Ordukai - EoRG banning

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Ordukai - EoRG banning

Post by Ms.Degrasse » 31 Mar 2016, 05:17


Your Character Name: Sadako Voorhees

Their Byond key: Ordukai

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 3:14 03/31/2016

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken:
1. Send a personal message (PM) to the violator asking them to explain their actions

Description of the incident:
My character missed the dropship and went for the Liaison's room for playing the arcade while waiting for another chance to get into action.
Liaison came from his office, asking about my presence. And offered to call the dropship.
My client lagged, text suddenly jumped down (without playing the endgame audio) and I was caught by surprise with the liaison shooting at my character.
Since liaison sometimes get ANTAGONIST missions from his fax (including hostile stuff like "elliminate witnesses" or "get aliens aboard") I tought that was the case and returned fire once.
As the text scrolled down again, I saw blue OOC messages, the audio effect of round end finally played, I realized the round had ended and so didn't clicked him again.
I was going to AHELP the griefer, but then suddenly I got a EoRG temporary ban from Ordukai. (????????)

First, there is no way for a player to know if the liaison is being an antagonist, or just a griefer. We may expect anything from him.
Second, you must pay attention to the constant LAGs impairing a players judgement and causing unintended clicks. (It was ONE shot back to the liaison by my log, obviously this was not my character actually engaging in a gunfight).

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused: No idea what would be adequated.
But at least, tell him to take IN-GAME context in consideration next time. (It was the liaison, not a marine or other character. Liaison sometimes is an antagonist.)
The player actions log too (it was one shot fired back at the liaison, not a lot of them).
The possibility of LAG interfering in players actions.
And the protocol, that was ignored. (I received no messages. Nothing was investigated.)

Diving into rules and applying bans without taking the context into consideration doesn't result in a good player experience.

And also I hope you do me justice on the annotations / blacklist topic / whatever you have.
-> I am not a griefer of any sort.

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Re: Ordukai - EoRG banning

Post by coroneljones » 31 Mar 2016, 06:50

To quote the rules
End of Round Grief (EoRG) is an IMMEDIATE 3 hour ban with no warnings.
No warnings,wich means no PMs are needed,any sort of log generation is an immediate ban.

While the lag may have stopped you from knowing about the end of the round,theres always the option to adminhelp about it,asking if the liason was or wasnt griefing.
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide
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Re: Ordukai - EoRG banning

Post by Grypho » 31 Mar 2016, 07:10

It seems to me that it has been an unavoidable mistake. Ordukai had no way of knowing the lag caused you this situation and you did not know it was end of the round because of the lag. Nobody is at the fault here in my opinion. These situations happen sometimes.

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Re: Ordukai - EoRG banning

Post by SASoperative » 31 Mar 2016, 19:04

Yeah no protocol was broken here. Jones stated it just fine. When you commit end round grief rather it be accidental or non accidental we get logs of it and deliver the ban without warning.
