Bill Carson

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Bill Carson

Post by Shadowling1232 » 03 Apr 2016, 02:38

Your Byond Key:Shadowling1232

Your Character Name: Katzu Miri

Accused Byond Key(if known):Fitchace

Character Name: Bill Carson

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 10PM - 11AM 4-2-16 ~ 4-3-16

What rule(s) were broken:

General Rules
Don't be a Dick. - "Dickish" and "Asshole" behavior will not be tolerated. If you're pissing someone off, you're probably going to get spoken to. Punishment is up to the staff member and maybe be anything from a warning to a 10-day ban depending on the severity. This includes OOC racism.

No Powergaming - Powergaming is performing actions outside your assigned job (your skills or background DO NOT MATTER prior to the round). --Attempted to go from SL to Genghis Khan Leader style.

"Ramboing" - Chasing down Xenos immediately after first contact.

Description of the incident: Round start - No CO, BO's or XO's -He immediately started to tell marines about the briefing, I recall hearing someone say something about killing things (I may be wrong here) and I called them out on that (I think it was him), The briefing was as you would say, a brief explanation, (I think it was just three sentences total of, go down establish FoB, setup power, hunt.) Then proceeded to assume command, as a warrior leader would do and forcefully took the shuttles, (I as an RO was to take command as CE didn't want it, so I did, warning marines not go to on and to stay for an actual briefing, but alas, small text was overcome by his big bold text, so no one listened.) A very large portion of the marines ran down to go all gung-ho and fight, resulting in a lot of normally peaceful players being dragged along as they had no clue what was happening, so not less that 10 minutes after this all started they went after a xeno shooting and chasing it down, Bill Carson, had ordered his squad and the rest of the squads to patrol and kill things (At this point however I did manage to get one squad on my side (Delta) and they had listened and stayed put. (Alpha and Bravo, couldn't really establish a link with them) so I did hear a lot of how Charlie would get attacked but had to dismiss it due to their abandonment nothing to do, cant help a squad that went solo. (FFX3) We finally manage to bring in Bill Carson after a BO and CO show up, only for him to weasel his way out because neither of the other CO staff knew what he'd done, (At this point I think he'd gotten 20-30 marines slaughtered because they were just winging it, no coordination.) I set charges against only for them to patch him up and hand him a gun again (Fast Forward 15 minutes?) I got ahold of an alien teleport device and went to the ship to see the Predator about to execute bill, I RP'd the hunt to him and explained the situation, for the predator to graciously let me take the kill ending Bills rants and powergame.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Chat was refreshing too fast, please check logs.

How you would punish the accused:I already looked on the forums, this mutiny powerhungry behavior isn't uncommon for him, nor has this been a rare thing from feedback by players, I'd like to see him removed from all command/positions of power or be issued one very long vacation from this server.

Comment: He was charged (Ingame) with Mutiny, Insubordiantion, Multiple Counts of manslaughter, Terrorist Organization, and one more I can fail to name.

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Re: Bill Carson

Post by Fitchace » 03 Apr 2016, 10:57

About 15 minutes into the round marines were geared and waiting in briefing, they were starting to get antsy and there was absolutely no one higher than BO online. By antsy I mean marine were yelling riot, people getting pepper sprayed randomly and other shenanigans that is very unlike marine behavior. So since squad leader is a leadership style role I spoke up since the distress beacon is common knowledge and announced for all hear something along the lines of "marines to get on the shuttle the colonists need to be rescued" and "To look over the colony for colonists who need help". I was not trying to be in control of the ship, I was only trying to provide direction since none was being given.

I can only speak for the squad I was leading but we did not rambo or chase down any xenos. We interacted with a predator on our search to help the colonists, and went as far as the hyrdo dome.

Further on within the round an MP came down to bring me back to the Sulaco for a hearing, I went back with him and explained the situation with the commander who then demoted me. There was no argument or fighting, nothing to even suggest I was a mutineer or a terrorist at that point.

Then I was kidnapped by a predator and brought to him ship and the RO killed me.

So please explain what dickish behavior I displayed.

Please explain what you mean by forcefully taking the shuttle? - Marines were loaded on and another squad leader launched when I told him we were set. There was no FORCE element, Alpha squad leader even launched their pod before we did to restore the colony power.

