Your Byond ID: Azmodan412
Character Name: Tyler 'Azathoth' Borealis
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job-ban
Admin who banned you (if known): From then to now, I have forgotten. I have such a shitty memory.
Total Ban Duration: Permanent due to it being a job ban.
Remaining Duration: Ad infinitum
[color=redWhat other servers do you play on?[/color] I am too indentured to the salt mine to leave and pledge allegiance to another.
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? If I never left Colonial Marines, I never had a chance to get banned.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Non-applicable.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): I appealed for this once, but it got buried under a metric ton of appeals and I don't save links that often.
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Looking back on what I do recall, I was truly a self-entitled prick who deserved the job ban for my actions. I've gotten back to playing some of the less necessary roles, such as researcher, or to an extent, doctor (Doctor is a very necessary role, but not as necessary as Chief Engineer or Maintenance Technician). After seeing achievements of a high magnitude in Engineering, I want to put my knowledge of setting up the supermatter to good use, and sharing it with newbies who enter the Engineering roles. Thank you for your time reading this little shitstain's appeal.
Engineering ban appeal
- Azmodan412
- Registered user
- Posts: 1318
- Joined: 01 Oct 2015, 23:17
- Location: The Void
Engineering ban appeal

Tyler 'Thrift' Borealis: Slaughterer of stupid xenos, insane motherfucker, and who played tower defense with Predators with an axe.
Predator Duels Won: 1
Predator Duels Lost: 2
43 Xenos and counting.
Hunter Games: I am Moon Moon! Destroyer of worlds! Ahuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!
Moon Moon Victories: x1
- Derpislav
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- Posts: 823
- Joined: 10 May 2015, 09:14
Re: Engineering ban appeal
Code: Select all
Banned from Chief Engineer, Maintenance Tech - Went planetside as CE to arrest a doctor. Two straightforward broken rules.
I would approve the appeal, as the rules broken were general rules, you didn't blow up the SM or otherwise use the tools Engineer role provides you with to grief. You also did get Engineering running before leaving to arrest.
The whole playing MP as CE thing is rather serious, though, and will be taken into serious consideration if you get in trouble for something similar.
Lockie 'Furry' Hughes, your local source of annoyance, medicine and Will. E. Coyote engineering. Mostly medicine. Maybe annoyance.

- Azmodan412
- Registered user
- Posts: 1318
- Joined: 01 Oct 2015, 23:17
- Location: The Void
Re: Engineering ban appeal
I'm sorry for posting this, but I am genuinely worried that this'll get buried and clutter-deleted like last time.

Tyler 'Thrift' Borealis: Slaughterer of stupid xenos, insane motherfucker, and who played tower defense with Predators with an axe.
Predator Duels Won: 1
Predator Duels Lost: 2
43 Xenos and counting.
Hunter Games: I am Moon Moon! Destroyer of worlds! Ahuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!
Moon Moon Victories: x1
- Feweh
- Donor
- Posts: 4870
- Joined: 24 Feb 2015, 19:34
- Byond: Feweh
Re: Engineering ban appeal
Accepted, youve improved lately.