Stanners58 Job Ban

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Stanners58 Job Ban

Post by stank58 » 10 Feb 2016, 13:51

Byond ID: stanners58

Character name: Stanlee Kelly

Admin who banned you: Unsure.

Initial duration: Perma

Duration remaining: Perma

Reason for ban (EXACTLY what it says when you try to log in): ---JOBANNED---

Your appeal, including evidence (an album is recommended for multiple screenshots):

So I have been job banned for a while and in the past I have made a few mistakes (As in the investigator of my last post pointed out). I really love this server and I would honestly like to return to play CO roles. Is there any way I could have a trial or day or something to prove that I am capable of once again playing the position? I honestly miss it playing CO positions. Anyway, My previous appeal is below and I honestly hope you reconsider. Thank you.

So basically I was on a low pop round (around 4-5 people initially) and I was playing as Bridge Officer (my first time) and due to the low pop I was made Commander. I have been I began briefing and found I only had 2 (new) marines so I decided to let a fellow Bridge Officer take overwatch i would go to the planet to start an FOB. We found a survivor who repeatedly refused to follow my instructions (EVAC) and they kept running away so I warned them I would shoot if they ran away. They ran away and so I shot them. The only two marines I was with then open fired on me and left me north of the nexus FOB. I was critically injured and left alone so I commited suicide (Which I was aware was a rule but saw no point in basically waiting to become a host). I probably didnt do myself any favours by simply replying to the admin at the time "sorry" but I was frustrated.

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Re: Stanners58 Job Ban

Post by Lostmixup » 10 Feb 2016, 22:31

I've assigned allan to investigate this.
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Re: Stanners58 Job Ban

Post by Allan1234 » 10 Feb 2016, 22:32

Your notes for refernce.

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Killed a marine as a marine, While on the server as a marine on the sulaco he wanted to "test" guns, and did so by shooting me, and killing me. was banned for 1440 minutes by (Moderator) on Mon, August 3rd of 2015 

Slashed at infect host. Given a warning. by (GameAdmin) on Tue, December 15th of 2015 

As a runner, slashed one hosts foot off (Killing him) and moved on to another host. I stopped him, and in the ensuing discussion he said "I cannot remember, it was the day before yesterday and it was late night. I clawed took a hosts foot off and he messaged me asking what i was doing and i told them and they said it was fine." This is a 1 day ban. Do not kill infected hosts, don't slash nested hosts because you're probably going to kill them. by (GameAdmin) on Thu, December 17th of 2015 

Was shooting others for absolutely no reason and then shot himself for no reason breaking two rules, the griefing rue and the random suicide rule, when questioned as to why he did this he said "sorry" banned for 2 days due to past notes aswell, keep an eye on him by (Moderator) on Fri, December 18th of 2015 

Banned from Commander, Executive Officer, Bridge Officer, Military Police, Corporate Liason, Requisitions Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer - Was shooting others for absolutely no reason and then shot himself for no reason breaking two rules, the griefing rue and the random suicide rule, when questioned as to why he did this he said "sorry" banned for 2 days due to past notes aswell, keep an eye on him by (Friendly Robot) on Fri, December 18th of 2015 Remove

Tried to kill a marine as a doctor,with a pistol,logged off when killed by (GameAdmin) on Tue, January 12th of 2016 

Banned from Doctor, Researcher - Tried to kill a marine as a doctor,with a pistol,logged off when killed by (Friendly Robot) on Tue, January 12th of 2016 Remove
As you have not gained any notes since your previous appeal and it has been more or so 27 days since your last infraction I am all for haveing this appeal accepted.

M.O.T.H.E.R. Status Update


Continued actions may result in loyalty chip activation, as well as the implementation of Politically Correct subsystems. We don't want that, now do we?

ADMIN LOG: Apophis775/(Erin Kowalski) has created a M.O.T.H.E.R. report


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Re: Stanners58 Job Ban

Post by Lostmixup » 10 Feb 2016, 22:34

This will be lifted; however, be aware that you will be watched for further issues in command roles.
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