This complaint is filled with assumptions, generalizations and speculation as to what they thought I was doing. The only true solid fact stated above is when the RO left the Sulaco to witness the Predator to kill only to end up killing me.

I would also like the reference this rule,

- Cargo/Requisitions
You are not allowed to leave the Sulaco.
The only people who can over-ride you on equipment disbursement are the XO and Commander.
Your mech is for loading and unloading the shuttle, not driving around like a sports car.

Since Katzu Miri was RO this person did leave the Sulaco to go to the predator ship to kill me

Also further on the round while I was alien, I killed the RO - Katzu Miri while this person was on the planet

Clearly the poster of this complaint does not understand the rules as well as they thought they did since they were clearly OFF the Sulaco.
"I’m Carson. Bill Carson. I work for the company. But don’t let that fool you. I’m really an okay guy."

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Re: Bill Carson

Post by Shadowling1232 » 03 Apr 2016, 16:45

Fitchace wrote:About 15 minutes into the round marines were geared and waiting in briefing, they were starting to get antsy and there was absolutely no one higher than BO online. By antsy I mean marine were yelling riot, people getting pepper sprayed randomly and other shenanigans that is very unlike marine behavior. So since squad leader is a leadership style role I spoke up since the distress beacon is common knowledge and announced for all hear something along the lines of "marines to get on the shuttle the colonists need to be rescued" and "To look over the colony for colonists who need help". I was not trying to be in control of the ship, I was only trying to provide direction since none was being given.

I can only speak for the squad I was leading but we did not rambo or chase down any xenos. We interacted with a predator on our search to help the colonists, and went as far as the hyrdo dome.

Further on within the round an MP came down to bring me back to the Sulaco for a hearing, I went back with him and explained the situation with the commander who then demoted me. There was no argument or fighting, nothing to even suggest I was a mutineer or a terrorist at that point.

Then I was kidnapped by a predator and brought to him ship and the RO killed me.

So please explain what dickish behavior I displayed.

Please explain what you mean by forcefully taking the shuttle? - Marines were loaded on and another squad leader launched when I told him we were set. There was no FORCE element, Alpha squad leader even launched their pod before we did to restore the colony power.

This complaint is filled with assumptions, generalizations and speculation as to what they thought I was doing. The only true solid fact stated above is when the RO left the Sulaco to witness the Predator to kill only to end up killing me.

I would also like the reference this rule,

- Cargo/Requisitions
You are not allowed to leave the Sulaco.
The only people who can over-ride you on equipment disbursement are the XO and Commander.
Your mech is for loading and unloading the shuttle, not driving around like a sports car.

Since Katzu Miri was RO this person did leave the Sulaco to go to the predator ship to kill me

Also further on the round while I was alien, I killed the RO - Katzu Miri while this person was on the planet

Clearly the poster of this complaint does not understand the rules as well as they thought they did since they were clearly OFF the Sulaco.
15 Minutes into the round, briefing was getting a bit antsy, I will admit, but it wasnt until people started to yell riot they got peppersprayed, you started the whole, jump on the shuttle, rescue the colonists and kill things, (I remember calling someone out for saying to kill stuff, to which they responded, ever hear of sarcasm?), as the RO I was told to fill in the position of CO, Which I did, but had extreme difficulty due to you constantly spouting out get on the shuttle etc. The reason direction was supposedly not given, was due to your interference with command, you'd assumed control of the squads and took the shuttle down without giving the marines an actual briefing.

Your squad, went forth and immediately attacked a "local" to which we learned later was the predator, and chased it down, this was learned by it later coming to the sulaco to hunt for you, and only you.

The only reason the commander had released you was because"I dont have time to deal with this" and he'd left, there wasnt a hearing because the CO was too busy worrying about wanting to go nuke something.

You'd challenged a predator and got captured, as predator RP rules go, I explained the situation to it, and it was deemed my hunt my kill, to which the predator gave me a weapon to kill you and behead you with.

Dickish behavior would be you undermining authority, going all gung-ho and complaining about lack of direction when you'd been going out on your own free will without following any orders given by an upperclass.

