Lcass123 Jobban Appeal , Admin unknown

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Lcass123 Jobban Appeal , Admin unknown

Post by lcass123 » 28 May 2016, 10:29

Your Byond ID: Lcass123

Character Name: was lcass semaphor

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Perma Job-ban

Admin who banned you (if known): I'm not sure

Total Ban Duration: Permanent

Remaining Duration: till the end of time

What other servers do you play on? Was an admin on hippie , currently a trial admin . Play on goon on and off.

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Yes both of them being perma bans , they have now been dealt with and previous history has been revealed.

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): I'm not sure but I know it involved me as the commander chasing down someone and being a generally god awful commander.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): None.

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): The ban has been in place for a while and I think it is about time to lift it , I'm becoming more active on the server and trying to be a good player and although recent play time has been low hopefully I can show that I am trying to be an active and engaging member of the community. I understand the severity of the ban reason and why I may not be successful in having it lifted until I show more activity on the server.

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Re: Lcass123 Jobban Appeal , Admin unknown

Post by Grypho » 28 May 2016, 11:33

Hi, I will check it out.

Code: Select all

lcass123 - Commander ## Was stunned by an MP,returned stuns,later returned lethals,when stunned by others later returned with lethals from the M14A,to everyone.....banned from Command Roles,Multiple killed,also due to past notes; By coroneljones on Fri Aug 07 12:57:20 2015 (unban) 

Banned from Commander, Executive Officer, Bridge Officer, Military Police, Sulaco Chief Medical Officer, Corporate Liason, Requisitions Officer - Was stunned by an MP,returned stuns,later returned lethals,when stunned by others later returned with lethals from the M14A,to everyone.....banned from Command Roles,Multiple killed,also due to past notes by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Fri, August 7th of 2015 
There was some tension between you and the marines that day

[09:43:06]SAY: Lcass123/(Lcass Semaphor) has made Command Staff: Priority Announcement - You objectives have been updated , even the bridge officers are retarded enough not to listen - Lcass Semaphor (Commander)
[09:43:30]SAY: James Henrick/CrAzYPiLoT : When you come in, killing the CO
[09:43:37]ADMIN: HELP: Jtfang6/(Darin Clarke): Yeah. Lcass is a bad CO... job ban? - heard by 2 non-AFK admins.

[09:46:22]SAY: Lcass123/(Lcass Semaphor) has made Command Staff: Priority Announcement - Good one marines , you fail to listen to my orders in the first place which is STICK TOGETHER AND MOUNT A GROUP ASSAULT IF YOU ARE ATTACKED. instead half of bravo SETUP A FOB WHEN THEY ARE TOLD NOT TO charlie FUCK OFF TO OPEN UP SECURE STORAGE and delta are the ONLY ones attacking.... Get out. - Lcass Semaphor (Commander)

[09:47:59]SAY: Lcass Semaphor/Lcass123 : Mps
[09:48:01]SAY: Lcass Semaphor/Lcass123 : To the bridge
[09:48:05]SAY: Lcass Semaphor/Lcass123 : They are mutinying

[09:49:04]SAY: James Henrick/CrAzYPiLoT : Where is the fucker?
[09:49:09]SAY: James Henrick/CrAzYPiLoT : I'm going to kill him
[09:49:29]SAY: James Henrick/CrAzYPiLoT : The CO is a retard

After the social tensions between you and some marines, it appears you open fire on one of them. Before that "James Henrick" was obviously planning a mutiny against you and took some others with him. (probably)

[09:49:53]ATTACK: Lcass Semaphor (lcass123) shot James Henrick (crazypilot) with a the bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=103;Y=146;Z=3'>JMP</a>)
[09:49:53]ATTACK: Lcass Semaphor (lcass123) shot James Henrick (crazypilot) with a the bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=104;Y=146;Z=3'>JMP</a>)

[09:51:33]SAY: James Henrick/CrAzYPiLoT : We are killing the CO

[09:53:53]SAY: Lcass Semaphor/Lcass123 : Dion
[09:53:53]SAY: Lcass Semaphor/Lcass123 : Are you with me
[09:53:53]SAY: Lcass Semaphor/Lcass123 : Or against me
[09:53:53]SAY: Lcass Semaphor/Lcass123 : Please be with me

[09:59:43]SAY: Jack Joller/Nilsius : Don't you guys need to get rid of Lcass first?

