in the midst of warning you that the ban would be applied.

Your behaviour with outright arguing with attending staff is an issue, which did contribute to the jobban being applied, not to mention note history. Hope that covers why your jobban was applied, and why I'm alternatively not going to support your appeal.


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Re: Job Ban Appeal

Post by Bath Salts Addict » 15 Jan 2016, 20:29

Feweh wrote:I placed the job-ban on the request of Dragon (Arabelle).

You have a awful history of notes and you're constantly arguing with staff about the rules. In the future, don't argue because it's getting ridiculous with you and you've developed a history of talking back to staff members all the time.

You aren't the only staff. You're one of the only people who could be one I even remotely argued with, and calling it "arguing" would be a stretch. I discussed rules with you within a reasonable level of civility. You're the one that chose to consider it thus, and if you recall I always capitulate on what you tell me to do anyways, regardless of my attempts to discuss otherwise.

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Re: Job Ban Appeal

Post by Bath Salts Addict » 15 Jan 2016, 20:34

Dragon2323 wrote:I recalled my input that you claim "lying"
I never claimed you were lying. There's a reason I said "untruth" instead of "lying". People make mistakes, and I pointed it out.

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Re: Job Ban Appeal

Post by Jack McIntyre » 16 Jan 2016, 09:19

-1 if even Apop tells you that you can only use a pistol, only use a pistol. Also you do have quite a bit of notes and I have noticed you do argue with staff members which is a problem that I would think needs some work. Last time I saw you upset with us....and making it quite known was because we didn't throw you in a SSD drone since you wanted to try and save the hive.

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Re: Job Ban Appeal

Post by Bath Salts Addict » 16 Jan 2016, 15:38

Jack McIntyre wrote:-1 if even Apop tells you that you can only use a pistol, only use a pistol. Also you do have quite a bit of notes and I have noticed you do argue with staff members which is a problem that I would think needs some work. Last time I saw you upset with us....and making it quite known was because we didn't throw you in a SSD drone since you wanted to try and save the hive.
I never did anything like that. Fairly certain you have me confused with someone else, and no one ever mentioned anything about the rule being exclusive to aliens until after I had shot at the PMCs to defend myself.

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Re: Job Ban Appeal

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 16 Jan 2016, 22:24

Well now. Bath. I find that kind of funny as you were there during the ooc chatter. here is my proof.

Code: Select all

[18:16:51]OOC: Apophis775/Apophis775 : out rule is
[18:16:54]OOC: Spacedandy17/Spacedandy17 : That moment when the just surrender the alien queen over it in surgery and sats 'gg'
[18:16:54]OOC: Apophis775/Apophis775 : no weapons for doctors
[18:16:55]OOC: QuakeIV/QuakeIV : if memory serves the doctors dont get weapons for war crime reasons, that way they can work on people and enemy militaries can safely ignore them
[18:16:56]OOC: Apophis775/Apophis775 : other tahn the rifle
[18:17:02]ADMIN: MOD: Veradox/(Veradox) : hollowstone event is going to start so i'm going to go support 'em since im buddy buddy with a couple of the nerds 
[18:17:04]OOC: Spiciemozza/Spiciemozza : why the rifle
[18:17:04]OOC: Apophis775/Apophis775 : in a PINCH they can grab a rifle against an alien
[18:17:06]OOC: Apophis775/Apophis775 : but not a human
[18:17:09]ADMIN: MOD: Veradox/(Veradox) : gl hf friendos
[18:17:11]OOC: Arachnidnexus/Arachnidnexus : You mean the pistol?
[18:17:13]ACCESS: Logout: Fishnchip/(Fishnchip)
[18:17:14]ACCESS: Logout: Veradox/(Veradox)
[18:17:15]OOC: A nubcake/A nubcake : i thought it was pistols only and only if the aliens board
[18:17:15]OOC: Apophis775/Apophis775 : yes
[18:17:18]OOC: Apophis775/Apophis775 : other than the pistol
[18:17:20]OOC: Spiciemozza/Spiciemozza : it should be pictol or SMG
[18:17:20]OOC: Bath Salts Addict/Bath Salts Addict : What

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Re: Job Ban Appeal

Post by Lostmixup » 05 Feb 2016, 20:48

Denied, locked and will be moved.
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