Jobban Appeal

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Jobban Appeal

Post by Garbage » 15 Apr 2016, 02:53

Your Byond ID: FrenziedVorcha

Character Name: Arthur 'Double A' Altmann

Admin who banned you: Feweh

Total Ban Duration: Perma

Remaining Duration: Indef.

What other servers do you play on? None, I'm on hiatus from other servers

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? A jobban from Xenobiology. No other bans of any type.

Reason for ban (Exactly what the WHOLE text says, if there's a Code (X##XXX##) and you don't give it, you can't be unbanned):

You have been jobbanned by feweh from: Commander, Executive Officer, Bridge Officer, Military Police, Corporate Liaison, Requisitions Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer.
The reason is: Incompetent / Broke rues
Jobban can be lifted only upon request.

Also despite not being stated in the listed jobs, ERT count as one of the banned jobs above which as a sidenote it should probably be added for clarifications sake.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):

The other warning given earlier that day
"As a bridge officer, used a shotgun to kill the CL who had been dicking around throughout the round. Based on a doctor saying "Who keeps throwing flashbangs", and the CL's previously stated desire to communicate (As well as possession of a box of flashbangs), he assumed the CL was trying to "feed" civilians to the xenos, so he shot him with no words as soon as he saw him. I can somewhat understand his actions, so I did not ban him. by Ordukai (GameAdmin) on Thu, April 14th of 2016 "
I was jobbanned because an MP refused to speak to anyone the entire round, armed up immediately, and began dicking around (Dragging people whenever he saw them, pushing through them). I confiscated an SMG from the CL, and then the MP in question tazed another MP for no reason at all and fled from me and locked down the briefing room. He then attempted to mash them closed when I opened them back up so I shot him because he was fervently resisting detainment without trying to talk at all.

Part of the "incompetence" in question is the fact that as a BO I had primaries in both of these situations. The first situation I had a shotgun because it was Red Alert and aliens had boarded, and this situation I had an SMG because I confiscated it from the CL and then the incident described above took place immediately. The other part is the fact that I was "upholding mp law".

I was never told that a BO could not have primary weapons, in fact I was told the only roles who couldn't were CL and Doctors as they are not marines in any way.

I was told that I was warned as a BO in the same situation twice.. Except I wasn't?

Being genuinely led to believe that the CL was willfully trying to get people fed to aliens in red alert due to a prior history of antagonist actions in the round is completely different from an MP not even roleplaying being a dick and just tazing random people and running away and slamming down emergency shutters. The only similar parts of the situation are "I had a gun" both for different reasons and "I shot someone" both for different reasons.

I checked the lethal force rules to see how they'd apply to this situation. The person I killed *was* given a chance to react beyond fleeing and mashing down escape doors after dragging me and walking away only to return later and taze his coworkers. He chose not to, because he did not say a single word prior to this happening or during it happening. He walked into the Bridge at round start, took what he wanted from the MP locker, left, and started harassing people physically without talking. He did not at any point attempt to talk, as there was no speech bubble above his head with the animated "..." to indicate typing (Even as a Xeno if a marine is typing I let them finish before resuming what's going on unless there are other marines present and shooting at me, because killing the marine who is about to report to command that aliens exist kind of ruins the fun especially if he's not doing that but trying to beg for his life).

I checked the griefing rules. I was not a marine who simply grabbed a gun and started shooting people. I confiscated a gun and then shot someone who fired stuns for no reason with no roleplay and then resisted detainment and mashed down the briefing shutters.

I checked the powergaming rules to see if maybe me knowing MP law as a BO was powergaming for some reason if it was mentioned? I didn't perform surgery, I didn't hack doors, I didn't build barricades. I simply knew that a civilian was not trained to use a marine firearm and was additionally not supposed to have one on the ship in which I am part of command. (Especially in green alert when the only information from the ground is "Oh shit aliens!"). Prior to that I ordered the arrest of a marine who shot out the Droppod's windows for no reason and repeatedly said "Nah I'd rather kill myself" when given any orders, which he eventually attempted to do when the MP came for him. He survived his self inflicted wound and immediately resumed trolling other people by firing a flamethrower on the Sully for no reason. I don't see how ordering the arrest of a marine who refuses command and destroys military property is enforcing the law outside of my duty?

The MP who I killed, after being admin revived did not say anything at all and later left the round entirely without communicating still.

I was told to wait a couple of weeks before appealing but I can't even play until then because :

There are people way better at me for the medical roles, and me taking up a slot without knowing what I'm doing is detrimental to the game. The same is true for engineering, I'm not going to take up a job slot from someone who most likely won't blow up the engine (Which is way more technical knowledge than I have at that point)

Xeno isn't great because almost every round their are xenos who ruin it by resisting the hivemind and disobeying the queen despite supposed unquestioning loyalty, and different moderators/admins have different degrees of enforcing this.

Without command Marines aren't much better, and most of the time I'm the only commanding officer until mid round. These last two rounds are the only exception the last two days.

So I'm waiting until EoR and posting this because I can't do anything else but disappear afterwards.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Jobban Appeal

Post by Feweh » 15 Apr 2016, 11:05

Im all for this being lifted a few weeks.
However you were involved in the SAME situation twice as a BO.

You shouldnt be dealing with MP duties which is clearly written in the rules. You also blew the MP's head off who never attacked you or harmed you (i checked logs).
The other MP was right beside you with stuns ready to arrest him, he ahelped about you.

Both of your warnings for BO were on the same day and both times you had primary weapons on you.

You werent completely in the wrong, but i dont think you really understand the duties of a Command position and seem to get involved in the wrong shit.

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Re: Jobban Appeal

Post by Garbage » 01 May 2016, 10:34

It's been a couple of weeks and I haven't contested my ban further beyond Feweh's post here. I'd like it to be reviewed again now that I've waited the period that Feweh considered fair.

I haven't played since, but that wasn't due to the ban or any grudge, the new update got pushed in so for the initial period a lot of the bug complaints seemed severe and that was a turnoff to rejoining as a role that would be heavily impacted by broken combat systems.

If the mod team would like me to play as a marine for a trial period now that the worst of the patch seems to be smoothed I would be willing to try that (provided that hopefully it doesn't go beyond the couple of weeks initially mentioned to be like a month or something)

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Jobban Appeal

Post by Feweh » 01 May 2016, 12:51

You should have this lifted now that it's been a couple of weeks.

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Re: Jobban Appeal

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 02 May 2016, 19:10

This is lifted and Locked will be moved in 24 hours.
