Staff Report - Grypho

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Staff Report - Grypho

Post by Mizari » 21 May 2016, 10:20

Your Byond Key: Mizari

Your Character Name: Aaron 'Rogue' Larson

Their Byond key: Grypho

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 3.15 GMT +0

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: 3 and 5

Description of the incident: I was playing as a Drone where I was born on the Sulaco. I used the vents to travel around as I was being hunted. I decided to travel to Cargo at which point I instantly get gunned down by a Cargo Technician with a Sniper Rifle. I contacted the Moderator in question who said "He talked with them about it and he's chucked away the gun". I then asked to be revived and his reply was "that would be abuse of modetator powers and would result in a strike for me" at which point I argue the fact that the player broke one of the Job Class rules pertaining to specialized weapons. I was not attacking the marine, As soon as I saw him I tried getting back into the vent until I was shot several times by the Cargo Technician. He then stated I was breaking rule 3 after calling me "Toxic" when I stated I'd take this to the forums.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
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How you would punish the accused: Re-train him from a Trial Moderator at the very most.
Last edited by Mizari on 21 May 2016, 12:19, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Staff Report - Grypho

Post by Grypho » 21 May 2016, 10:35

I did not personally see Cargo Tech´s fight with your drone, but I did see the sniper rifle equipped on him and told him to drop it. With good attitude he did throw away the sniper rifle, and I did not see any reason to elevate the situation further.

[08:54:01] Felix 'Tank' Woodward/devilzhand shot Drone (837)/mizari with a the revolver bullet = null
[08:54:01] Felix 'Tank' Woodward/devilzhand shot Drone (837)/mizari with a the revolver bullet = null
[08:54:02] Felix 'Tank' Woodward/devilzhand shot Drone (837)/mizari with a the revolver bullet = null
[08:54:05] Felix 'Tank' Woodward/devilzhand shot Drone (837)/mizari with a the revolver bullet = null
[08:54:06] Felix 'Tank' Woodward/devilzhand shot Drone (837)/mizari with a the revolver bullet = null
[08:54:07] Felix 'Tank' Woodward/devilzhand shot Drone (837)/mizari with a the revolver bullet = null

You asked your drone to be revived after he had killed you, but I refused to. He killed you in cargo bay with the closest gun reachable, and I do not see any big problem in that? Should he had asked the MPs to come while getting slaughtered by your drone?

And yes, I did say "Thank you for your toxicity." Because the cargo tech´s action was not a big issue and you kept demanding yourself to be revived multiple times, attempting to enhance your demands by telling that you would make a staff report, even though I solved the situation with the cargo tech and explained why I can´t revive you. You did not get griefed. Reviving you would have been abuse of power.

I dont understand where in your opinion I have broken protocol to determine punishment or determining the seriousness of the issue.

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Re: Staff Report - Grypho

Post by Mizari » 21 May 2016, 11:00

The rules clearly state ALL job classes must stick to what they know. He's a cargo technician with a frigging snipper. I had no intention of killing him at all, as I stated to you multiple times, I tried to get back into the vents. Check your damage logs and you'll see he was not harmed once.

I had a good Roleplay going on in the Sulaco as a loose alien yet that was shortlived due to a cargo technician thinking hes rambo and can carry a sniper rifle. Yes he may have dropped the rifle but he shouldn't of had it in the first place thus I would of actually had a better chance to escape if not faced with a sniper rifle.

I asked for a revive because a rule was indeed broken and it was not my fault he had the sniper on him. That is the reasoning for this. Also calling a play toxic because I notified you politely that I would seek this investigated on the forums by Management and how relevant the rules are pertaining to a players enjoyment of the server when this stuff happens.

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Re: Staff Report - Grypho

Post by Grypho » 21 May 2016, 11:11

Grypho wrote: I did see the sniper rifle equipped on him and told him to drop it. With good attitude he did throw away the sniper rifle, and I did not see any reason to elevate the situation further.
I already replied above how I dealt with the situation.

Now if you are going to pull that "preserve the RP enjoyment" card, I did preserve it.
Preserve the RP and enjoyment of the server
- If a player breaks a rule, but increases the enjoyment of the server in general, (through roleplay or other such things) it can be overlooked.
We’re a server focused on the enjoyment of the players. As long as the players are having a blast and not every single rule is being broken, it’s okay to let some things slide here and there.
Nobody except you had a problem with how I dealt with the situation. Noize also saw our conversation.

To me, this whole thread seems like an attempt to boost your own ego.

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Re: Staff Report - Grypho

Post by Mizari » 21 May 2016, 11:55

My own ego? I'm sorry but your attitude stinks, how you got to become staff is beyond me.

Nobody had a problem with it because it was literally just me and him, nobody else. If you actually looked around the Sulaco, you would of seen MP's were hunting for me, giving them something to do instead of sitting around doing nothing. There were a large group of people on the sulaco assisting the MP's and it was an RP in its own right. So your post saying it increases the enjoyment for other players is invalid as they MP's then had nothing to do after discovering I was dead.

Your punishment was invalid and should of been heftier, your attitude stinks and you as a Moderator should learn to control your anger as its clearly showing your level of capability here.

I will not post until another member of staff, preferably an admin post.

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Re: Staff Report - Grypho

Post by forwardslashN » 21 May 2016, 11:57

Grypho wrote: Nobody except you had a problem with how I dealt with the situation. Noize also saw our conversation.
Can confirm. I saw the drone attack and almost kill an unarmed doctor/researcher in medbay before the incident took place, and the marines were welding the vents in the meantime. There was no provocation for the attack that I saw, so I don't know what roleplay was involved as you climbed out of the ventilation and began slashing. Furthermore, the RO is a marine officer, and should have every right to grab the nearest gun to deal with a hostile intruder on the Sulaco, specifically their department that they are supposed to protect. The rule itself:
Do not equip weapons larger than a pistol unless the Sulacois under attack.
You were literally attacking people before you were killed. Grypho handled the situation appropriately and fairly in my opinion.
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Re: Staff Report - Grypho

Post by Feweh » 21 May 2016, 12:05

This is a terrible report.
Grypho broke no rules at all and actually handled then situation perfectly. This is more of a "salty" admin complaint just because youre upset.

Understand this, RP is not you killing players. That is for you own enjoyment, so using the excuse that you were "creating roleplay" is ridiculous.

As well, in any logical situation if a alien was near you you'd grab the closest gun to you. I dont know how to fire a sniper rifle in real life, but if a alien was coming at me out of nowhere and there was a sniper on the ground id use it. Felix was also in his CORRECT job location and you said yourself marines were already on the lookout for you.

No action will be taken on Grypho.

Report will be closed in 24 hours for final comments.

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Re: Staff Report - Grypho

Post by LouisLouiz » 21 May 2016, 12:40

I would also like to add (not really my place to but just noting) you didn't show evidence of him calling you "toxic", and he emited to calling your actions toxic, not a direct insult just telling you to calm down
