Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

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Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

Post by ShortTemperedLeprechaun » 25 Apr 2016, 18:18

Byond ID: ShortTemperedLeprechaun

Marine Name (so we know who you are, if you play alien mostly, state that here): Scotty Hardy

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name): Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor? Yes, I have read it and familiarized it.

Character background (A very BRIEF description of your predators background): Coming from the tribe Ka'Torag-na Bhu'ja (Lurking Ghost), Gahn'tha-cte was a passionate and ruthless trainee, his focus during hunts being to unnerve and frighten prey from his hidden vantage point, stalking them effortlessly, before engaging them in combat with a berserker rage that was unmatched. Many times he would return to his lodging area, decorated with wounds from a hunt and his unwillingness to back down in it. Gahn'tha-cte, despite being large even by yautja standards, was able to disappear and stalk prey effortlessly, and used this to his advantage to unnerve prey. He had a saying and that was "a cornered hellhound is the most dangerous",which was the exact reason he unnerved his targets; they became much more likely to fight with their lives. Unlike some yautja that plan and hope to live to an old age, and reach the status of elder, Gahn'tha-cte hoped to meet the Black Warrior within as much honor as he could, and obtain this by going out in the most spectacular hunt imaginable. Despite his views on not wishing to become an elder, he held a high sense of respect for them, as well as the pantheon of gods that the clan worshiped, and it was his greatest hope that he would bring honor upon them while he could still hunt in his prime.

How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator. This will weigh HEAVILY and frequently breaking from this MAY result in removal)? I intend to play a predator who is heavily honor bound, who will not allow any steps taken against his, or his elders, honor. I also intend to attempt to frighten a target however possible before engaging it, be it through text, the environment, or anything else. Ontop of this, I aim to target both xenomorphs and marines, picking out choice ones who prove themselves in combat, which will require me to recon a fair amount during rounds to find the most worthy game. I also plan to use the latter form for the mercy option, which is take the combatant with me in an explosion if I'm in critical, as to allow them to join me within an honorable death, and meet the black warrior with pride.

Why should we whitelist you? During my time here on CM, I have enjoyed being able to rp wherever I can, and I feel this would be a great role to spread some rp and flavor to the round. Up until recently, I frequented playing CL, and at one point, I frequented scientist, as they were the two roles that seemed to offer the most promising rp. I also hope to be whitelisted, as I plan to be unbiased with either side, and will hunt whichever game promises the most honor and fight. I have also had extremely enjoyable rp moments with predators, and hope to be able to promote these more, while also preforming as many honorable hunts as possible, to keep the round interesting.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)? No, I have not been banned from CM for any reason.

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why? No, I do not have an outstanding ban on any server.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor? Yes, I fully understand that breaking the rules and code of honor will not be tolerated, and breaking and/or straying from it will result in swift and severe punishment. Scotty Hardy: Resident loud mouth, smart assed Irishman. Image Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja: Honorable duelist, beserker charger, jungle hunter.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

Post by Feweh » 25 Apr 2016, 19:57

Your application is extremely bland and poorly written to the point you repeated "un-nerving" so often I became "nerved".
Generally I would auto -1 a application like this.. but you're a very competent and good player within our community. In fact the only saving grace is that you're generally a nice enjoyable payer. I don't know if that is reason to approve your application though as we need strong RPer's who can develop basic storytelling in-game with their characters.

Best of luck though.

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Re: Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

Post by ShortTemperedLeprechaun » 27 Apr 2016, 06:24

Feweh wrote:Your application is extremely bland and poorly written to the point you repeated "un-nerving" so often I became "nerved".
Generally I would auto -1 a application like this.. but you're a very competent and good player within our community. In fact the only saving grace is that you're generally a nice enjoyable payer. I don't know if that is reason to approve your application though as we need strong RPer's who can develop basic storytelling in-game with their characters.

Best of luck though.
I appreciate the input, and thank you for the wish of luck. I'll keep in mind to attempt to use a more wider spread word choice in the next three month application, if I am denied this time around. And reading over it again, I'll agree, it is slightly bland, but applicatons and the like were never were I was a strong writer. I've always had better luck in spur of the moment decisions, and that writing style has served me well in multiple areas that require me to tell a story. Again, thank you for the wish of luck, and I'm glad i'm considered a good and competent player, that's something that honestly makes me very happy. Scotty Hardy: Resident loud mouth, smart assed Irishman. Image Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja: Honorable duelist, beserker charger, jungle hunter.

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Re: Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

Post by Adjective » 27 Apr 2016, 12:04

Neutral. Application gives minor detailing, but there as Feweh said isn't much flavor. Your attention to lore details is great and your player reputation is superior. However, I like Feweh expected to see more in an application that a medium-length paragraph about how abnormal your Yautja is compared to other Yautja and his "Amazing stalking abilities".

