Predator Abuse

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Predator Abuse

Post by Enite » 01 Jun 2016, 01:51

Your Byond Key: Knightfall5

Your Character Name: Sarah Sulyard

Their Byond key: Feweh

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 11:40pm-12:25am, April 31/June1

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: Do not abuse your power, preserve the RP and enjoyment of the server, and server rule 15, don't intentionally breach atmospherics.

Description of the incident: There are three predators this round, which is unknown to the marines. Right after the Rasputin takes off after initial landing, one of them uses his long ranged rifle to start sniping at the LZ and Nexus area, and he was declared KoS since it wounded several marines. Later on in the round, a predator (I believe that same one) boarded the Sulaco, and the CO ordered it be taken off the ship since it was considered hostile. It ended up dying in surgery two, blowing it out to space and killing a few marines in the process. After that, with these predators obviously shoot on sight and hostile to marines, Feweh's predator boards the Sulaco to reward the marines for killing the first predator, and of course it ends up getting shot, resulting in a large firefight in the bridge resulting in the Predator dying and exploding, completely destroying that area and killing around seven marines, and the majority of the command staff. Anytime Predators are boarding the Sulaco they run the risk of dying, and they know what happens when they die. No one has a free pass to just blow holes in the ship like this.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Another staff member fixed the breach, and all the bodies were removed.

How you would punish the accused: Removal from Predator whitelist

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Predator Abuse

Post by Feweh » 01 Jun 2016, 02:02

I was expecting this.
One of my favorite comments from you was "you know the last admin i made a complaint about was punished".

Wonderful threat.

Anyways, to end this complaint now.
No rules were broken, infact I even told you this.

Predators are allowed breaching sulaco when they die, theyve always been allowed.

Both predators went onto Sulaco with RP reasons. Zynax/Isaac was rewarded for killing the young-blood predator.

I was the admin who patched Sulaco up, not because I jad to but because Engineers were all SSD or dead.

This isnt a complaint, this is a "i dont agree with the rules and redused to listen to the head moderator when he told me them".

This is purely a salt complaint and refusal to listen to staff on your part.

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Re: Predator Abuse

Post by Enite » 01 Jun 2016, 02:09

Wonderful way to misquote, that wasn't what I said at all. When you kept railing into me in admin pms, I simply informed you that the last time something like this happened, the person who did it was punished.

And again, there is NOTHING in the rules that says you can breach the Sulaco as any role. Go ahead, go to the rules and point out where it says this. I will wait.

You can have all the RP reasons you want, but when you know the end result is you dying and killing a ton of people, you are just using that as an excuse.

The most hilarious thing is that my screenshot has you saying that another staff member was the one who fixed it, so now you just lied. Nice one, head staff member.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Predator Abuse

Post by Feweh » 01 Jun 2016, 02:13

Enite wrote:Wonderful way to misquote, that wasn't what I said at all. When you kept railing into me in admin pms, I simply informed you that the last time something like this happened, the person who did it was punished.

And again, there is NOTHING in the rules that says you can breach the Sulaco as any role. Go ahead, go to the rules and point out where it says this. I will wait.

You can have all the RP reasons you want, but when you know the end result is you dying and killing a ton of people, you are just using that as an excuse.

The most hilarious thing is that my screenshot has you saying that another staff member was the one who fixed it, so now you just lied. Nice one, head staff member.

KeyWiis a mentor, he can't build. In fact, no one online at the time had build but me.
It was a joke because players were angry that I sealed the bridge as they themselves said it was a IC issue. So i jokingly said KeyWii did it so he'd take the flak.

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Re: Predator Abuse

Post by Enite » 01 Jun 2016, 02:17

One person saying that doesn't equal players, if it was an IC issue you wouldn't have tried to fix the mistake. Your only real justification is rule 0, and I disagree and am making this complaint like it says I should. No need to be so hostile

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Predator Abuse

Post by Feweh » 01 Jun 2016, 02:23

Enite wrote:One person saying that doesn't equal players, if it was an IC issue you wouldn't have tried to fix the mistake. Your only real justification is rule 0, and I disagree and am making this complaint like it says I should. No need to be so hostile

So after the first Predator blew up in medical trying to get his kill and that wasnt sealed by me or anyone.

I decided to only seal the bridge explosion to hide my mistake.... but left the other predators explosion un-sealed earlier?

