Ban Appeal for Killinkyle

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Ban Appeal for Killinkyle

Post by killinkyle » 16 Feb 2016, 18:03

Your Byond ID | Character Name: Killinkyle | Kennard Lee

Admin who banned you: Hycinth

Total Ban Duration | Remaining Duration: 1440 minutes

Reason for ban (Exactly what the WHOLE text says, if there's a Code and you don't give it, there's no way to find the ban):Reason: Illegal mutiny to the point of grief. .

Link to previous appeals for the same ban: None

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Here's the whole story, with screenshots. Apparently, the past few days someone has been playing some dumbass character who does stupid shit on marines side? Whateve,r apparently, somehow this guy got a high command rank, and when we all agreed to evac from the planet, he decided to order all the marines to get on the dropship, go back down and fight the aliens when the entire LZ was completely swamped. ICly, I tried talking to him and telling him that was retarded, he said my character was brain damaged. I warned him again not to do it, he ignored me, so I said "Fuck you" And shot him 6 times in the back of the head with a .44 revolver.

Obviously, I was killed right afterwards, but I did the right thing. I saved the round from moronic decisions, but apparently I need to get it passed by the admins? I'm pretty sure the admins are okay with him doing his bullshit and ruining rounds by doing stupid shit, but this was above and beyond. I'd like to be unbanned- Not because I think I didn't break the rules- I did, apparently- But because I did the right thing. Not just for me, but for my fellow players. I don't care what the rules say, I won't let someone ruin a round with some retarded character made literally for the purpose of ruining rounds.

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Re: Ban Appeal for Killinkyle

Post by killinkyle » 16 Feb 2016, 18:08

I just realized this is a 24 hour ban, and I'm not recommended to appeal for 24 hours bans. My apologies. Omit this ban appeal.

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Re: Ban Appeal for Killinkyle

Post by Feweh » 16 Feb 2016, 18:17

You blatantly broke rules and didnt properly escalate the situation at all.

Re-read our server rules.
There are many other ways to deal with shitty Commanr staff, infact the way you did it is the worst.

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Re: Ban Appeal for Killinkyle

Post by Lostmixup » 17 Feb 2016, 00:45

Locked due to it being a 24 hour ban appeal.
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