Ban appeal, locoloco3001 banned by hycinth

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Ban appeal, locoloco3001 banned by hycinth

Post by username123 » 08 Feb 2016, 07:18

Your Byond ID | Character Name: locoloco3001

Admin who banned you: hycinth

Total Ban Duration | Remaining Duration: 10 minutes/4 days, 23 hours, 50 minutes, 15 seconds

Reason for ban (Exactly what the WHOLE text says, if there's a Code and you don't give it, there's no way to find the ban):" Breached the sulaco 3 times with chem nades despite having been warned of the dangers not a day before "

Link to previous appeals for the same ban: n/a

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): I totally deserve a punishment because i was warned before about the dangers of the chemnades inside the sulaco, but i was not expenting those grenades to destroy the floor of the sulaco making breaches because i tested those grenades in other servers (80 potassium / 80 water) and the explosion was not powerful enough to make breaches and in fact, the breach that the grenade made was only on the tile where it was thrown and it was fixed quickly with glass by another guy. Im not trying to talk my way out of the ban, and think that i deserve it, but i'll like to BEG for at least a reduction of it or just a job ban as a researcher/cmo because it did it not with the intention of just killing aliens regardless of the consequences, i really though that they were not going to breach the hangar and you can confirm this with the chat logs that i had with the commander in that round where i told him that:

Aidan Bennett says, "They have more explosives"
Aidan Bennett says, "At least 3 times more than normal grenades"
Aidan Bennett says, "And good thing is"
Aidan Bennett says, "That they don't do breach"

So please, consider to decrease it, i can't stop playing CM, i literally have all these days for at least 12 hours a day and the only issue that i while i begin to play was a 3 hour ban for shooting people at the end of the round (it was my first game in CM) and a 3 hour ban for filling the rasputin with explosives when the aliens called the rasputin to invade the sulaco.

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Re: Ban appeal, locoloco3001 banned by hycinth

Post by Hycinth » 08 Feb 2016, 10:04

I'm 90% sure that I warned you not even a day ago that anything over 30/30 would breach the Sulaco, and part of the issue was that you threw not one (and breached) but another (another breached) and a third, which caused yet another breach. They weren't thrown in rapid succession, there was plenty of time to realize "Hey, maybe my grenades caused all the shutters to go down and everything to fly about the Sulaco."

The third grenade was thrown AS Jones was speaking in OOC about NOT using chemnades on the Sulaco.

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Re: Ban appeal, locoloco3001 banned by hycinth

Post by username123 » 08 Feb 2016, 11:52

I'll promise from now on that i will not make any grenade to be used inside the sulaco, not even smoke grenades, yes, i throwed 3 grenades, the first one that i throwed was near the drop pod and when it exploded i didn't see the breach, the second one was thrown near the ladders and killed a boiler, when it exploded i saw the breach and the atmos airlocks activate, the last one was thrown more or less than 30 seconds after when a carrier was getting close to me and, the bomb exploded in my hands killing me and it made a single breach that was fixed by a guy with donator armor. My main problem is that i like to experiment a lot with the grenades and unfortunately we the researchers do not have a room to test them, i wanted to give these grenades to the commander of that round because he took the GL of the hangar and i talked to him at briefing about it, but then he left the briefing room and he didn't took the grenades, i went to r&d and the alarm sounded, this can be confirmed with the chat logs:

Aidan Bennett says, "I made special grenades for the GL"
Aidan Bennett says, "And they can be used as normal grenades as well"
Moris Black asks, "Oh?"
Moris Black asks, "Whats special?"

When the alarm sounded i moved to prep to take armor, a helmet and a pistol with ammo, when i used the ladders to go down all the aliens were killing our crew and thats when i panicked a bit and thats when i used the grenade and im sorry for the disaster that they made, i promise that it won't happen ever again.

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Re: Ban appeal, locoloco3001 banned by hycinth

Post by Lostmixup » 08 Feb 2016, 21:05

This has been accepted, the ban should be shortened to around two days or less.
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