Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

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Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Artyom » 01 May 2016, 09:18

Your Byond ID: Artyom18

Character Name: i actually cant even remember

Admin who banned you: Apophis

Total Ban Duration: forever

Remaining Duration: forever

What other servers do you play on? Hippiestation, TG Station occasionally.

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? I've been banned on Hippie a few times, dunno about TG station.

Reason for ban (Exactly what the WHOLE text says, if there's a Code (X##XXX##) and you don't give it, you can't be unbanned):

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): i'd rather not but ok viewtopic.php?f=87&t=4725

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
Well, I've been banned for a solid 8 months. I thought it'd be time to make another appeal for the hell of it.

For reasons you can go see in the previous appeal, I'd like to kindly ask Feweh to not be a judge/inspector or whatever.

Although poorly worded and fueled slightly by the anger of not being responded to for about a month, I stand by some of what I said in my last appeal. My notes on a lot of the SS13 servers are not very impressive, but I've been trying to improve them on a lot of the servers I play on, and apparently I've been completely clean for the past 3 months on Hippiestation. At least I think so if the admin who told me so wasn't just trolling my ass hard.

I think what lead to my original banning in the first place was me not realizing that CM was meant to be a full blown heavy RP server, and me, of course, not liking the idea of heavy RP, decided to just play on the server like I would a low RP one. Showing little regard for RP and mainly focusing on the combat part of the game. Now I think this would've been fine if I had just fought aliens, stuck with my squad, and took grunt roles only, but it also led to me helping people who blatantly deserved a prison sentence, by disarming MPs and dragging the suspect away, walking up to the command console and blurting stupid shit, and attempting to be a


and lead a suicide squad assault on the aliens, while the rest of the competent Marines waited on the Sulaco and setup defenses. I now understand that this wasn't an issue of just suicide mission-ing the aliens, but also an issue of 'muh immurshions,' because a lot of people value the RP part of the server much more than the combat part, and would consider my actions as griefing.

Anyways, I'd like to see how the game has evolved in the past 8 months as well, to try out the new alien/marine classes and whatnot.

Give input, or whatever.
wait nevermind you're not allowed to do that if you aren't a witness

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 01 May 2016, 11:04

Let me first start off by saying that I'm neutral towards this application. Usually I'm all for second chances, and I do think you probably deserve one, but there's some details that gives me some pause. But I think your application is honest, and not without merit in some areas.
Artyom wrote: but also an issue of 'muh immurshions,' because a lot of people value the RP part of the server much more than the combat part
This came across to me as awfully condescending. I'm quite well versed in meme terminology, and my experience tells me you usually drop this one when you're trying to openly mock someone.
If you are mocking a chunk of our playerbase in your appeal, maybe that was a bad idea. If I'm somehow misinterpreting this, please clarify that.
Artyom wrote: My notes on a lot of the SS13 servers are not very impressive, but I've been trying to improve them on a lot of the servers I play on, and apparently I've been completely clean for the past 3 months on Hippiestation. At least I think so if the admin who told me so wasn't just trolling my ass hard.
While that's great, keep in mind we are a vastly different server than Hippiestation. They're extremely lenient in their rules, so going three months without scratching their rules really had the opposite effect on me as intended. But, at the very least, it shows that you've improved from where you were.
Artyom wrote: I think what lead to my original banning in the first place was me not realizing that CM was meant to be a full blown heavy RP server, and me, of course, not liking the idea of heavy RP, decided to just play on the server like I would a low RP one. Showing little regard for RP and mainly focusing on the combat part of the game.
We're a medium RP server, not a heavy RP server. That being said, you do sound genuine here. And yes, as a medium RP server, we don't force people to participate in RP. We only ask that you don't actively and intentionally disrupt it for others.
Artyom wrote: For reasons you can go see in the previous appeal, I'd like to kindly ask Feweh to not be a judge/inspector or whatever.
Feweh is very straightforward and upfront with his opinions. You can't exactly cherrypick the staff responding to your application. Like it or not, if he's got a valid point as to why you shouldn't be unbanned, he's going to bring it up.

