Predator Honor Code Violation

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Predator Honor Code Violation

Post by Fitchace » 11 Feb 2016, 20:38

Your Byond Key | Character Name: Fitchace, Bill Carson

Accused Byond Key | Character Name: Unknown

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 3:26 Central

What rule(s) were broken: Predator Honor Code

Description of the incident:

I deploy on the pod, once I get planet side I am soon face to face with a predator and his hell hound. We have a interesting sorta fun role play, and then 2 marines come to escort me to the FOB so I would not be alone. The predator follows us, and I role play tripping. (resting on the ground) The predator starts dragging me away and the escort shoots at the predator. The predator shoots up the escort and drags me to south telecoms and removes all my gear to punches me/throw me into a window until I die. I did try running away to get on the pod but that didn't work out so well. After I died he then cuts off my head as a trophy.

I believe the kill was unjust.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): By the time the salt kicked in the logs were gone

How you would punish the accused: A warning, retrain on the code, Make Bill Carson a Predator
"I’m Carson. Bill Carson. I work for the company. But don’t let that fool you. I’m really an okay guy."

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Re: Predator Honor Code Violation

Post by coroneljones » 12 Feb 2016, 04:30

I was the pred
Some info,i was pretty much leaving you alone after the first encounter until you offended his honor by saying to the other soft meat that you"Scared it away by looking at it" when in reality....other things happened,to wich he needed to regain his honor,and simply stabbing the soft meat wouldnt a fist fight/brawl was in order

I messed up one forgetting to remove my armor to give you a better chance,as to that i actually feel ashamed
Either way how this report goes,i have taken a self-punishment of taking a break from pred for a week or so .
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide
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Re: Predator Honor Code Violation

Post by apophis775 » 12 Feb 2016, 04:52

Not a violation.

He was trying to regain his honor, and he obviously tried to fight you honorably if he dragged you off and started punching instead of just murderdeathkilling you.

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Re: Predator Honor Code Violation

Post by LordeKilly » 12 Feb 2016, 11:30

I was a partial witness, but I do believe it was before the 30 minute mark that jones deployed.

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Re: Predator Honor Code Violation

Post by Adjective » 12 Feb 2016, 11:31

Predators can deploy before 30, but the are scouting if they do so, not hunting.

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Re: Predator Honor Code Violation

Post by Jack McIntyre » 12 Feb 2016, 11:50

Just throwing this out here as well since someone else poked me on skype about it, but apparently the other preda that round were getting a bit gung ho, killed one marine who was just building stuff with a wrench in his hand. We really need to have a way to monitor this sort of stuff a bit more. Also sorry if this breaks rule two, just know coronel wasn't only one noticed doing stuff.

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Re: Predator Honor Code Violation

Post by masterspots » 12 Feb 2016, 13:15

Hey, I was Jones hellhound during that round, Jones waited and informed the other preds that they would be waiting until 30 minutes to deploy he waited but another didn't at. He always left Bill alone until he insulted, at which point Jones removed Carson's armour and started punching and all Carson did even though he had plenty of time to fight back in the slightest was run away towards the pod.

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Re: Predator Honor Code Violation

Post by Bath Salts Addict » 13 Feb 2016, 22:17

Let me get this straight. Predators can claim to be 'insulted' and can therefore murderbone random, non-aggressive Marines just by nitpicking every little thing they say?

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Re: Predator Honor Code Violation

Post by SASoperative » 14 Feb 2016, 13:01

Apoppa said it resolved locked and moved.
