Nostromo Bodies and survivors in general

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Nostromo Bodies and survivors in general

Post by jameskiller98 » 07 Jan 2015, 22:26

I was talking to an admin today on colonial marines and me and him were talking about tactics and the commanders and one thing crossed my mind. Where are all the bodies of the nostromo crew? When I asked him he said that you guys might be able to build a room of cocooned bodies in the future. If you guys were to do this I would suggest either the vacated office near arrivals if you want marines to find some evidence quickly or some in xeno-biology if you want an aesthetic and to make it seem like these aliens were being studied on. I also have a hard time believing the crew would not hear about research being killed so I also want to suggest making survivor forts on the station just girders and maybe a flipped table or two with horrible makeshift weaponry that survivors could possibly raid once they spawn on the nostromo. Just enough to fend off the aliens. I love playing as survivor but sadly currently the only way to do this as of right now is quickly build up a fort of your own with metal you find across the station and using mechanical toolboxes to crowbar the girders you just built and then apply metal to make a few escape doors and then create another 2 or three layers of walls to keep aliens out. That or hide in a locker until someone comes around. I would love to see survivors buffed just a tiny bit without having people know how to build things and where to find metal that way new players could play as survivors and aliens would have to atleast try to get survivors. When you think about it this makes since because the crew would quickly try and pool all their resources to one or two locations to survive. Security would also know how to make improvised weaponry also because they have had training into finding makeshift weapons and also have probably seen how a few are made once they take them away from criminals. The pooled resources would not have stood up to the aliens so the crew their would be dead but that leaves the isolated survivors we spawn as which most likely would be making their way to one of these zones and once they find them abandoned would probably quickly grab the gear and run. You could even add a few distress beacons on the station and readers that marine squad leaders could have like the disk locators and have the most recently activated distress beacons show up on these readers to point marines towards the distress beacon. I would also like to see some story fluff in the news feeders where you can post threads and announcements show up in. This would probably be check by marines first thing and give them basic info on the situation atleast one person would probably write about this.
All this would require I believe is
one map changes for the fortifications and cocooned bodies
new distress beacon most likely a computer
change nuke disk locator code to look for ghost object moved to most recent distress beacon and by ghost object I mean an object that the readers would read like the nuke disk but would not be able to be picked up and hopefully wouldn't be seen like ghost or cloaked objects
improvised weaponry that would have one or two shots and hopefully use common items around the nostromo like a makeshift taser with a range of three and a two second stun on aliens that requires wire and a cell to reload after one or two shots depending on how balance would be and a few other weapons others would have to think of.

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RE: Nostromo Bodies and survivors in general

Post by Felkvir » 08 Jan 2015, 13:34

Good suggestions, is all i have to say. I have been thinking about stuff like this for a very long time.. Just didn't come to me when we first implemented more things

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RE: Nostromo Bodies and survivors in general

Post by MrGabol100 » 08 Jan 2015, 13:43

Can't support this more.

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RE: Nostromo Bodies and survivors in general

Post by Dalavi » 08 Jan 2015, 16:11

I really like this idea, the station just seems... empty... It would look more like everyone up and disappeared in seconds if not for a few gibs scattered. If the survivors stayed there for days, it should really show more signs of damage and repair than a bit here and there broken, more bodies and temporary fortifications (and possibly even hidden weapons and survivor's logs) would make the station far more interesting and possibly give survivors opportunity to create a story of what happened before they mostly likely get taken in by the marines.

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RE: Nostromo Bodies and survivors in general

Post by apophis775 » 08 Jan 2015, 22:24

well, were 100% redoing the station, but if you watch "ALiens" the movie we are based on, you'll see that's not exactly the case. It pretty much was, a big empty facility, with only minor damage.

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RE: Nostromo Bodies and survivors in general

Post by Dalavi » 09 Jan 2015, 11:01

apophis775 wrote: well, were 100% redoing the station, but if you watch "ALiens" the movie we are based on, you'll see that's not exactly the case. It pretty much was, a big empty facility, with only minor damage.
Weren't there still a good bit of damage to the station (as well as barricades and the like) in Aliens, as well as no survivors (except Newt)? Plus you really need to give some leeway when it comes to lore against aesthetics/gameplay (as I staff member for a non-SS13 lore server, I know how big a pain it can be). Having more signs of damage and an actual attack could make both exploring and surviving much more fun.

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RE: Nostromo Bodies and survivors in general

Post by Obey_StyleZ » 09 Jan 2015, 11:23

Dalavi wrote: Weren't there still a good bit of damage to the station (as well as barricades and the like) in Aliens, as well as no survivors (except Newt)? Plus you really need to give some leeway when it comes to lore against aesthetics/gameplay (as I staff member for a non-SS13 lore server, I know how big a pain it can be). Having more signs of damage and an actual attack could make both exploring and surviving much more fun.
Well in the alien games I played and saw, the aliens clean up the place, because its part of there tactic to lure new pray, if yu see a place with blood and guts all over the place, would you go in? No, the aliens take marine bodies to nest and infect those, or they dispose the bodies. "eating them"
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RE: Nostromo Bodies and survivors in general

Post by Dalavi » 09 Jan 2015, 12:07

Not exactly a "place with blood and guts all over the place", just putting up signs of an actual struggle. Individual Xenomorphs are basically just like wild animals, and lack the ability or materials to clean up without some things looking off to say the least (piles of acid goop, missing tables, backed up disposals, ect).

Also, as I said, aesthetics and gameplay will generally trump lore unless it's minor. A 40k server who took lore over anything else would have 1 shot kill lasguns, utterly unstoppable Orks, and being executed for not praising the Holy God-Emperor at least every two hours (though that may be slightly hyperbolic).

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RE: Nostromo Bodies and survivors in general

Post by apophis775 » 31 Jan 2015, 13:12

Again, re-doing map, so... Closing.