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 01 May 2016, 11:09



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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Artyom » 01 May 2016, 12:06

SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote:Let me first start off by saying that I'm neutral towards this application. Usually I'm all for second chances, and I do think you probably deserve one, but there's some details that gives me some pause. But I think your application is honest, and not without merit in some areas.
This came across to me as awfully condescending. I'm quite well versed in meme terminology, and my experience tells me you usually drop this one when you're trying to openly mock someone.
If you are mocking a chunk of our playerbase in your appeal, maybe that was a bad idea. If I'm somehow misinterpreting this, please clarify that.
While that's great, keep in mind we are a vastly different server than Hippiestation. They're extremely lenient in their rules, so going three months without scratching their rules really had the opposite effect on me as intended. But, at the very least, it shows that you've improved from where you were.
Feweh is very straightforward and upfront with his opinions. You can't exactly cherrypick the staff responding to your application. Like it or not, if he's got a valid point as to why you shouldn't be unbanned, he's going to bring it up.
I didn't have any intent to mock anyone, I meant to use the term in a general sense.

In the last appeal I made, people wanted to see improvements from other servers, so I went ahead did that. Only real reason I brought that up.

Straightforward as in, insult someone repeatedly because you think they aren't doing something right. I'd rather not. Like I said in minichat, I've known Feweh since before he was a moderator, and I've disliked him ever since I met him.

As for the cherrypicked piece of data from minichat, it's minichat, minichat is banter focused. "Tbh" is usually assorted with memes, and I'm not the one who brought up that topic anyways.
You should really expand on points instead of just posting logs with a stock image, and no context.

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 01 May 2016, 12:57

Artyom wrote:As for the cherrypicked piece of data from minichat, it's minichat, minichat is banter focused. "Tbh" is usually assorted with memes, and I'm not the one who brought up that topic anyways.
You should really expand on points instead of just posting logs with a stock image, and no context.
To be honest, I really don't have much more to say. That "cherrypicked" comment about Feweh (an active staff member), is really no different inside or outside context. I'd argue that, in fact, it's probably worse in-context, because you mentioned that you didn't like him before making the insult. The fact that it was posted in minichat makes literally no difference at all to me.

Keep in mind that we are, in no way shape or form, obligated to unban you.

I'm changing my neutral to a -1 because I really don't think your attitude has changed at all. Looks to me like you're just better at hiding it. Sorry.

But I'd like to see what others have to say about this. I'm not the one with the final word here.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Feweh » 01 May 2016, 13:18

Artyom wrote: For reasons you can go see in the previous appeal, I'd like to kindly ask Feweh to not be a judge/inspector or whatever.
One of the great things about me is that I don't hold grudges and generally I view all applications/appeals from a Neutral stand-point.
Considering I was also one of the few people who initially voted to give you another chance on BOTH your previous appeals, I'm kind of disappointed you would write that.
To be honest, the only reason you dislike me is because I requested your initial ban and was straight-forward in your previous appeals. So it's quite immature of you to dislike someone purely for those reasons as we've never interacted before-hand.

There isn't much left to say about your ban or behavior really, everything has been said and done previously. I personally don't think you've actually changed, you've had the chance to previously and you exhibited the same attitude that lead you to being banned in the first place. Your attitude and self-entitled behavior is most likely a staple of your personality in which a ban from CM will never change.

However, the goal of your ban was made to make you understand that you were wrong and needed to improve.
It shows a sort of dedication to come back and appeal so frequently, which is what I'm really looking at here.
I believe you genuinely want to play on CM again and I think if you were un-banned you'd most likely uphold all rules properly at this point.

I don't think you've really changed attitude wise, but you'd probably be too scared to ever break a rule again in fear of being banned.
Anyways, considering I was the initial one to request you to be banned.... I'd be OK with you being un-banned and being on PERMANENT Probation.
However, I'm COMPLETELY NEUTRAL because simply fearing the law isn't enough to deter people with bad attitudes.. you're essentially a time-bomb waiting to go off.

You'll have to wait to see what Apop says though.

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Artyom » 01 May 2016, 13:26

SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote: To be honest, I really don't have much more to say. That "cherrypicked" comment about Feweh (an active staff member), is really no different inside or outside context. I'd argue that, in fact, it's probably worse in-context, because you mentioned that you didn't like him before making the insult. The fact that it was posted in minichat makes literally no difference at all to me.

Keep in mind that we are, in no way shape or form, obligated to unban you.

I'm changing my neutral to a -1 because I really don't think your attitude has changed at all. Looks to me like you're just better at hiding it. Sorry.

But I'd like to see what others have to say about this. I'm not the one with the final word here.
You posted a picture of a minichat log along with a stock image of a photographer smiling with a camera. It really just seems like a bait to me. I didn't mention anything about Feweh before that comment in minichat, but I did after, and said that it wasn't a genuine insult, you didn't seem to include that in your image though. You're trying to deviate from the actual appeal with my personal relations about Feweh, what you posted was basically a shitpost.

