Ban Appeal: Perfectian

Lethal Ghost
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Ban Appeal: Perfectian

Post by Lethal Ghost » 07 Jun 2016, 16:13

Your Byond ID: Perfectian

Character Name: Muic Meister/Muic Smetankin

Type Of Ban: Timed Ban

Admin who banned you: freemysoul

Total Ban Duration: 10080 minutes aka one week

Remaining Duration: 6+ days

What other servers do you play on? Byastation, Animus and many other

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Yep

Reason for ban: Blatant Grief - Shot up medical because the doctor Castated him.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): ---------

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
So.... first of all i'm not Perfectian but he can't access forum right now.
All in all i can answer all your questions about that situation.
English is not my native language so bear with me.

The main evidence here is description of situation (on behalf of John):

I'm strolling through Sulaco when shuttle arrived. There was deadman with facehugger on his head. I'm also noted smashed window.
"We have guests here", flashed through my head. And so it was. Hunter attack Corporate Liason. Fortunately we protect him but alien disappear.
"If i were alien on Sulaco what would i do? Certainly I would try to disrupt medical department work."
With this in mind I went into surgery. Katya "Koshka" Harris were there. "We are boarded", i told her. She didn't pay any attention to that but try to push me out of medbay. I successfully prevent her so she just prick me with hypospray. It was filled with soporific (Why not, yeah?). Without ability to move, I was transported to medbay entrance and buckled to chair.
What could go wrong? Alien hunter appear from air vent! Furthermore it evolute into ravager.
Koshka pulled her pistol out and start firing. All I could do is blame her. And I blamed.
No one could expect but she killed that Ravager with her damned pistol. How? I'm thing officer with heavy pulsed rifle influenced the outcome of the battle.
He came to the rescue just in time but I cried. He killed my Hunter and didn't kill that bitch. But gods have heard my plea, she staid just in front of his barrel. So he killed her too.
After that I went to the clonning lab to pay her respect but she already were clonned. While she were looting her dead body, i danced on it.
She tried to say something, blame me, without any effect tho'. Late i help pulling bodies to morgue. There, when left alone, i finally paid respect on her.
Satisfied with this i had enter into battle.
Some time later I undermine garnet (oh, my pure leg), came under friendly fire. So barely alive I had returned to Sulaco where get transported to medbay.
So she was my surgeon. WHAT COULD GO WRONG? X2
What have I heard when I woke up? No it wasn't "Good morning dear", it was "You a woman now!"
I had check myself. Seems everything was OK. But "doctor knows best", right? MB it was something like "me cut his balls off".
I was going to ignore it but "Hey! That's RolePlay server isn't it?". I had ask "What did you say?" and ran on her firing right and left with my SMG. I don't want kill her, just stuck to my role. So she easily prick me with her hypospray again and made a few shots with her pistol. Okey.
After that admin had arrived
And he banned me.

In my defense, I'm not bad guy at all and what else could I do? Castrating isn't good thing for RP server at all.
Yes I can call MR and so on but it easy to lose self-control in such kind of special situations like when you losing balls.

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Re: Ban Appeal: Perfectian

Post by TeknoKot » 07 Jun 2016, 16:18

Fun fact, you weren't castrated, it was a joke. You examine yourself SHIFT clicking to check. You also just continued firing, instead of one shot, hitting other wounded in medbay too.
:blush: "I'm a soldier, that means I'm the defendant and the judge."


Victor 'Orbital' Kaipov says, "You're all fucking stupid."

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Re: Ban Appeal: Perfectian

Post by Varnock » 07 Jun 2016, 16:35

This ban was upgraded to a Perma due to your high amounts of grief and toxicity. Please try again in a few months.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Ban Appeal: Perfectian

Post by Feweh » 07 Jun 2016, 16:38


Perfectian is already banned from the forums for being toxic, he's out of chances
Not only that, but his in-game activity in just a month alone is awful.

He's being processed for a PERMANENT BAN as we speak.

His notes for reference in under a months time.

Randomly killed himself roundstart to add in 'Action' and "RP" to the round. As part of a 'plan'. Never gave any sensible reason ... Short ban, 1500 minutes. Feel free to expand it if you think it fits his actions.. by (Moderator) on Wed, May 13th of 2015

Warned for reseting resist timers. by (TrialModerator) on Fri, May 15th of 2015

Gibbed a fellow marine with C4, as part of a joke that went extremely awry. Since they owned up to it, this was shortened exceptionally. 3 hours. by (Moderator) on Mon, May 9th of 2016

Committed suicide early game, Given a warning, Suggest 1 day ban next time. by (TrialModerator) on Mon, May 23rd of 2016 Remove

Shot a fellow marine because "Player PM from Perfectian/(Muic Meister)(?): Because he is fucking cunt." Ban given for start of round grief. by (TrialModerator) on Mon, May 30th of 2016

Banned by whistles | Duration: 4320 minutes | Reason: Firing on fellow marines because of anger issues. by (TrialModerator) on Mon, May 30th of 2016

Banned by freemysoul | Duration: 10080 minutes | Reason: Blatant Grief - Shot up medical because the doctor Castated him. Pending Permanant ban you may appeal at: viewforum.php?f=76 byon Tue, June 7th of 2016 Remove