The MP joins mutiny

[10:02:17]SAY: Dino Cades/NoShamNoWow : But I HAVE to follow his orders.. im a MP
[10:03:09]ADMIN: HELP: NoShamNoWow/(Dino Cades): would I be also able to help the multineers? and go against commander? - heard by 2 non-AFK admins.
[10:03:23]ADMIN: PM: Caryl/(Caryl Bernhaben)->NoShamNoWow/(Dino Cades): If you wish.

Combat starts and continues for the next dozens of minutes

[10:05:01]ATTACK: Jack Joller (nilsius) was hit by a the frag grenade, thrown by Lcass Semaphor (lcass123) (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=94;Y=155;Z=3'>JMP</a>)
[10:05:16]ATTACK: Lockie Hughes (derpislav) shot Lcass Semaphor (lcass123) with a the bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=98;Y=160;Z=3'>JMP</a>)
[10:05:25]ATTACK: Anna Clifford (minijar) shot Lcass Semaphor (lcass123) with a the bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=95;Y=161;Z=3'>JMP</a>)

Your talk with admins, personally, I think the admin in question should have used more appropriate language and be less hostile. At this time there is a new round start and you brief the marines.

[10:58:31]ADMIN: PM: Felkvir/(Nathaniel Estecado)->Lcass123/(James Bivnonie): Give them an actual idea of the situation, not some half assed shit
[10:58:40]ADMIN: PM: Felkvir/(Nathaniel Estecado)->Lcass123/(James Bivnonie): I'm sorely tempted to just jobban you from command
[10:59:11]ADMIN: PM: Lcass123/(James Bivnonie)->Felkvir/(Nathaniel Estecado): For what. A short and simple briefing that they should be able to understand or another load of rp nonsense that has me explaining something they dont need to know
[10:59:39]ADMIN: PM: Felkvir/(Nathaniel Estecado)->Lcass123/(James Bivnonie): Don't need to know? What the hell are you talking about
[11:00:06]ADMIN: PM: Lcass123/(James Bivnonie)->Felkvir/(Nathaniel Estecado): Half the time they whine on about how it was just some stupid engineer accidentally pressing the button
[11:09:12]ADMIN: PM: Felkvir/(Nathaniel Estecado)->Aeleto/(Mark Hanford): you undescriptive mofo

[11:00:11]SAY: James Bivnonie/Lcass123 : So this is how it goes
[11:00:20]SAY: James Bivnonie/Lcass123 : They sent up a distress signal because someone got a papercut
[11:00:29]SAY: James Bivnonie/Lcass123 : Or from whatever we can gather that is the apparent situation
[11:00:38]SAY: James Bivnonie/Lcass123 : So as usual we went with the full amount of force we can
[11:00:58]SAY: James Bivnonie/Lcass123 : What I want to happen is for alpha to scout the colony , locate and find survivors

BO stuns you randomely and the others defend you

[11:01:05]EMOTE: James Bivnonie/Lcass123 : <B>James Bivnonie</B> screams!
[11:01:05]ATTACK: Aeleto/(Mark Hanford) stunned Lcass123/(James Bivnonie) with the the stunbaton.
[11:01:06]EMOTE: James Bivnonie/Lcass123 : <B>James Bivnonie</B> screams!
[11:01:06]ATTACK: Aeleto/(Mark Hanford) stunned Lcass123/(James Bivnonie) with the the stunbaton.
[11:01:25]ADMIN: PM: Lcass123/(James Bivnonie)->Felkvir/(Nathaniel Estecado): Right , im doing an actual briefing and some retarded bridge officer runs in and starts stunning me. NOICE
[11:01:08]ATTACK: The Stryker/(Cooper Casey) stunned Aeleto/(Mark Hanford) with the the stunbaton

The BO later on starts to compete with Commander Lcass, which is quite provoking action, this is not all of the orders he dishes out

[11:06:23]SAY: Mark Hanford/Aeleto : I've assigned Bravo to securing the dome.