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Artyom » 01 May 2016, 13:49

Feweh wrote: One of the great things about me is that I don't hold grudges and generally I view all applications/appeals from a Neutral stand-point.
Considering I was also one of the few people who initially voted to give you another chance on BOTH your previous appeals, I'm kind of disappointed you would write that.
To be honest, the only reason you dislike me is because I requested your initial ban and was straight-forward in your previous appeals. So it's quite immature of you to dislike someone purely for those reasons as we've never interacted before-hand.

There isn't much left to say about your ban or behavior really, everything has been said and done previously. I personally don't think you've actually changed, you've had the chance to previously and you exhibited the same attitude that lead you to being banned in the first place. Your attitude and self-entitled behavior is most likely a staple of your personality in which a ban from CM will never change.

However, the goal of your ban was made to make you understand that you were wrong and needed to improve.
It shows a sort of dedication to come back and appeal so frequently, which is what I'm really looking at here.
I believe you genuinely want to play on CM again and I think if you were un-banned you'd most likely uphold all rules properly at this point.

I don't think you've really changed attitude wise, but you'd probably be too scared to ever break a rule again in fear of being banned.
Anyways, considering I was the initial one to request you to be banned.... I'd be OK with you being un-banned and being on PERMANENT Probation.
However, I'm COMPLETELY NEUTRAL because simply fearing the law isn't enough to deter people with bad attitudes.. you're essentially a time-bomb waiting to go off.

You'll have to wait to see what Apop says though.
I dislike you because the first time I met you, when I was an alien queen, you openly pestered and insulted me in LOOC about laying more eggs, in which I was trying my best to do at that moment with low plasma from laying jelly and whatnot. Since then you haven't exhibited different behavior to me, ever. This happened before you were a mod, hence why I say that I've known you since before you were a moderator, and disliked you before you were a moderator.

Joshuu and you say that I haven't changed since I've been banned, but neither of you have actually seen me play the game since then, I think you should at least give me a chance to be unbanned and see how I play (on probation probably) on the server before you make any judgements.

Also, when I brought up that I hadn't of had any notes on Hippie in the past 3 months, I didn't mean I went out of my way to not grief people, containing the "ticking time bomb" just to make an appeal for this server. I just followed the rules.
I'm not trying to make it my life goal to be unbanned from this server, but often times I see it at full pop on the server browser and get the urge to play something different, rather than regular SS13.

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by LocalizedDownpour » 01 May 2016, 14:16

Going to weigh in here:

1. I have no idea who you are at all and only can for a basis from this thread, that being said you seem, in the nicest way I can put this...a very blunt person. I don't know what you did to have apop ban you forever, but yes, I can agree that eight months is a long time and even bad people can change. It is just a game after all.

2. Given that we DO have people on probation it's in my personal opinion that we can let you back in under those guidelines of if you mess up under these parameters you're back on perma. I only say this because I can tell you put effort into your appeal, and while you do come off as blunt, you put more effort then alot of people so I feel that can be addressed.

3. At the end of the day this is Apops and Apops alone choice to make as this seems to be a serious thing, and no doubt he'll have his say sometimes in the next few hours.

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Youbar » 02 May 2016, 00:25

Artyom wrote:My notes on a lot of the SS13 servers are not very impressive, but I've been trying to improve them on a lot of the servers I play on, and apparently I've been completely clean for the past 3 months on Hippiestation. At least I think so if the admin who told me so wasn't just trolling my ass hard. ... cism.6926/

Aug 27, 2015, you were banned for bigotry. Granted, that was 248 days ago, but just over a week later from that incident, you managed to get banned from Colonial Marines too. It seems you didn't get the message of having maturity the first time, and it spilled over here. Additionally, when you look into the ban appeal, you're showing the same mildly condescending attitude as you are now, and are outright arguing with the admins.

A few examples of that attitude in this thread:
Artyom wrote:I think what lead to my original banning in the first place was me not realizing that CM was meant to be a full blown heavy RP server
I feel that you're attempting to mock us by making this statement.
Artyom wrote: but also an issue of 'muh immurshions,' because a lot of people value the RP part of the server much more than the combat part, and would consider my actions as griefing.
You're further mocking us by stating the issue was related to the playerbase's immersion, rather than your immaturity. Almost nobody here values roleplay much more than combat here.
Artyom wrote:and me, of course, not liking the idea of heavy RP, decided to just play on the server like I would a low RP one. Showing little regard for RP and mainly focusing on the combat part of the game.
Again, you seem to believe that not focusing on roleplay was the issue. Nobody cared about what you did roleplay-wise - it was simply griefing that got you banned.
Artyom wrote:wait nevermind you're not allowed to do that if you aren't a witness
This is for your convenience to help reduce the time taken to investigate appeals and avoid clutter.