I mean, if i knew it was a mistake early on wouldnt i of also sealed the other explosion breach? Maybe I sealed it so marines wouldnt further be crippled due to the lack of Engineers present and I was being thoughtful?

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Re: Predator Abuse

Post by Enite » 01 Jun 2016, 02:26

That explosion didn't breach the main ship, it breached one room. One. You were fighting in one of the most important areas of the ship, and that explosion caused depressurization from the bridge to the ladders. If you hadn't sealed it, atmos would have been completely screwed as marines try to get to the breach to seal it. And you still haven't addressed my other points, you are just going off on this one tangent and ignoring everything else.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Predator Abuse

Post by Feweh » 01 Jun 2016, 02:32

Enite wrote:That explosion didn't breach the main ship, it breached one room. One. You were fighting in one of the most important areas of the ship, and that explosion caused depressurization from the bridge to the ladders. If you hadn't sealed it, atmos would have been completely screwed as marines try to get to the breach to seal it. And you still haven't addressed my other points, you are just going off on this one tangent and ignoring everything else.
Look this will be my last post and Ill let someone else inform you. To be honest, we really shouldnt even be entertaining complaints like these.

I never used rule 0 or once said Im ignoring any of our current rules.

I never abused my powers either, since no rule 0 was used and I simply straight up died?

And for the obvious issue, i never broke the no breaching rule because as youve been told by HEAD STAFF Predators are allowed to breach.

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Re: Predator Abuse

Post by Enite » 01 Jun 2016, 02:35

Feweh wrote: Look this will be my last post and Ill let someone else inform you. To be honest, we really shouldnt even be entertaining complaints like these.

I never used rule 0, no rules were broken so I didnt ignore any rules. Its been like this EVER since predators were added.

I never abused my powers either, since no rule 0 was used and I simply straigjt up died?

And for the obvious issue, i never broke the no breaching rule because as youve been told by HEAD STAFF Predators are allowed to breach.
That is where rule zero comes in. You are telling me you are allowed to do it, but it isn't in the rules. If it was, you'd have pointed it out already. That means it falls under rule 0. You are abusing your powers because you broke the rules, and are using your position to justify it with "But a head staff said it was alright, so you should just drop it"

You can't objectively judge your own actions, you are always going to think you are right.

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Re: Predator Abuse

Post by apophis775 » 01 Jun 2016, 02:55

I see, literally no rule violations or abuse of power in your initial complaint.

The only Issue i could possibly see, is him sealing the breach himself, as that's an IC issue if the Marines let a pred explode on their ship, and it's up to them to fix.

The last two times this happened:

1. I was assaulting the bridge chasing a Squad leader I had chased from the planet to the ship. I was gunned down in the hallway between the bridge and ship and detonated. No action was taken (I think engineers fixed it)
2. A rando pred was attacked on the Bridge and detonated. The only person punished, was the BO who went planetside against the Rules.

This to me, seems like a salt complaint and nothing more. I see no evidence of a "rule-break".

"Breaching atmospherics" refers to people intentionally destroying sections of the Sulaco with welderbombs or whatever else they can grief with. It does not apply to the Preds detonation and never has.

I'm not sure who told you we punished for preds detonating on the sulaco, but it's simply not true.

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Re: Predator Abuse

Post by Enite » 01 Jun 2016, 02:59

Again, that is not what this complaint is about. Yes, that is part of it, but the main part is that his presence based on the current IC actions of the round resulted in a bunch of marines getting killed. If detonating isn't against the rules, great. Not even what the majority of this complaint is even about, though. It's about all the dead marines and completely destroyed command staff causing a massive disruption to the round for no reason, which is clearly against the no murderboning rules for Predators

Edit: And no one told me it was against the rules, but looking at rule fifteen and seeing no exclusion for predator explosions, it is pretty easy to conclude that.

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Re: Predator Abuse

Post by apophis775 » 01 Jun 2016, 03:01

No. If marines are killed in a blast, it's legit. Doesn't matter if it's Skymarshall Kowalski on one of his "Disciplinary" visits. If your killed in a pred blast, your dead. No abuse or anything. In fact, Preds are encouraged to try and do MAXIMUM DAMAGE with their blast as the more they take with them, the more glory.

There was no Abuse Related Disruption, and it's not "murderboning" if he's killing them because he's exploding.

