Player Complaint- Fridrich

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Player Complaint- Fridrich

Post by GGgobbleCC » 22 Feb 2016, 22:27

Your Byond Key | Character Name: Shotabandit

Accused Byond Key | Character Name: Fridrich

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): About 8-8 USCT 2/22/2016

What rule(s) were broken: Broken open the SM and flooded the whole upper deck with heat/plasma

Description of the incident: After an insanely long round, the player Fridrich took it upon himself to bust open the SM and turn the upper-decks into an oven. Marines and aliens alike died to the insane heat, barring the one guy hiding in a locker in prep needed to end the round. (Thankfully the late joins burnt to a crisp however)

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Forgot to take a screenshot, but I'm sure anyone on during that round will tell you as well as the admins. It was BlackDragon who had to restart the world due to explosion

How you would punish the accused: I believe leaking plasma is a perma-ban, it made the round take even longer than it needed to and killed many unaware players on both sides.

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Re: Player Complaint- Fridrich

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 22 Feb 2016, 22:32

It was IC and He did it to try and kill the aliens trying to kill him. Also The SM never blew during the round. The round ended and then i blew it because everyone was yelling to have it blow. I was a hivelord and i put up resin walls to prevent most of the heat from spreading. Had i not the round would have ended much sooner. Try to refrain from making reports when there are active Admins/mods online during the round in question. Thank you very much, I allowed it as it made for a more interesting end round.

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Re: Player Complaint- Fridrich

Post by Hycinth » 23 Feb 2016, 01:37

Pretty much what Dragon said, as I was also there.

SM never blew, just slowly leaked heat out throughout the end round, and he did it in order to attempt to take the xenos with him, as he was trapped in the engine at the time with no armor or weapons.

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Re: Player Complaint- Fridrich

Post by SASoperative » 23 Feb 2016, 13:56

So is this resolved?

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Re: Player Complaint- Fridrich

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 23 Feb 2016, 22:29

Yes this is resolved