Maybe I'm misinterpreting this all, though, and you're a bit frustrated. Surely you've grown up a bit, and tried to show some semblence of maturity on Hippie Station by avoiding calling yourself BONER MAN. Maybe not, but we all have unique senses of humor. It might just have been a once-off thing. Except, it wasn't, and later that day you posted a complaint born utterly out of salt, where an admin posted logs of you abusing both the players, and the staff themselves.
► Show Spoiler
It was just over two months ago, too. So much for staying clean.

Another thread, this one showing more immaturity, and was posted only ten days ago, too! Still carrying along the traditon of "BONER MAN", huh?

Personally, I don't see a reason to have you back. You clearly don't recognise what "roleplay" is, even after eight months.
Last edited by Youbar on 02 May 2016, 00:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Feweh » 02 May 2016, 00:52

Due to the new evidence provided ... Especially this one here
and this really stuck out, seems almost like admins/mods on other servers feel the same way about you and this was only a month ago.

Leon454 Offline
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I didn't revive anyone, you got a 1 hour catban for critting someone for almost literally no reason, you're lucky it wasn't a server ban with your history.


I'm changing to a -1 again for obvious reasons, nothing has changed.
Honestly I don't know how you aren't perma-banned from all major SS13 servers.

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by apophis775 » 02 May 2016, 01:06

I'm going to probably have to lean -1.

I'm usually for second chances if it's someone I believe is being genuine, but you posted something negative about a staff member in forumchat literally while your appealing...

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Artyom » 02 May 2016, 06:27

Youbar wrote: ... cism.6926/

Aug 27, 2015, you were banned for bigotry. Granted, that was 248 days ago, but just over a week later from that incident, you managed to get banned from Colonial Marines too. It seems you didn't get the message of having maturity the first time, and it spilled over here. Additionally, when you look into the ban appeal, you're showing the same mildly condescending attitude as you are now, and are outright arguing with the admins.

A few examples of that attitude in this thread:
I feel that you're attempting to mock us by making this statement. You're further mocking us by stating the issue was related to the playerbase's immersion, rather than your immaturity. Almost nobody here values roleplay much more than combat here. Again, you seem to believe that not focusing on roleplay was the issue. Nobody cared about what you did roleplay-wise - it was simply griefing that got you banned. This is for your convenience to help reduce the time taken to investigate appeals and avoid clutter.

Maybe I'm misinterpreting this all, though, and you're a bit frustrated. Surely you've grown up a bit, and tried to show some semblence of maturity on Hippie Station by avoiding calling yourself BONER MAN. Maybe not, but we all have unique senses of humor. It might just have been a once-off thing. Except, it wasn't, and later that day you posted a complaint born utterly out of salt, where an admin posted logs of you abusing both the players, and the staff themselves.
► Show Spoiler
It was just over two months ago, too. So much for staying clean.

Another thread, this one showing more immaturity, and was posted only ten days ago, too! Still carrying along the traditon of "BONER MAN", huh?

Personally, I don't see a reason to have you back. You clearly don't recognise what "roleplay" is, even after eight months.
My ban reason states that part of the reason of why I was banned was because I refused to meet low level RP standards, I wasn't trying to mock anyone. Obviously people did care about what I did roleplay wise otherwise I wouldn't have been banned for changing my ID name to JOHN CENA.

I probably should've worded that better, but I didn't mean it was only an issue of immersion, I just meant to say that was part of it, I have no intention to mock anyone for any reason. I never said it wasn't related to my maturity and blamed it all on the playerbase. I figured some people would value the RP of the server more than the combat part, but I'm not really a mind reader. Again... no attempt to mock anyone.

I got banned from Yogstation for saying the word nigga once, I don't know if you know this, but I don't exactly like Yogstation, or ever play on there, ever. It's pretty much my least favorite server, not a very good example for looking for notes and whatever. Difference is, people who permaban me for saying one thing one time as a joke, I'm generally not going to respect them as much as I do admins who actually listen to me when I try and communicate with them, like for say, every other server in SS13 but Yogstation.