Predators don't have control over their explosions. To the point that, if they DIDN'T explode on the ship, they'd be violating their honor code by allowing their body/technology to get stolen (exception is if they are infected)

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Re: Predator Abuse

Post by Enite » 01 Jun 2016, 03:03

What are marines suppose to do when hostile predators board the Sulaco, then? Our first interaction with them was long range rifle fire at our LZ injuring marines. If Predators are just a free pass to go "Haha, if you shoot me I explode and blow up your ship, but if you don't I will just keep knifing and lasering you and kill you all anyways", then I guess we have nothing more to discuss here.

And again, I'd like to point out that I died in a completely Predator unrelated way, and was observing this. I wasn't a marine who died, and I have no reason to be "salty" about it
Last edited by Enite on 01 Jun 2016, 03:04, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Predator Abuse

Post by apophis775 » 01 Jun 2016, 03:04

You kill it? That's what you should do. Kill it as quickly as you can.

Pummel it with headshots so it can't trigger the bracers. But if marines pay so little attention that a pred boards their ship, they have to deal with the consequences. It's part of the game.

Like I said, your complaint is salt-based and has no real ground other than you being upset. If It was a LEGIT complaint, it would be handled. But you changed your claim and reasoning several times from "abuse" to "preds shouldn't explode on the ship"

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Predator Abuse

Post by Feweh » 01 Jun 2016, 03:06

Enite wrote:What are marines suppose to do when hostile predators board the Sulaco, then? Our first interaction with them was long range rifle fire at our LZ injuring marines. If Predators are just a free pass to go "Haha, if you shoot me I explode and blow up your ship, but if you don't I will just keep knifing and lasering you and kill you all anyways", then I guess we have nothing more to discuss here.

Because Predators are a rare event and generally very fair and even.

Yesterday we helped the Marines defend sulaco from 30+ aliens. Tonight, we blew up on Sulaco for RP reasons... its a wild card dictated by the round status.

To be fair, I did role-play with the marines.. Isaac was rewarded and the predator tech retrieved. Unfortunately as i was leaving one player shot me and mob mentality took effect.

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Re: Predator Abuse

Post by Enite » 01 Jun 2016, 03:09

Well, that is something I don't agree with, then. The marines don't have much counter play here, no matter what they do they are gonna die when fighting a Predator on the Sulaco, and that isn't very fun for them. I guess just lock this, and my apologies for wasting everyone's time.

Edit: And again, this is NOT SALT BASED. I never once changed my reasoning, it is all right there in my original post. Just because we focused on one area at a time doesn't mean I am making it all up as I go.

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Re: Predator Abuse

Post by apophis775 » 01 Jun 2016, 03:10

You don't have to agree with it. They can easily fight a pred without dying since you know, they should be SHOOTING IT FROM A DISTANCE WITH BULLETS.

But yes, I'll lock this and shift it to "resolved".

Verdict: No action taken as there were no violations.

Also, on a personal Level:

FUCK YOU FOR THIS (found while investigating):

[00:30:58]ADMIN: PM: Knightfall5/(Sarah Sulyard)->Feweh/(unknown): Actually, I'm not new. I started playing again a few days ago, but couldn't remember my old byond account. I've been playing here since Beta, and this isn't the first time something like this has happened. It didn't end well for the admin who did it, either.
[00:31:33]ADMIN: PM: Feweh/(unknown)->Knightfall5/(Sarah Sulyard): Im sorry, didn't end well for the admin previously?
[00:31:45]ADMIN: PM: Knightfall5/(Sarah Sulyard)->Feweh/(unknown): Uh, yes. I could link to you that complain I made, if you want

You do NOT get to threaten or imply threats like that. Just because you made a complaint nearly a YEAR AGO that was SUPPORTED BY OTHER COMPLAINTS/WITNESSES doesn't mean your fucking Gods gift to CM and "he who admins the admins". You best unfuck yourself, because if I see you EVER threaten ANYONE on the server again with administrative action it will be the very LAST thing you do on the server.

And let this be clear for future people: Players do not determine punishments. We ASK what you would do or recommend because it helps us gauge how serious you view the offense. But we don't take any of that into account with any punishments we do. And for you to have the BALLS to imply a threat at one of my SENIOR STAFF like that? Your very lucky I wasn't online. I don't pander to assholes like that. If you have a legit complaint, you make the complaint. You don't hold it over staff members as a THREAT.
