Staff Complaint: SecretStamos

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Staff Complaint: SecretStamos

Post by MrImATool » 29 Mar 2016, 01:01

Your Byond Key: MrImATool

Your Character Name: Frobert Valerius

Their Byond key: Secret Stamos

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): It’s all on the forums in Sub’s ban appeal

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: Image

Description of the incident: So this is pretty ‘clear cut’ as the admin staff are no doubt hating my guts for actually arguing the points like I have. Long story short, my friend killed an XO in a round during a mutiny that went a little haywire, the XO in question was the Staff member Stamos. Shortly after my friend was banned(by Stamos himself) for two days for this, despite not being a griefer, being a first offender, the whole situation being caused by ambiguity of the rules specifically “Do not fire unless fired upon” not saying “only fire on those who fire on you”. Thereby not restricting a mutineer from killing an XO who refused to stand down after the mutineer in question was attacked by a loyalist.

Now here’s my issue, my friend was banned and immediately made an appeal because he really loves this server and in no way meant to break a rule(the aforementioned ambiguous rule) and was only trying to have fun and roleplay. So me and another friend who were both present during the round chime in. Me being me I get straight in with reasonable arguments, debunking Stamos’, granted I can be quite passionate and some sensitive people might see this as an attitude. Anyway this goes on for a while, Stamos’ refusing to unban my friend or even acknowledge his wrong doing, all of this while no senior staff were assisting in sorting it until I make one final point where my post was deleted and I was told to ‘shush and get over it’ and the thread was locked, granted my argument was completely reasonable and only really aimed to exonerate my friend and facilitate resolution, as before I chimed in there were pretty much no replies I had to literally go in game and speak to a very friendly game admin TR-Black Dragon who had a good discussion about it.

Up until the thread was locked I meant only to assist my friend as I saw an unjust ban, yet when I looked through the admin complaints I found this handy little thread ‘ viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647’ leading me to find the three examples that I mentioned earlier in the report. So after I saw this I noticed the recommended ban times and even the messages about so called ‘mercy’ and it began to swim around in my head that perhaps the admin(stamos) was not as impartial as he thought…. A two day ban, for killing someone in a mutiny, a mutiny roleplay many players were enjoying and one meant to increase roleplay (and if you think players had an issue with this please find me a thread or even some logs of people complaining other than Stamos), someone with no history of other issues and he responded with courtesy to the admin was banned for two days(on your protocols it mentions that 24 hour banned people should be watched for perma’s or something of similar effect) I can’t be the only one who thinks this is unfair? Yes the ban is over now but he was unable to play for two days and now has a permanent note on his Ckey, being a former staff member myself I know notes are paid attention to for later incidents. How is this a just punishment? For someone who didn’t break any rules( as argued in the ban appeal) or even if you think he broke a rule, then for someone who broke a rule that isn’t entirely clear?

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): I would post it but most of it’s available in the ban appeal ‘ viewtopic.php?f=76&t=6116

How you would punish the accused: Maybe just a lecture on how being overzealous with your bans can hurt the general opinion of the playerbase, and preferably an apology to the offended player(I don’t want any permanent punishment for the staff as it was a mistake made by dealing with an admin issue involving him personally, people are emotional and that can change opinions, I don’t fault him for this I just want him to acknowledge this and that maybe he was wrong)

Final point: Being an admin/staff member is about increasing the enjoyment and roleplay of the players in game not about being the punisher incarnate sent down from marvel comics to personally destroy anyone who even mistakenly breaks a rule with your super cool and fashionable roleplay. This should be the motto of the staff, no?

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Re: Staff Complaint: SecretStamos

Post by SASoperative » 29 Mar 2016, 01:10

Just... I am going to state this seems a bit more personal towards one of my staff members simply because he banned one of your friends and than you decided to post this after you could no longer post in the actual appeal due to the fact of enough was enough and you were literally adding to a fire that needed to be put out. I literally JUST SPOKE to Joshuu regarding the entire incident and to be honest you just posted a report for something that literally was pointless now due to it already being handled.... Look just give it a rest and let us do our job. Cause this REALLY looks like your trying to cause trouble or drama in my eyes towards one of my staff members.

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Re: Staff Complaint: SecretStamos

Post by MrImATool » 29 Mar 2016, 01:19

Hola, no I'm not trying to 'cause drama' this is legitimately a concern. How am I supposed to know that you spoke to him? You didn't let everyone know, as far as I was aware his handling of the situation was approved of and/or being ignored. No judgement was given, just silence. I'm not looking for drama I just want this resolved is that such a horrible thing to ask for? A resolution? My friend was still banned for two days and now has that in his notes even if it was unjustified or unfair. I'm not asking for a ban for Josh, I'm asking for an apology and a resolution to the situation. Locking the thread and not saying the status of the ban appeal leaves me with nothing?

So if it's ok, I would appreciate it if this complaint would stay as it is genuine and not me adding fuel to a fire, I'm done with the appeal this is just my PERSONAL complaint of how a situation was handled, and I thought Admin reports were for reports on staff members who didn't follow protocol or weren't composing themselves correctly, which I do believe applies. But to finish if you are resolving this situation(woohoo! let me know) please leave this thread up until the entire thing is handled. There will be no debates, no arguments this thread is strictly a report of an incident. Thank you mr headmin

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Re: Staff Complaint: SecretStamos

Post by SASoperative » 29 Mar 2016, 01:22

Alright. Well I am just a bit irritated by it due to the fact of multiple people informing me of the situation at midnight and I admit I might have snapped a bit but yes, This has been resolved technically I have talked to Joshuu about the situation already with a bit of a lecture and some talking to him. Devs can work as administrators at times if there are no admins on at the time but the incident as stated has been cleared. This has been locked so I can remember to move this in the morning. If you have any further concerns please message me personally.