I know that rule is supposed to speed up the complaints, I didn't mean anything when I said that.

My name in a pretty much no level RP server is completely unrelated in how I would act in a medium or heavy RP server. My name on that server relates to that server, I obviously wouldn't ever use that name in a medium or heavy RP server.

The complaint about "Yours Truly" definitely isn't my finest hour, I made 5 ahelps with about 4 admins on and didn't get a response, so I ICed in OOC. It was also built up salt from being in brig for the whole round due to what some would call shitcurity.

As for the Speakercity complaint, I don't see anything wrong with it. Other people in that clearly felt the same way I did
You say I don't have any idea what roleplay if, but earlier you said that roleplay wasn't the issue that got me banned. I don't really get that.

Feweh wrote:Due to the new evidence provided ... Especially this one here
and this really stuck out, seems almost like admins/mods on other servers feel the same way about you and this was only a month ago.

Leon454 Offline
Game Administrator

I didn't revive anyone, you got a 1 hour catban for critting someone for almost literally no reason, you're lucky it wasn't a server ban with your history.


I'm changing to a -1 again for obvious reasons, nothing has changed.
Honestly I don't know how you aren't perma-banned from all major SS13 servers.
I got a 1 hour catban for defending my coworker in the Cargo Bay while somebody assaulted him.

That statement is one admin, actually the guy who banned me, telling me his version of the story. Other people clearly had different opinions if you weren't just looking for more stuff to make me look like a dick.
Like here.

And how does my complaint on Speakercity show immaturity? I had a valid reason to make that complaint.

You can't say every admin on the server hates me because of one false statement from the admin who banned me, taken from a complaint on said admin.

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Artyom » 02 May 2016, 06:30

apophis775 wrote:I'm going to probably have to lean -1.

I'm usually for second chances if it's someone I believe is being genuine, but you posted something negative about a staff member in forumchat literally while your appealing...
I didn't mean anything by that statement, someone said they didn't understand why I didn't like Feweh and I replied with "feweh is a cuck tbh" as a joke response. I said it was just banter after the fact and it really shouldn't have been taken this seriously.

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Artyom » 05 May 2016, 18:24

bump pls

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Adjective » 05 May 2016, 18:35

After looking at your other appeals, and memories of you, and this appeal. I can pretty much dim my vote to a -1 as well. You mocked a staff member while appealing, and your 1 month ago problem doesn't fit with your 3 month clean time on hippie.

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Artyom » 05 May 2016, 19:39

Adjective wrote:After looking at your other appeals, and memories of you, and this appeal. I can pretty much dim my vote to a -1 as well. You mocked a staff member while appealing, and your 1 month ago problem doesn't fit with your 3 month clean time on hippie.
I've told everyone this multiple times, there wasn't any insulting intended with the minichat post. Someone (I think Joshuu actually) said they didn't understand why I disliked Feweh. I responded with "feweh is a cuck tbh," as a joke. No one seemed to care at the time and I didn't mean to start anything by it.

That one month ago proble was a catban, and wasn't added to my notes.
A catban is where you're forced to play as Tajaran for a specific amount of time (or permanently) but it isn't meant as a serious punishment and is usually just used by admins when they can't actually ban you for anything.

I didn't lie when I said my notes were clean for atleast 3 months. I talked directly to an admin about it and that's what they said.

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 05 May 2016, 20:39

Artyom wrote: I've told everyone this multiple times, there wasn't any insulting intended with the minichat post. Someone (I think Joshuu actually) said they didn't understand why I disliked Feweh. I responded with "feweh is a cuck tbh," as a joke. No one seemed to care at the time and I didn't mean to start anything by it.
Wasn't me. I actually got a skype message from one of my friends (non-staff) who said,
"Artyom just called feweh a cuck in MC while having a ban appeal out. that's bad practice".
I read the whole conversation, and to be completely honest, I don't know how that can be taken as anything but an insult.
You can keep telling us that you were just fooling around and being playful, but it really doesn't lessen the effect. Nor do I believe it.

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Artyom » 07 May 2016, 04:43

SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote: Wasn't me. I actually got a skype message from one of my friends (non-staff) who said,
I read the whole conversation, and to be completely honest, I don't know how that can be taken as anything but an insult.
You can keep telling us that you were just fooling around and being playful, but it really doesn't lessen the effect. Nor do I believe it.
So your friend sent you a message about something I said in minichat... Why would your friend send this directly to you? You also read the whole conversation but didn't bother to screenshot all of it, instead choosing to screenshot one post just to use against me in my appeal. I honestly don't know how calling someone a cuck can be taken seriously, especially with "tbh" included in the same sentence.
If your friend saw my post in minichat and didn't like something about it why didn't he say something? I'd also like to know who you're talking about and have them respond in the appeal/have a screenshot of the Skype message.

