New gamemode (and map)

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New gamemode (and map)

Post by darklizard45 » 06 Jun 2016, 23:51

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): A new map centered in research facility with the solely purpose of researching xenos through the usage of cloning and hosts
It takes place after the events of LV-624, the marines managed to beat those aliens and Weyland took the remaining "corpses" for research.
I got this idea after watching Alien Resurrection.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Will add a new gamemode which has a more survival setting.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): A bunch of scientists and guards doing their usual "xeno study" when all of the sudden something happens! (xenos break free, russians/rebelds invade, predators do their thing hunt , Weyland cut their coffe founds, etc.) and the remaining "survivors" will have to survive and escape! or they can MAN UP and try to face the situation and restore everything back in order.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): You can use the movie Alien Resurrection as an inspiration, it will also require some science redoing.

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Re: New gamemode (and map)

Post by Azmodan412 » 06 Jun 2016, 23:53

Automatic denial:

Things to stop asking about (auto-denied):
New Guns (Seriously, stop. When we get ideas, we make new guns. We are not going to make the super-death gun you want)
Janitor job (Nope never, be a maintenance technician)
Androids (we are working on it)
Predator changes (we are working on it)
Game Modes (we are working on it, and there is a discussion sticky)
Working APC (won't happen)
Clowns/Morale Officers or anything "entertainment" related that illudes to a clown. (You WILL get a week-long forum ban, clowns are never going to be in CM)
Additional ERTs - You have the ones you have and they furfill specific purposes, no reason for "Yakuza ERT" or silliness like that.
IDs for survivors
Cloners - When we DO remove them, we'll make sure we a fair and good method of reviving or treating injuries better. But this is MONTHS AWAY, so STOP.

Tyler 'Thrift' Borealis: Slaughterer of stupid xenos, insane motherfucker, and who played tower defense with Predators with an axe.
Predator Duels Won: 1
Predator Duels Lost: 2

43 Xenos and counting.

Hunter Games: I am Moon Moon! Destroyer of worlds! Ahuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!
Moon Moon Victories: x1

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Byond: forwardslashN

Re: New gamemode (and map)

Post by forwardslashN » 12 Jun 2016, 01:25

The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.
