-Knowing the code.
-Observing how other players play.
-Being creative.
-Common sense and quick reaction thoughts.
-The lovable .ping we all hate.
Every time you decide to play an SS13 server, let it be Baystation or TG, you should observe what each item does, learn how mechanics work, etc. Not to mention, each server has their own settings for stuff such as firing weapons, damage and sort. For example, would you really need three M41A's on you, when you can just use a mag harness with some attachments that make it accurate? Would you really dual wield flamers, knowing they only help with area denial, removing weeds/eggs/sticky resins, but brave xenos can just walk over it and throw a hugger at you? Would you want to use that stupid sniper with silly scoping system and waste some ammunition far range, rather than go CQC with it and burn xenos, using the scope on a fast spraying accurate M41A instead? Primarily, you'd pick better weapons who deal more damage and have more ammunition, than some SMGs and dual wielding them. You have to think what the code allows you to do and not at all times, not think realistically(which a lot actually do) and then complain how nothing works. The message here is, try to understand the code a lot more rather than go in with pistols or shotguns thinking you're the DOOM guy ready to just kill xenos with them, just no.
Many players have their own playstyle, tricks and treats to themselves, so why not take a round off and look after how your favourite player is playing? If you understand how the code works, this tip will work just fine. Observe how they play, how they suppress and fire at different positions, where they set stuff up, what sort of medicine is best to use. This'll greatly affect your playstyle and you could start making some tricks yourself.
"What kind of drugs are you on Kat? You can't get creative! SS13 is only meant for mechanical gameplay!" No, you're wrong. I have been doing many things each rounds, such as the infamous cargo tug sentry that got a moderator salty and some alien players ahelping about me using it to annihiliate xeno forces. Their LOOC reactions were priceless. Right now sentry turrets are getting nerfed, so RIP.
Be creative, think of using combos and sort. Find a way to get a xeno downed quick enough with neccessary tools, maybe find something hilarious and show them foolish xenos what they will never forget.
Your brain has to be working for the entire round no matter what. You have to use common sense and react quick enough on certain situations. You see a specialist and your waifu standard get downed? Save the damn specialist instead, they are valuable men and can deal lots of damage. The command orders you something silly like taking booze from the field? Disregard it and continue with the operation, help other squads no matter what if you can, STAY with your own squad at all times. Whatever your SL orders you, you do it, even if there's a risk of dying, the round is being affected by each and one marine how they handle things, such as holding the operating base and lines. If they're being lazy? Don't complain how bad SL/Command was for being a fuckwit then, when they were actually giving out orders. You're a cannon fodder, you're supposed to be a disciplined badass marine, not an egoistic fuck with their own goals.
This will be a work in progress with some special macros you can set, but here's what I can tell you. Macros are what keeps you alive, USE THEM! SET THEM UP! You can pull off many things with them! There are already a preset of macro keys you can toggle and use, there's also a little note that explains what these presets do. There should be a guide for how to use them, I'll update this soon.
The .ping, the thing that shows how fast your connection is with the server. Sometimes you may get around 2 seconds but don't panic! Go back! It'll still respond and you'll pull back anyways, usually keep tapping the amount of tiles you want to go, turn, etc.
(this is still WIP, I'll go heavily in-depth)
Guide on actually getting better as a marine.
- TeknoKot
- Donor
- Posts: 540
- Joined: 03 Dec 2015, 10:19
Guide on actually getting better as a marine.

Victor 'Orbital' Kaipov says, "You're all fucking stupid."