Ban Appeal

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Ban Appeal

Post by Chad » 17 Jan 2016, 18:49

Byond ID:DJ_Chad

Character name: Vanessa Gonzalez

Admin who banned you: Apop

Initial duration: Perma

Duration remaining: Perma

Reason for ban (EXACTLY what it says when you try to log in including the reference code): R28DEC15, Constantly going ssd as queen

Your appeal, including evidence (an album is recommended for multiple screenshots): This ban i assume was intended for my younger sibling whom seems to be getting me banned from a few servers i play on, And seeing as we are on the same network and of course share the same IP Him getting perma banned results in me being unable to join as well since of course it's a IP Ban, I was hoping i could get this issue resolved i've tried in the past on recent server he has gotten me banned from however the admins refuse to understand and assume it's him with another account.. Anyhow i hope i can get this issue resolved soon

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Ban Appeal

Post by apophis775 » 17 Jan 2016, 19:00

The brother/sibling excuse is so over-used I've run out of humorous ways to dismiss it.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Post by Chad » 17 Jan 2016, 19:11

I'm sorry you feel that way, It's not a excuse at all i'm not sure of any other way to prove such to you

Anyhow Hope you have a great day

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Re: Ban Appeal

Post by SASoperative » 18 Jan 2016, 01:37

Look I am just going to throw this at you right now cause I get so many of these I lost count. Your account. Your responsibility.
Take a picture with your brother or younger sibling and post it. Otherwise I can assume your lying about even having one. I am sorry but yeah, We get this a lot.

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Byond: Ordukai

Re: Ban Appeal

Post by Ordukai » 18 Jan 2016, 03:32

Just to clarify, did he get the permaban while playing on your account?

Or was he on a separate account and just using the same internet?
TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Post by Crystal9156 » 18 Jan 2016, 05:12

Hello, hi there, sometimes player of Cm and current staff of another server that DJChad and their sibling have played on, I can tell you that they do share the same IP, but that I have seen them both on at times, and unless it's one person being some hella sweet moves on two computers simultaneously, along with the fact DJ_Chad speaks in our skype group and chats a lot, and that I've spoken to their little sibling I can say that they do indeed have a family member playing on SS13 along with them, and giving them a very hard time about it too, the kid seems to be very young, and has been going onto servers Chad has also been frequenting, such as the one I staff on, and I've spoken to them both. I would recommend unbanning Chad himself, but keeping the ban for the sibling or changing it to a non perma, still long ban time, as permabanning two people for having the same IP and being siblings tends to be unfair. I can understand the angles that the admins and staff are coming from on this, and indeed, if I had not spoken to the sibling extensively during one round, or have known Chad as long as I have, which goes back to another server I played/staffed on, I would not be writing this reply currently, however, the final decisions is still up to you the staff, and I am simply making a post to help clarify the situation, thank you.

- Crystal9156

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Re: Ban Appeal

Post by WkSavage » 18 Jan 2016, 17:09

"Honestly, as a "staff member" yourself on another server would you ever believe any of this shit?"

Why actually yes. I've had to ban my own brother from the server I help host.

Hello there, my name is WkSavage aka that guy that hosts a server and codes. DJ_Chad is a good player, and while it may be easy to assume that he is just using the brother / sister thing as an excuse, it's not a correct assumption. DJ_Chad has explained his situation to us, and as a person with younger siblings myself, I can fully understand his struggle. Anyways.....

"We told him what to do, post a photo of him and his sibling with their username. Technology is amazing now, everyone has a webcam or a phone/camera that can easily upload a photo in one minute flat. There is no excuse to not be able to do this and it will at least debunk the brother/sister excuse."

This is pretty creepy, posting a picture of yourself or family members for the ss13 community to see? You see how well it went for the guy who did the video apologizing to aurora station, not very well at all. It is especially creepy if the person is a minor. Just saying.

"This seems like the most extravagant ban appeal of bullshit for a simple matter of simply acknowledging your mistakes and apologizing."

Well.... This is quite the formal behavior that I would expect from a moderator or admin from a server. Your assumption as made you look like a dick. A staff member from my community comes to /politely/ defend one of our players, and you show them disrespect to them? Really? Come on now, it can't be that hard to get along with people and show basic respect. Overall I am very upset with the way you have conducted yourself.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Ban Appeal

Post by apophis775 » 20 Jan 2016, 01:25


I want to apologize for the actions of my staff member. Both me and SAS have talked to him about this.

Secondly, I want to apologize for not getting to this sooner. As many people know, I am a teacher and this week classes started, so I've been writing syllabi and preparing my classwork.

Thirdly, I am going to accept this appeal. I had been planning on accepting this but time got away from me. While I don't normally accept the brother thing, I did receive information from several people supporting it's legitness.

Again, I want to apologize to Crystal, Savage, and Chad about how my moderator spoke to you, it's unacceptable, and we've had a very long discussion with them about being more tactful in the future.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Ban Appeal

Post by Feweh » 20 Jan 2016, 01:44

I'd like to personally apologize as well for my actions. I did have good intentions and I'm sorry for the way I spoke(wrote?) to you Savage and Crystal.