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Re: Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

Post by ShortTemperedLeprechaun » 27 Apr 2016, 16:32

Adjective wrote:Neutral. Application gives minor detailing, but there as Feweh said isn't much flavor. Your attention to lore details is great and your player reputation is superior. However, I like Feweh expected to see more in an application that a medium-length paragraph about how abnormal your Yautja is compared to other Yautja and his "Amazing stalking abilities".
I thank you for your input, as I did with feweh. I'm aware that this isn't my best piece of lore I've written, not that I've written anything of such a manner before. However, this is not an excuse, and will keep in mind your input if I fail to be accepted this time around, and have to re-apply in three months. The feedback is honestly very helpful to me, as long as it's constructive as it has been, in a way. I'll try harder next time if it comes down to it. And on the status of the "medium-length", this was a constraint for me, as I was worried on how long was too long. Scotty Hardy: Resident loud mouth, smart assed Irishman. Image Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja: Honorable duelist, beserker charger, jungle hunter.

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Re: Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

Post by Xurphorus » 27 Apr 2016, 18:00

+1 to you scotty, youre a good player, fun to rp with, and an all around great CL, good or bad. I cant say much about your story because my story is just as short lol. But in terms of it being brief I thought it was good. OOOH OOOOHH IF WE BOTH GET ACCEPTED WE CAN START THE GHOST CLAN! But not until we are both preds and both up the ranks.

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Re: Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

Post by ShortTemperedLeprechaun » 27 Apr 2016, 18:23

Xurphorus wrote:+1 to you scotty, youre a good player, fun to rp with, and an all around great CL, good or bad. I cant say much about your story because my story is just as short lol. But in terms of it being brief I thought it was good. OOOH OOOOHH IF WE BOTH GET ACCEPTED WE CAN START THE GHOST CLAN! But not until we are both preds and both up the ranks.
Thanks for the input. However, I feel the story may be my downfall and what causes me to be shotdown, despite my attempts. However, I appreciate your encouragement, it means a lot. Scotty Hardy: Resident loud mouth, smart assed Irishman. Image Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja: Honorable duelist, beserker charger, jungle hunter.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

Post by Feweh » 13 May 2016, 01:42

Changing to a +1

One of the few applications and players I'll ever actually let pass on a mediocre application.
Never causes issues in-game as a Marine or Alien, dont see any issues with you being a Predator.

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Re: Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

Post by ShortTemperedLeprechaun » 13 May 2016, 01:51

Feweh wrote:Changing to a +1

One of the few applications and players I'll ever actually let pass on a mediocre application.
Never causes issues in-game as a Marine or Alien, dont see any issues with you being a Predator.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. I promise, if I'm white listed, I will do my best not to disappoint you, or make you regret it. Scotty Hardy: Resident loud mouth, smart assed Irishman. Image Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja: Honorable duelist, beserker charger, jungle hunter.

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Re: Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

Post by forwardslashN » 15 May 2016, 00:05

Feweh wrote:Changing to a +1

One of the few applications and players I'll ever actually let pass on a mediocre application.
Never causes issues in-game as a Marine or Alien, dont see any issues with you being a Predator.
I'll go with Feweh on this one. The application could be improved, but I've seen Scotty in action and I think he can handle the role just fine.
The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.

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Re: Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

Post by ShortTemperedLeprechaun » 15 May 2016, 00:25

\N wrote: I'll go with Feweh on this one. The application could be improved, but I've seen Scotty in action and I think he can handle the role just fine.
I once again, thank you for your input. I agree, the more I look at it, the more I realize I could've done it better, however I am appreciative you feel I am competant enough for the role. Scotty Hardy: Resident loud mouth, smart assed Irishman. Image Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja: Honorable duelist, beserker charger, jungle hunter.

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Re: Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

Post by Adjective » 15 May 2016, 00:30

+1 Cause I made two grammar mistakes in my neutral vote and I'm too picky.

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Re: Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

Post by ShortTemperedLeprechaun » 15 May 2016, 17:13

Adjective wrote:+1 Cause I made two grammar mistakes in my neutral vote and I'm too picky.
Once again, thanks. Scotty Hardy: Resident loud mouth, smart assed Irishman. Image Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja: Honorable duelist, beserker charger, jungle hunter.

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Re: Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 22 May 2016, 20:07

Scott doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know, Scott doesn't know that I'm just going to auto deny give you a plus one.

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Re: Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

Post by ShortTemperedLeprechaun » 22 May 2016, 21:14

TR-BlackDragon wrote:Scott doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know, Scott doesn't know that I'm just going to auto deny give you a plus one.
Thank you. Now excuse me while I youtube this, because It obviously wasn't engraved in my skull enough. But still, thank you. Scotty Hardy: Resident loud mouth, smart assed Irishman. Image Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja: Honorable duelist, beserker charger, jungle hunter.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja (Ruthless Spirit)

Post by apophis775 » 23 May 2016, 17:32

Approved and processed