What makes you think that what I said was actually serious?

I'd also also like some minichat logs if that's even possible @Apophis

Personally, although I may be wrong, I think this whole minichat log thing is just being used as another reason of "why Artyom is still an asshole and shouldn't be let on the server again."

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 07 May 2016, 11:24

Artyom wrote: So your friend sent you a message about something I said in minichat... Why would your friend send this directly to you? You also read the whole conversation but didn't bother to screenshot all of it, instead choosing to screenshot one post just to use against me in my appeal. I honestly don't know how calling someone a cuck can be taken seriously, especially with "tbh" included in the same sentence.
If your friend saw my post in minichat and didn't like something about it why didn't he say something? I'd also like to know who you're talking about and have them respond in the appeal/have a screenshot of the Skype message.
Well here's the proof if you really need it. My friend and I talk a lot about gossip and such. He was in minichat, saw your post, and brought it up to me because he thought it was shaky. He wasn't reporting you, but he was just saying, "This is interesting, let's talk about it".
Artyom wrote: What makes you think that what I said was actually serious?
Do you make friendly jokes about people you don't like? Because I'm pretty sure you have to be friends with someone to "harmlessly insult" them. Otherwise it's just a straight up insult. Am I wrong here?

It's extremely poor form at the very least.

Artyom wrote:Personally, although I may be wrong, I think this whole minichat log thing is just being used as another reason of "why Artyom is still an asshole and shouldn't be let on the server again."
I really didn't have much of an opinion about you before this thread. You can see my transition from "neutral" to "-1" pretty clearly in this thread. Especially with all that's come up.

We've unbanned players that have been more of a menace than you, because they actively showed genuine effort and willingness to change their behavior. Take a good look at Youbar, what he used to be, and what he is now. Then look at yourself and see where you fell short.
Youbar worked his ass off to clean up his reputation, and it genuinely worked. I actually hold a lot of respect for him.

Chances are, you have improved from where you were. But, not enough to warrant the removal of your ban. You've still got a ways left to go in my opinion.

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Artyom » 07 May 2016, 16:10

SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote: Image
Well here's the proof if you really need it. My friend and I talk a lot about gossip and such. He was in minichat, saw your post, and brought it up to me because he thought it was shaky. He wasn't reporting you, but he was just saying, "This is interesting, let's talk about it".
Do you make friendly jokes about people you don't like? Because I'm pretty sure you have to be friends with someone to "harmlessly insult" them. Otherwise it's just a straight up insult. Am I wrong here?

It's extremely poor form at the very least.

I really didn't have much of an opinion about you before this thread. You can see my transition from "neutral" to "-1" pretty clearly in this thread. Especially with all that's come up.

We've unbanned players that have been more of a menace than you, because they actively showed genuine effort and willingness to change their behavior. Take a good look at Youbar, what he used to be, and what he is now. Then look at yourself and see where you fell short.
Youbar worked his ass off to clean up his reputation, and it genuinely worked. I actually hold a lot of respect for him.

Chances are, you have improved from where you were. But, not enough to warrant the removal of your ban. You've still got a ways left to go in my opinion.
So what area of my behavior would you like me to improve on?

I suppose what I said could be taken as an insult, although I genuinely had no intent to insult Feweh. I apologize for calling him a cuck.

As I said before, I could at least be given a probation period on the server for awhile under supervision, so people could have visual evidence of how I act and play. "Don't judge a book by it's cover" or whatever.

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Feweh » 07 May 2016, 16:20

I'm not upset by the comment and don't really care.
Stupid move on your part while appealing though.

Anyways, you're going to just end up appealing and will go through the same old thing again.

How about we just unban him under probation for a SOLID 3 months time.

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by apophis775 » 09 May 2016, 12:21

We could do a standard probation of "any offense reinstates"

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Feweh » 09 May 2016, 12:24

apophis775 wrote:We could do a standard probation of "any offense reinstates"
Sounds more than fair given his appeal and ban.

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Re: Artyom's Unban Appeal (again)

Post by Adjective » 09 May 2016, 12:26

You know what. After playing and understanding Hippie more, I'd be a +1 for the probation.