One hour later this final thing
[12:51:56]ADMIN: PM: Lcass123/(James Bivnonie)->Coroneljones/(unknown): Jesus christ this is a long one. Ok so some guy slices me outside the bridge randomly. I find him and he chases me with a magnum. So I shoot at him. The mps think im just murdering him and refuse to listen so they start shooting at me. I run to medical to heal up and find lewis (who says he would stop them attcking me) he doesnt and instead tries to kill me aswell. I head to the bridge and lock it down , hearing lewis outside I let him in which is then followed by about 5 other marines all using lethals against me.
[12:53:32]ADMIN: MOD: Coroneljones/(unknown) : from what im seeing
[12:53:40]ADMIN: MOD: Coroneljones/(unknown) : A guy shot him with stuns,probably an MP
[12:53:46]ADMIN: MOD: Coroneljones/(unknown) : later he responded with lethals
[12:53:51]ADMIN: MOD: Coroneljones/(unknown) : lcass i mean
[12:54:27]ADMIN: MOD: Coroneljones/(unknown) : another guy was looting him AND stunning him..he filled him with m41 shots
[12:55:08]ADMIN: MOD: Coroneljones/(unknown) : the guys never lethaled him first,he did
[12:55:27]ADMIN: MOD: Coroneljones/(unknown) : Im saying a day ban...maybe a jobban from command»
[12:55:30]ADMIN: MOD: Felkvir/(I TRIED SO HARD~) : Most certainly a ban from command positions
[12:56:10]ADMIN: Coroneljones/(unknown) : And we have reached a consensus in the AdminMind

[12:57:31]ADMIN: coroneljones/(unknown) perma-banned Lcass123/(James Bivnonie) from Commander
[12:57:31]ADMIN: coroneljones/(unknown) perma-banned Lcass123/(James Bivnonie) from Executive Officer
[12:57:31]ADMIN: coroneljones/(unknown) perma-banned Lcass123/(James Bivnonie) from Bridge Officer
[12:57:31]ADMIN: coroneljones/(unknown) perma-banned Lcass123/(James Bivnonie) from Military Police
[12:57:31]ADMIN: coroneljones/(unknown) perma-banned Lcass123/(James Bivnonie) from Sulaco Chief Medical Officer
[12:57:31]ADMIN: coroneljones/(unknown) perma-banned Lcass123/(James Bivnonie) from Corporate Liason
[12:57:31]ADMIN: coroneljones/(unknown) perma-banned Lcass123/(James Bivnonie) from Requisitions Officer

[12:57:49]ADMIN: coroneljones has banned lcass123.


Basically, I can see a lot of controversial behavior from not only you Lcass, but from other players too. Your bad commanding seemed to be partly because of your lack of commanding/gameplay experience in Colonial Marines. Instead of hostile behavior, people could have assisted and adviced you (looking at command staff and admins here mostly). It would be a very long post if I analyzed everything here, but I am just going to recommend unban from all command roles because

1) It has been a long time since you got the ban
2) You were provoked by multiple players to do the actions you did in the end.Even though what you did was not justified, the other players´s behavior could have been much better.
3) The banning admin decides to ban you for one day and "maybe" jobban from command
Last edited by Grypho on 28 May 2016, 16:07, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lcass123 Jobban Appeal , Admin unknown

Post by lcass123 » 28 May 2016, 13:18

Looking back on it it's not as bad as I remember but it is still certainly bad and it must have been an absolute abhorrent round , I doubt the marines would have won. It would be great to hear some more feedback on this , thank you for that gabe.

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Re: Lcass123 Jobban Appeal , Admin unknown

Post by Whistle » 30 May 2016, 14:32

Being asked to look into this I would say the player seems eager to learn and play the role, given their only issue since February was an Id theft just the other day, I would give them the opportunity to try again with a reminder to just double check the rules and a reminder to ask for help if they need it.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Lcass123 Jobban Appeal , Admin unknown

Post by Feweh » 01 Jun 2016, 16:36

Stickied for apops final review.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Lcass123 Jobban Appeal , Admin unknown

Post by apophis775 » 02 Jun 2016, 00:47

Lifted. It's hella old and I doubt he would have gone through all the effort he had to go through with me to get his "really weird" ban thing lifted if he was going to repeat this.
