Landing Gear?

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Landing Gear?

Post by Sarah_U. » 18 May 2016, 20:47

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Adding landing gear to the Sullaco for emergency landing and actual landing, with doors to the hangar or a large elevator linking to the outside, something along these lines.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): It would reduce the number of times where Xenomorphs have to pass through three turrets and an army of grenades. Also, it'd add another event possibility incase the Sulaco loose the engines and admins want to spice the round. Or generally just grant the possibility to remove the constant back and forth between hangar defences.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): The SULACO wouldn't be forced to land on arrival over the planet or wherever, but it would have the possibility to land and link its power supply and manpower directly with the field of operations. It would make every moves more critical and influential for the operation as not only the planet would be at risk, but the only way home as well. Though the benefits would be great as the headquarter of the marines would suddently also become their FOB and all-around base... Though I can already see some fault with the idea of landing itself being risky for the staff aboard and the ship. It's an idea, and I wish for it to just flourish and see what may come out of it for everyone to explore it further and possibly become implemented if deemed good.
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy. ...
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Re: Landing Gear?

Post by ShortTemperedLeprechaun » 18 May 2016, 20:52

It's an interesting concept. I like the idea of a "landing gear room", if only for the affect of xenos stowing away in them to cause trouble. Neutral, because I know it'd take alot of work. Scotty Hardy: Resident loud mouth, smart assed Irishman. Image Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja: Honorable duelist, beserker charger, jungle hunter.

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Re: Landing Gear?

Post by SpanishBirdman » 18 May 2016, 22:05

It's a cool idea, and would spice up the meta, but I see two issues. First, there's no room on LV-624 for a ship the size of the Sulaco to land. More importantly, I bet that teleporting every item, person, tile and atmos data on the Sulaco to another Z-level would create UNGODLY amounts of lag.

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Re: Landing Gear?

Post by Gentlefood » 18 May 2016, 22:34

SpanMan wrote:It's a cool idea, and would spice up the meta, but I see two issues. First, there's no room on LV-624 for a ship the size of the Sulaco to land. More importantly, I bet that teleporting every item, person, tile and atmos data on the Sulaco to another Z-level would create UNGODLY amounts of lag.
Nonsense. You wouldn't do anything like that. The hardest bit would be making new teleport points on the exterior of the Sulaco windows or sealing them off completely (Undigable Rock Walls would work). And just having the Elevator go to and from a Z-Level Transition in some unused area of the map that opens up only if an event triggers. (Ie sealed off so no humans nor Xenos can use it).

Simple Way: Put the Elevator in one of the Cave walls completely sealed off with unbreakable rock that self deletes upon triggering. Put Unbreakable Rock Walls at the Windows to Spess, or just completely surround the Sulaco with them. Lore Reason "Sulaco experienced a semi-controlled landing which collided with the large mountain/cliff face near Lazarus Landing."

Complex Way: "Seal off" parts of the Sulaco or separate them entirely from location to location depending on how the Sulaco was to "fall apart". Lore Reason "Sulaco experienced an uncontrolled landing attempt and fractured upon impact. Significant pieces remain intact, some systems may even still be online." One such system would be the elevator because it would run on Aux Emergency Power (Also have lowered lighting effects).

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Re: Landing Gear?

Post by Jeser » 20 May 2016, 01:42

I believe, that this class of vessels can't land on planets...
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Re: Landing Gear?

Post by Kerek » 18 Mar 2017, 05:32

lot of work for already busy devs and the sulaco is a LARGE ship. I would have to say -1
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Re: Landing Gear?

Post by Snypehunter007 » 27 Apr 2017, 11:31

Outdated. Too much work.

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