Locoloco3001 job ban appeal cmo/researcher.

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Locoloco3001 job ban appeal cmo/researcher.

Post by username123 » 23 Feb 2016, 14:48

Your Byond ID | Character Name: Locoloco3001

Admin who banned you: Hycinth or Lostmixup

Total Ban Duration | Remaining Duration: I think is permanent?

Reason for ban (Exactly what the WHOLE text says, if there's a Code and you don't give it, there's no way to find the ban):

viewtopic.php?f=87&t=5560&p=58455#p58455 it was at first just 5 day ban that was reduced to 1-2 days plus a job ban from cmo and researcher.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban: This is my first appeal to the job ban.

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):

i've learned not to use chemnades inside the sulaco and i guess i behaved well since that ban having just one note not related to the job ban, i followed the instruction of lostmixup to wait another week to appeal the job ban (when i asked him last week if i had a chance to get my job ban removed if i appealed) and well, i don't know what else to say.

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Re: Locoloco3001 job ban appeal cmo/researcher.

Post by Hycinth » 24 Feb 2016, 05:31

As the one who originally placed the job ban, I'll put in my +1 on the appeal.

I feel that Loco's served his time for the crime, so to speak, and should be given another shot at the situation. He hasn't caused any particular trouble for me on the marine side, and his only notes in the intervening time period were on the xeno side of things (Slashing a nested host, accidentally breaching a specialist room on the tile behind a vendor when he was hiving a specialist prep room as a drone).

He's played plenty on the marine side since then with no trouble.

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Re: Locoloco3001 job ban appeal cmo/researcher.

Post by Lostmixup » 26 Feb 2016, 04:06

I'll go ahead and accept this. You've been a good player for a bit.
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