Dipthong911 banned by ordukai

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Dipthong911 banned by ordukai

Post by dipdip » 07 Jun 2016, 05:47

Your Byond ID:

Character Name:

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Timed ban

Admin who banned you (if known): Ordukai

Total Ban Duration: 3 hours

Remaining Duration: ehh like 2 and 45?

What other servers do you play on? Hippiestation. Do they have a bad rap?

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Nope. hippiestation is too lax about the things ive been talked to about.

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Slashed himself in the head a good 5-10 times. 3 hour ban..

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Ughh im just going to go ahead and rest my entire appeal on the innocence of first mistakes. Coming from hippie the end of round is a time of temporary reprival of set in stone rules as the server is about to reset. That is hardly an excuse. Having just been healed and barely being about to make it back out to combat perhaps i thought the most honorable form of endround reprival would be the samurai sword through the gullet. You could arrtribute definate roleplay elements there, but again thats hardly an excuse i suppose. I'd say i was having a bad day, and was frustrated and while that is true thats not an excuse either. and then ill end with im sorry please understand my confusion and frustration about the end of round last moments before server resets. I try my best not to break RP during ingame chat. My bad for taking my life in frustration. I couldve just ghosted perhaps to the same effect.

And yeah im sorry man. Been feeling under the gun since midround, and i guess i didnt handle it well seeing as though i stabbed myself a bunch in game when marines achieved major victory. Sounds brutal but Its a trivial mistake and it wont happen again. Most if not all rounds by the end I found myself already dead or an alien, so i really didnt explore the option of ingame suicide via combat knife. My bad guys.

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Re: Dipthong911 banned by ordukai

Post by dipdip » 07 Jun 2016, 05:49

man i must be fucking bored or something, theres no way anyones gonna see this in 3 hours im fucking insane.

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Re: Dipthong911 banned by ordukai

Post by Whistle » 07 Jun 2016, 06:24

Bans take at minimum, 24 hours to be investigated and processed. Avoid appealing for a 24 hour or less ban.

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Re: Dipthong911 banned by ordukai

Post by dipdip » 07 Jun 2016, 06:28

cant you lift it? I mean you made it here. theres not much to investigate so you can throw that part out the window.

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Re: Dipthong911 banned by ordukai

Post by Ocnjak20 » 07 Jun 2016, 07:41

Whistle has spoken, wait it out.

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Re: Dipthong911 banned by ordukai

Post by dipdip » 07 Jun 2016, 08:01

As it was so it is. and the future is now. Like i said only 3 hours here.

You guys should have an option to expedite if someone actually takes the time to make an account and fill this out for already short bans.

I mean what the fuck is my opinion tho, haha. ayylmao

Thanks for atleast giving it a look so quickly mods. Have a good night.

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Re: Dipthong911 banned by ordukai

Post by dipdip » 07 Jun 2016, 08:07

Here, Ill tell you what Ill even throw in free membership on a website im building. All i Need is your creditcard number and we can get you on our billing cycle. Your first year is free but then you can cancel anytime. Its called bureaucraticbullshit.com I can get the gears turning for you guys again were gonna make this forum a great place to be. 2 easy payments of 19.99.

Were gonna get you on the front page of Google.

Google is gonna get you on the front page of yahoo.

Youre gonna get those clicks.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Dipthong911 banned by ordukai

Post by Feweh » 07 Jun 2016, 08:50

Dont appeal bans like these.

It shows you never read our in-game rules or forum rules.

