Player Complaint on Felix "Tank" Woodward

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Player Complaint on Felix "Tank" Woodward

Post by LordeKilly » 17 Feb 2016, 17:32

Your Byond Key | Character Name: LordeKilly/Degei Khan

Accused Byond Key | Character Name:
DevilzHand/Felix "Tank" Woodward

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 4:10 CST

What rule(s) were broken: Rule 6 and Rule 11

Description of the incident:
It was a predator round, jones and I were the only preds so we spent some time lodging, then went out for a hunt. I began fist fighting some marines, which turned into a knife fight, and then more marines came along and began shooting. I met up with more marines, pushing back some runners and becoming hero of the muhreens quickly. So half and half love me and hate me at this point. Now I take a SADAR and a nade, and die. The marines who praise me take me back and clone me. When I wake up, I begin negotiating with the CO, and jones arrives. Negotiations finished, and out of nowhere, Felix the maint tech comes in with chloral and stuns me, takes my armor off and my items, and runs away. Now I was able to run away just as they were about to throw me down to the planet without any of the gear, and I hid in engineering. I made a move to go get my gear back from Felix, by attacking him, when he uses more chloral and steals my OTHER shit that I had reclaimed from the CO. He shouldn't have even had access to chloral, witch is major powergaming, since he probably didn't know it was a pred round when he was making those.

Evidence (screenshots): ( I don't have pictures of the situation, but derpislav can confirm it. Also have these pictures of ooc after:

How you would punish the accused:
Thats up to whoever does the investigation.

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Re: Player Complaint on Felix "Tank" Woodward

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 17 Feb 2016, 22:31

I have spoken to the accused and they have said they used Anesthetics not Chloral. And he took your gear cause he said he just wanted it. I will do some log diving to see if he did indeed use Anesthetics or not.

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Re: Player Complaint on Felix "Tank" Woodward

Post by LordeKilly » 17 Feb 2016, 23:02

Its not as big of a deal as what type of toxin it was, but the powergame of him specifically going out of his way to make the drug, drug me as non combat personnel and just take my things. I wasn't posing a threat to him, nor was I attacking him initially.

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Re: Player Complaint on Felix "Tank" Woodward

Post by Derpislav » 18 Feb 2016, 10:46

He used the anesthesia injectors, which is why I didn't take action. It's an extremely dickish thing to do, but not against the rules. Although if we had a rule against "validhunting" predators he would qualify for that, because he was hellbent on causing conflict with Lorde.
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Re: Player Complaint on Felix "Tank" Woodward

Post by Feweh » 18 Feb 2016, 11:10

Im actually really against this, because it really falls under RULE 1.

Lorde was RPing with the marines and someone who shouldnt even have medical related items runs up to him and knocks him out.

On top of this Felix has a history of this shit and is known for disregarding RP, just check his note history.

A second glance really needs to be taken, we cant promote RP from Predators and Marines but then we just allow players to casually ruin it without a good reason. Especially when his reasoning is "i wanted his gear".

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Re: Player Complaint on Felix "Tank" Woodward

Post by apophis775 » 18 Feb 2016, 22:08

Confirmed, my opinion on the matter is that the actions taken by felix are "complete bullshit".

WHILE, I admit, A predator probably shouldn't be the best of friends with the marines, if circumstances pushed them to work together, unless that predator (or another predator) had taken DIRECTLY HOSTILE ACTION against the specific marine in question (or perhaps killed a marine directly in front of him, or threw heads at him, etc) to warrant such a response, just hitting him with anesthetics is total bullshit.

Probably the most DAMMNING part of this, is that Felix is a fucking MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN and is NOT allowed Anesthetics. To the point that, he had to break several LAWS to even get access to Anesthetics as a Maint Tech.

My suggestion, would be a minimum Week ban for this, as this is NOT THE FIRST TIME he's pulled silly shenanigans and he has a bit of a history of causing problems.

However, I leave this up to the investigator.

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Re: Player Complaint on Felix "Tank" Woodward

Post by Nubs » 19 Feb 2016, 10:35

I think i was the Co for this round? I chatted with the predator via pen and paper for quite a long time, but i didn't ally with it. I went and personally retrieved some of its stolen equipment, then said it could leave and go down to the planet unmolested. Of course this didn't happen, and a shootout caused the predator to die and breach the hangar.. idiots!

I was pretty busy on the bridge so i might be incorrect in this, but i recall that felix kept stirring up the situation most unhelpfully.
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Re: Player Complaint on Felix "Tank" Woodward

Post by Aeleto » 19 Feb 2016, 11:21

Eh, it's not strange to see Felix straight going to Medbay and hacking the vendors, as some docs report when the round starts.

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Re: Player Complaint on Felix "Tank" Woodward

Post by DMAN » 19 Feb 2016, 13:19

He hacks each time he goes MT. I have caught him doing it as CL. I think it's unanimous that he hacks around, but the dickish RP breaking behavior is very bad in my book.
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Re: Player Complaint on Felix "Tank" Woodward

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 22 Feb 2016, 20:19

Alright after doing some of my investigations and takeing in part the recommendation from the host, I am going to Recommend that Felix Due to past history, and for the reason that he gave me for doing it in the first place. I believe that he should receive a minimum of a 7 day ban and that should he continue to hack medical Vending machines that he receive a job ban from all jobs that would allow him to be able to hack with out powergameing

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Re: Player Complaint on Felix "Tank" Woodward

Post by SASoperative » 24 Feb 2016, 15:15

Has punishment been delivered and has this been resolved?

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Re: Player Complaint on Felix "Tank" Woodward

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 24 Feb 2016, 15:39

Was waiting on you. It has been resolved and punishment will be delivered

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Re: Player Complaint on Felix "Tank" Woodward

Post by SASoperative » 24 Feb 2016, 16:36

Resolved and locked than
