Put down your stimulant pipes, unblooded whelps, and prepare yourselves for an explosion of information! Many of you layabouts and sluggards have never even fought a single solo hunt, let alone been on one, so you should learn how to behave before you embarass yourselves and are never seen on one again! Pay heed to the words of Elder Vor'mekta, and then meditate on them until you fully understand their meaning.

The Right Tool For Every Task
A lesser weakling hard-meat drone leaps at you. Your plasma caster and a wristblade are both ready. Which do you use? If you chose the WRISTBLADE, you are not as idiotic as I assumed.
Honor is how you choose to face your opponents. The correct tools require you to use ONLY what strength you need to defeat an enemy, never more. If you are not in genuine danger of death at all times then you will never vaccinate yourself against it! Only by challenge can we grow. Use only tactics and weapons needed for the enemy you face, not more. If you cannot gauge the strength of your enemy THEN OBSERVE THEM MORE BEFORE YOU FIGHT THEM!
Most honorable: Defeating one or multiple difficult foes using only melee weapons. Melee weapons are always the correct tools for the job.
Honorable: Matching an enemy in tactics or strategy, and then defeating them with it. If the enemy uses range, use range against them. If the enemy uses numbers, use the smart-disc or cloaking stealth ambush tactics to even the numbers.
Not Honorable, But Not Worth Caring About: Using tools or tactics to destroy or otherwise halt those who would hinder the tide of a personal hunt or task, or against those who use despicable or otherwise noticeably dishonorable tactics. Other species are not held to our standard, no.. but destroying the honorless, regardless of species, benefits the universe as a whole.
Dishonorable: Not allowing your prey the ability to fight back in some way. Prey should always know who or what is facing them. Prey should have the benefit of facing a Yautja to the best of their ability, otherwise you are merely culling the weak, not striving for glory in battle. Using tactics and strategies that a species is not biologically capable of facing is dishonorable, for Yautja are superior to all species anyway. An enemy whose threat is zero is not an enemy, but a tool.
The Cloaking Device Is Your Most Powerful Tool
Use it wisely and with honor! As stated above, use only the tools required for the job at hand. The Yautja light-bender, the cloaking device, is a standard tool for camouflage, combat, and observation. It is by far the most common thing that idiot unblooded rookies get incorrect! It is used only in the following situations honorably:
Observation. It should be used constantly to acquire knowledge about your enemies. If you do not know their strengths and tactics you cannot choose the correct tools, and thus will be a failure at your hunt. Only the most idiotic fight blindly.
Facing Unexpected Prey. You are chasing a warrior caste hard meat across a valley, when eight more jump out of a nearby pit and skirmish at you while your original target scampers away. In this situation it is honorable to use the cloaking device and use whatever tactics are required to continue the hunt.
Facing Particularly Dishonorable Foes & Retreating From Shameful Tactics. Hard meat attempting to shove a Yautja hunter into a corner by body weight fall into this category. In this situation they clearly know your location and thus the effect of the cloaking device is not dishonorable to use. When a Queen uses her sonic roar to deafen you, it is acceptable to use the cloaking device to shake off its effects, so long as the device is deactivated after the foes are scattered or one has escaped their aggression.
Escaping Certain Death It is not shameful to escape a hunt that has gone in an unanticipated direction. It IS shameful to escape a hunt that you observed and anticipated beforehand, and then judged poorly or prepared badly for. Facing a single or multiple small targets? Do not use your cloaking device to retreat, you coward. Either run or die with some dignity. If you fight that badly then you shouldn't have fought them in the first place.
Respect Your Prey.
Not all species are worthy of respect. Those, however, that can rise above their miniscule race and achieve something resembling glory are ones worth watching, and even encouraging. What good is a universe without a challenge in it? This does not mean you need to bare your neck to someone who's bested you in combat, nor does it mean you need to actually kill a prey to consider your hunt completed. Toughening it up with a few challenges of its own is acceptable. Should you feel the urge to grant someone a boon, do so, but not unless it is truly earned in a true struggle.

Know Your Prey.
To a Yautja, all creatures, great and small, are potential threats. Even their own kin! .. .. especially our own kin, sometimes. It takes some degree of intelligence to decide what is prey and what is not, and that requirement is why there are few stupid Yautja! They all die and are never seen again!
Bipeds, The Soft Meat

(These guys are REAL assholes.)

These are prey - they carry the favorite weapons of most bipeds who are too stupid or weak to know better, the firearm, so that they might fight from a far distance like cowards. Projectile weapons are for weaklings! Use them only when you must! The one exception to this rule is the noble Yautja long-gunner, may their plasma rifles be ever charged.
The unarmed ones are not prey, unless they show aggression or lack of respect for the presence of their superiors. As above, it is honorable to fight a prey species only when there is a suitable challenge, a genuine risk. Of course, if simply hunting for meat then this does not apply.
Observe them! You will learn all of this and more when they are observed - the soft meat bipeds are clever, but only in large numbers and with high spirits are they any kind of threat. Most often they can be easily compelled to cause more harm to themselves than anyone else. It is never permissible to hunt and kill them without first observing, for the soft meat are often ingenious and clever, which makes them dangerous.
Use the non-threatening or unarmed soft meat as bait or distractions, or simply to frighten them. Killing a healer is extremely dishonorable.
The Hard Meat

The difficulty of the Yautja's most common foe, the hard meat, depends less on fear and awareness and more on which of them you are able to isolate. There is a reason they are not called smart meat - the Serpent's behavior is extremely predictable. Should you appear before an isolated one, for example, they will race in the opposite direction until they meet up with at least two others. Observe their coordination. Are they working well in tandem? Are others arriving quickly? If so, the scale rises, and the threat increases -- adjust your own strategies accordingly, but never more than what's necessary.
The Greatest Hunt
There are several foes which are particularly sought after targets for the discerning Hunter. These should be strongly preferred over other types of species. They of course will be subject to your local fauna's genetic absorption rates among the hard meat.
Most honorable: Flame-Charger, Toe-Stomper, Queen, Armored-Spitter.
Honorable: Gas-Farter, Grab-Launcher
Not Honorable: The rest, except..
Gnats, Just Gnats: Red-Runners. Like insects they will swarm you if you allow them to. Fend them off as you please, they are not worth caring about even among other hard meat unless they survive long enough to cocoon. It is their peril should they attempt it.
The greatest thrill in any Yautja hunt is when a prey animal understands the unspoken agreement in a proper one-to-one engagement, and others of their kind realize the significance. Many do not, and if they interfere with a personal hunt or fight then deal with them at your discretion. It is not shameful to be defeated in personal combat. Struggle until you cannot, that is honor.