After being told multiple times NOT to get on the shuttle before briefing you'd done it anyways, forcefully doesnt neccessarily have to mean use violent action to get what you want, (French revolution much?) ... Versailles) You all forced your way down and in, then proceeded to ignore commands to return to briefing and not launch shuttle. (STOLE THE SHUTTLE)

True solid fact is, you'd assumed command for yourself, took it upon yourself to bring the other marines, only to fail to inform them, then proceed to go out and abandon the squads, resulting in a large amount of marine casualties.

As for myself being on planet, I took an alien device, activated it with permission from SAS, was transported to predator ship, IC-RP killed you, and escaped to the planet as I was a wanted criminal for taking your head, only to be taken in by delta squad and celebrated by the fellow marines for killing you, I actually had people congratulate me for killing you.

Being on the planet was unavoidable, if I went back I'd be killed and I had no way of escaping back to the predator ship due to the circumstances.

And lets not forget the name rule you're breaking
(Bill Carson - Whats his name.
You've had a previous complaint of an issue similar to this.
There are posts all over the forums about you terrible commanding, rioting, and general terrible behavior in game.) Will grab links if requested.

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Re: Bill Carson

Post by SASoperative » 03 Apr 2016, 17:01

A investigator has been assigned to this and will check it out when they can.

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Re: Bill Carson

Post by Fitchace » 03 Apr 2016, 19:52

I'm sorry Shadowling1232 I don't think violating this chain of command rule falls under being a dick. You being in command and myself not acknowledging it was an IC issue not a server rule issue.

Basically your accusations were accusing me of being an antag which is completely untrue, if anyone was the....rebel, I'd call it was you. YOU decided that the commanders punishment for me did not fit my crime and took it upon yourself to carry out this personal IC attack on me, making you the criminal. You clearly were not satisfied with the results of your commanding officer and ignored your RO duties and I became your target.

Yet you complain I didn't follow chain of command. You clearly had no respect for your Commander's final judgement for me either.

The predator is not even part of this issue. Who cares that it came on the Sulaco looking for me.

Your argument is that I broke the Being a Dick rule by not following a superiors orders, and I power gamed and went rambo which did not happen.

Lets stay on the topic

Please submit evidence from that round that suggests I broke an actual server rule. But you definitely broke the rule of leaving the Sulaco as an RO.
"I’m Carson. Bill Carson. I work for the company. But don’t let that fool you. I’m really an okay guy."

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Re: Bill Carson

Post by Shadowling1232 » 03 Apr 2016, 22:07

"I'm sorry Shadowling1232 I don't think violating this chain of command rule falls under being a dick. You being in command and myself not acknowledging it was an IC issue not a server rule issue."

Violating the chain of command, isnt falling under there, my problem is, after repeated attempts to restore order, you kept going to undermine those attempts, and interfering with someone trying to restore order to the marines while providing no base order or help themselves, falls under the rule.

"Basically your accusations were accusing me of being an antag which is completely untrue, if anyone was the....rebel, I'd call it was you. YOU decided that the commanders punishment for me did not fit my crime and took it upon yourself to carry out this personal IC attack on me, making you the criminal. You clearly were not satisfied with the results of your commanding officer and ignored your RO duties and I became your target. "

I saw the commanders punishment was unfit due to the face he got up and left within two minutes of entering the room, exclaiming : I dont have time for this. As I recall it, it wasnt me who went and kidnapped you, as I was just caught in the crossfire from you going rambo and challenging a predator then running, I was told by the predator to "Finish it before I kill you." To which I was put in a life or death situation. Granted, killing you did make me a wanted criminal, but, given all the previous events, (Including a enormous percentage of the marines already hating you, and a SL going against your return. I deemed killing you a better option than having us both killed. The results of my commanding officer were clouded by the onslaught of information being given to him and hearing reports of his marines actively dying due to uncoordinated attacks and assaults (Hmm, I wonder why.) so, yes, I deemed his punishment unfit, and by that time I already relinquished my RO duties.

You're powergame would be gearing up immediately for a fight, rushing down expecting the colony to be jacked up, then started to push north. Upon contact with local wildlife you immediately decided to try and kill it.

Alas, I am unable to slide through hours of logs since I dont have access, and as I stated in a previous deposition, the situation with me leaving was unavoidable, and if you'd like to call me out on it, please ask SAS why he didn't ban me when I was in contact with him the entire time this was going down.

As for staying on topic, if the predator isnt on topic why even bring it up?

