Weyland-Yutani Dossiers: Carlito Pancho

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Weyland-Yutani Dossiers: Carlito Pancho

Post by MedicInDisquise » 13 May 2016, 17:06

Welcome, XO1323...

Opening CarlitoPancho.txt...

Full name: Carlito Pancho

Age: 54

Birth date: 2/12/2096

Gender: Male

Position: Corporate Liaison, representing the views and beliefs of Weyland-Yutani to Sulacco command.

Notable traits: Seemingly Apathetic about almost every situation presented to him. He has no inflection in his voice, he is the personification of a suit that has no care about the Marines on the ground. He only respects Command, and only because without that respect he won't be able to do his job as effectively.

History: He was born to a loving mother and father on LV-212, a WY planet. His father worked as security, and his mother as corporate. He lived a luxurious life, although it was interrupted often by the criminal element on the same planet. He eventually followed his father, and gained a living as a security officer. A competent officer, Carlito often was one of the best in his squad, launching offensives against the violent criminals on the planet. As he grew in prowress, he learned more about WY. He often found evidence of foul play, WY being implicated as an accomplice in many of the criminal's hideouts. Carlito was eventually nearly killed, and isolated from his squad. Internal Affairs, looking over his dossier at the time, decided to give him a choice: Relocate and live in hiding (to protect WY interests) or take a job in Internal Affairs instead. He took the latter job.

He is very experienced with Weyland-Yutani as a company. Mr. Pancho was born with them and will most likely die with them. 2150 AD, he was relocated to the Sulacco. He was not briefed about the Xenomorph threat on LV-624 but he knows about the Xenomorphs in general. He is awaken from his stupor on the desk when the alert came from LV-624...

Relations: Nobody personally. Professionally, he is on amicable terms with Weyland-Yutani officials, and seems sympathetic to the survivors (often offering them jobs or other more lenient ways of silencing them). He also maintains a professional relationship with Marine Command officials, but stop paying attention once it goes below Squad Leader.

Basic appearance: An old man. Grayed hair, with a neatly trimmed mustache. Often wears a white suit.

Likes: Professionalism, Survivors, Competent Marines, Weyland-Yutani interest being represented fully.

Dislikes: Incompetent Marines, Deadly Situations, people who slander Weyland-Yutani.

Strengths: He is competent at his job and knows more than everyone else. He also shows nearly no sympathy to the grunts, which can be seen as a strength in Command.

Weaknesses: Coward. If he is faced with his own death, he will often abandon others and leave men behind. He loves the PMC's for this reason.

Other Info: Particularly Scared of the higher castes.
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Re: Weyland-Yutani Dossiers: Carlito Pancho

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 13 May 2016, 17:07

2 Cls?

Seems carson has some competition....
George S.Patton once said:No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

I don't like cute things.

Good hunting.

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