Maruis Bloodborne ban appeal

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Maruis Bloodborne ban appeal

Post by CakeWizard » 08 Feb 2016, 09:50

Your Byond ID | Character Name: __CakeWizard__ | Maruis Bloodborne

Admin who banned you: Hycinth

Total Ban Duration | Remaining Duration: 1440 minutes | How should I know?

Reason for ban (Exactly what the WHOLE text says, if there's a Code and you don't give it, there's no way to find the ban): You have been banned by hycinth.
Reason: Failure to follow escalation of force, shot a non-hostile researcher for holding a gun unwielded and whapping the CO with an ID. Claimed "they were being a nuisance" and "I could have done much worse" when questioned..

Link to previous appeals for the same ban:

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): I don't have any evidence of the incident, but Hycinth obviously agrees that the guy had a gun out, whether it was wielded or not shouldn't matter, it's pretty hard to tell if it's up or not without being gunned down first. I shot the gun once in the chest as a warning, he seemed fully ready to use the gun he was holding considering he had no problem going around trying to break glass and hit people with his ID which is apparently okay. That researcher was far from "non-hostile" he had every intention of being as big of a dick as he could without apparently "quite" being enough of a problem to handle him. I absolutely don't deserve a ban like this, but this is the one and only time I'm going to try and pursue appeal.

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Re: Maruis Bloodborne ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 08 Feb 2016, 11:11

Hi, situations like these are best to AHELP about beforehand to report the potential issue. That way we have a heads up about whats going on.

Unfortunately you did break rules and what you did wasnt justified at all. Marines walk about with weapons out all round and researchers are allowed a sidearm... so him having it out wasnt the best reason to justify shooting him and technically he could of probably said the same thing about your weapon... yet he didnt shoot you first.

Hycinth I believe handled your situation correctly.

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Re: Maruis Bloodborne ban appeal

Post by CakeWizard » 08 Feb 2016, 11:53

You're right, an AHELP would have been smart, but we had no idea what the guy was doing, or what he would do in a few seconds. One correction, he had a rifle, not a pistol. So he shouldn't have been carrying that, not really sure if it changes anything though. As was said he incited the incident by hitting one or two people, and trying to break glass. I'll just leave it at that I suppose, bye.

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Re: Maruis Bloodborne ban appeal

Post by Lostmixup » 08 Feb 2016, 21:07

I'm denying this, you clearly did break one of our rules, and the ban is only 24 hours. Locked.
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