Combine magazines

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Combine magazines

Post by golfer45 » 20 May 2016, 14:22

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Allow transferring of ammo from one mag to another. Thus two half full 30 round mags could be combined to make one full mag and one empty

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Dont have to carry around 12/30 round mags, or throw them out.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): click on a mag with the mag you want to fill it with

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

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Re: Combine magazines

Post by Derpislav » 20 May 2016, 14:27

Why is this not a thing yet
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Re: Combine magazines

Post by Gentlemanly_headcrab » 20 May 2016, 16:55

+1 All my +1's go to this. I've had to throw out too many mags on the thought. 'It'll be too low to fight with only this many.' Plus it'll add in a bit of survival increasing for survivors to instead carry 3 mags with the same ammo and just pour it into one full mag of justice.
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Re: Combine magazines

Post by RoswellRay » 20 May 2016, 18:35

+1 but it should have a short timer where you have to stand still.

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Re: Combine magazines

Post by Surrealistik » 23 May 2016, 04:18

+1. Long overdue.
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Re: Combine magazines

Post by Fritigern » 23 May 2016, 09:39


Also, give me an ammo box full of bullets I can click a magazine on to have it filled.

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Re: Combine magazines

Post by forwardslashN » 15 Jun 2016, 18:41

I might do this. Actually reloading a mag is a pain in the ass though, especially transferring ammo.
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Re: Combine magazines

Post by Wickedtemp » 15 Jun 2016, 18:58

+1, but it should probably have a 10-30 second "You are transferring ammo from one Mag to the other, hold still." or something. Nothing too long, but you wouldn't be able to unload and reload a mag so easily. That shit takes time RL.

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Re: Combine magazines

Post by Sarah_U. » 15 Jun 2016, 21:52

Put the mag in a weapon vendor and see the magic occur.
But I +1 that and I'll make a box of ammo suggestion to go along with it.
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Re: Combine magazines

Post by MrJJJ » 16 Jun 2016, 02:35

Wickedtemp wrote:+1, but it should probably have a 10-30 second "You are transferring ammo from one Mag to the other, hold still." or something. Nothing too long, but you wouldn't be able to unload and reload a mag so easily. That shit takes time RL.
Yes it takes about a few seconds for a trained millitary men to reload, more than enough

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Re: Combine magazines

Post by KingKire » 16 Jun 2016, 19:58

+1 quality of life improvement, can be balanced around the time it takes. if your sitting at the front lines and have some spare time in the quiet before the storm, it makes sense to consolidate your ammo.
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Re: Combine magazines

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 14 Apr 2017, 19:28


How could such a great suggestion be forgotten to time.

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Re: Combine magazines

Post by Tristan63 » 17 Apr 2017, 13:16

If it takes time, im all game +1.
The problem is if you try to combine AP and standard mags together.

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Re: Combine magazines

Post by Steelpoint » 17 Apr 2017, 13:18

While low priority, but I would suggest doing what we have on /tg/ by letting people individually remove bullets from a magazine and then scoop them up with another magazine. This lets you empty magazines that are half empty or less and put all the bullets into one magazine.
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Re: Combine magazines

Post by Biolock » 17 Apr 2017, 17:17

+1 Except there's no reason it should take a few seconds. Being instantanious would make it less of a pain, plus no one is gonna top off a mag in the middle of a firefight... well at least I wouldn't.
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Re: Combine magazines

Post by Kerek » 18 Apr 2017, 23:48

oh god please.

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Re: Combine magazines

Post by phil235 » 19 Apr 2017, 06:13

Biolock wrote:+1 Except there's no reason it should take a few seconds. Being instantanious would make it less of a pain, plus no one is gonna top off a mag in the middle of a firefight... well at least I wouldn't.
I think it should take 3-4 seconds to transfer ammo, just enough time to cancel it if you click one mag with another by accident, but not too much so it's still a viable thing in a combat situation.
Tristan63 wrote: The problem is if you try to combine AP and standard mags together.
It's probably easy to make transfer from AP to standard impossible in the code.

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Re: Combine magazines

Post by Crab_Spider » 19 Apr 2017, 07:42

phil235 wrote:I think it should take 3-4 seconds to transfer ammo, just enough time to cancel it if you click one mag with another by accident, but not too much so it's still a viable thing in a combat situation.

It's probably easy to make transfer from AP to standard impossible in the code.
Don't forget incedinary bullets!
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Re: Combine magazines

Post by Boltersam » 19 Apr 2017, 07:55

This'll help a lot with reusing mags with low ammo, +1.

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Re: Combine magazines

Post by Craftedminer » 19 Apr 2017, 13:42


This would help reduce the stress on cargo, and makes the marines slightly more self-sufficient.
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