-If anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to address them here, or MSG me.

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Re: Bill Carson

Post by Gelonvia » 03 Apr 2016, 23:31

Shadowling1232 wrote:As for staying on topic, if the predator isnt on topic why even bring it up?
^ this.
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Re: Bill Carson

Post by Fitchace » 03 Apr 2016, 23:57

I'm just really curious where you got this "I went RAMBO" from. Literally did not even come close to crossing the river and only saw ONE xeno. So you better check your facts.

Also I did not know power gaming was gearing up. I guess every marine should be banned now for this power gaming.

Likewise please ask SAS why he didn't ban me or question what I was doing during the round.
"I’m Carson. Bill Carson. I work for the company. But don’t let that fool you. I’m really an okay guy."

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Re: Bill Carson

Post by Shadowling1232 » 04 Apr 2016, 09:29

I'm on mobile so forgive my spelling and grammar.

As for going Rambo, while juggling the squads, I was hearing you and multiple other Marines screaming about gunning down the local fauna (fauna=plants) and chasing after them. INCLUDING THE PREDATOR. That's the only reason they came aboard is because you challenged them.

As for powergaming. I vaguely remember hearing a kill everything order early game. Your squad knew about the entire survivor alien issue, and you all attempted to just bumrush north. For everyone else, going north isn't against the rules in itself but he'd taken the shuttle 15 minutes in, cut communications, got people killed, and only focused on heading north. Without getting a fob established or power restored. All within 10 minutes planetsside.

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Re: Bill Carson

Post by Shadowling1232 » 04 Apr 2016, 09:38

As for SAS not banning you, I ahelped the issue itself once. To feweh who said IC issue, maybe 7-8 minutes ingame. So, I said alright, admunz deemed it IC resolvable, to which I quickly learned that was out of the option with a player like yourself. So instead of crying on ahelp I contested the ahelp and brought the issue to forums, where they aren't being spammed with aliums re-nesting me pls halp.

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Re: Bill Carson

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 04 Apr 2016, 16:27

Hello I will be investigating this report. And Just a heads up, We don't get spammed with that kind of ahelp anymore due to mechanics. Anyway. Also as a note. It is always best to handle issues when they are taking place In game with Online staff. Reports are more for if there are no staff online. From what i have gathered Staff was online and this was handled in game. However, I will look into it and make sure everything was handled correctly. Second, I will be looking to see why the RO went planet-side. There better be IC logs of you being promoted to CO or there will be a job ban that will be dished out there. Third, IC actions do not fall under the Don't be a Dick rule. So that is out of the question. I'm Throwing that out the window right now. If he was disobeying orders then he should have been handled by the MP's. Not killed by you. There is a process and only the CO or Acting CO which needs to be followed in proper order and the procedure of making sure your set into the postion in game by way of changing the ID to CO. So this i will also look into while log diving. So in the next few hours expect a resolve of this report and punishments dealt were needed.

And yes, Making reports can get either party in trouble if they also broke rules. Just a heads up.

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Re: Bill Carson

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 04 Apr 2016, 17:52

OK Yea i just finished log diving.... Shadowling Im sorry to say this but when A higher Ranking officer joined the round your job reverts back to RO. The BO took charge and delt a demotion. In the middle of this a pred arrived and ended up capturing Bill and taking him to the alien ship. You then violated game rules that state the RO is to Not Leave the Sulaco unless the ship is being evacuated. So Because of this I am Issuing that you receive a Job ban From the RO position. Sas only gave you permission because he didnt feel like dealing with Carson Drama. Had he dug into the information, knowing that the BO who was Acting CO gave a verdict, Knowing you were the RO, im pretty sure he wouldnt have given you permission to do what you did. So thats the first part. Secondly, I found nothing that Bill did as breaking any rules. Everything he did was infact IC and was also handled ICLY. This is my final judgement on this issue.

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Re: Bill Carson

Post by SASoperative » 04 Apr 2016, 18:46

To be frank. This is resolved, But towards Bill, You need to calm down on some of the stuff you do regarding your rather cringy works... I know you love pissing people off and shit but there are limitations to how far they should go. While I know your behaviour OOCly and ICly are extremely different just try to "Ruin their fun, While still having a standpoint where they can have fun" If that makes any sense.
