Casany Jobban and Temp-ban apeal

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Casany Jobban and Temp-ban apeal

Post by Casany » 07 Jun 2016, 22:53

Your Byond ID:Casany

Character Name:August W. Walker

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): 1440 minute ban, Jobban from all head staff

Admin who banned you (if known):Mad Snail Disease

Total Ban Duration: 1440 minutes and Perma for jobs

Remaining Duration: 1439 and perma

What other servers do you play on? Yog and Hippie every now and then

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? I was banned from both, two years ago

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Failure of IC escalation, Single handedly almost destabilized the round, and reportedly caused the meta-rushing of caves early round
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): so, a lot of those ban reason? i never did any of them. the IC escalation, well that was my own fault, and i agree with that reason, but no one died (as far as i know) and i even had a chat with an admin about it. The whole reason for it was that the MPs said i had assaulted the CL and almost caused a mutiny...which i really didn't. i tazed the CL because he wasn't following my orders, i tazed another guy because he had a baton and was running at me, and had accidentally stunned another guy, but i don't know where the destabilized the round came from, and i did not cause the meta rushing of caves. i told Alpha and Bravo to SCOUT out the planet, and I specifically used the word SCOUT. now that my count as causing the meta rushing but i didn't say "attack the caves" or "investigate the caves" i said "Alpha, Bravo, Scout out the Colony and Caves" now i guess that may count as meta but i never intended to Meta the aliens. And i have NO CLUE how i almost destabilized then round, i got no explanation of the ban either. i asked if i could talk to the admin but never got the chance. it was random, and no warning. i would just like to know how i destabilized the round, and would like to know why there was no warning.
"He killed me with a SADAR and it was bullshit. We should ban him for ERP because of how VIOLENTLY HE FUCKED ME" - Biolock, Saturday 15 October 2016

"Sometimes you need to stop and enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were big things"

"To quote Suits A cop follows a car long enough, he's gonna find a busted tail light. And even if he doesn't, he's gonna bust it himself." - Awan on being an MP

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Re: Casany Jobban and Temp-ban apeal

Post by Feweh » 07 Jun 2016, 23:00

Two heads of staff had to log on just to deal with your mess.

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Re: Casany Jobban and Temp-ban apeal

Post by Casany » 07 Jun 2016, 23:15

What did i do though, like i know i might caused the meta, and i know the IC thing could have been better, but how did i destabilize the round? i really don't know what i did that was that bad. Unless those two things combined caused it to destabilize... just would like a quick explanation on what i did. i know it must have been bad, and i don't want any un banning, or i do but maybe another day, no, i just want to know what i did so i WON'T do it in the future
"He killed me with a SADAR and it was bullshit. We should ban him for ERP because of how VIOLENTLY HE FUCKED ME" - Biolock, Saturday 15 October 2016

"Sometimes you need to stop and enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were big things"

"To quote Suits A cop follows a car long enough, he's gonna find a busted tail light. And even if he doesn't, he's gonna bust it himself." - Awan on being an MP

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Re: Casany Jobban and Temp-ban apeal

Post by Casany » 07 Jun 2016, 23:17

Was it the DS thing? i wasn't the only one to say that though...
"He killed me with a SADAR and it was bullshit. We should ban him for ERP because of how VIOLENTLY HE FUCKED ME" - Biolock, Saturday 15 October 2016

"Sometimes you need to stop and enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were big things"

"To quote Suits A cop follows a car long enough, he's gonna find a busted tail light. And even if he doesn't, he's gonna bust it himself." - Awan on being an MP

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Re: Casany Jobban and Temp-ban apeal

Post by Casany » 08 Jun 2016, 12:06

Honestly, i've never done anything bad purposefully on this server, and all of these things that happened? well, one, i've never been the best at escalation IC events that involve me getting hurt of putting me out of the round. i didn't want to be arrested, because i hadn't done anything worth arresting me, and i was handling squads. so, i'm sorry for the IC escalation part. Two, i hadn't thought of my orders as meta rushing aliens, i didn't think of the aliens at all in that situation. i was just giving some orders so the marines could get out there, so i'm sorry if its my fault marines meta rushed. Three, I don't have any clue on how i almost destabilized the round, i honestly don't. if i did manage to do something so bad that it did destabilize the round then i'm sorry, but i would like to know what i did. i'm not asking for any un-ban, i would like one but i really just want to know what i did that was so bad to get me perma-jobbaned from heads and temp banned for a day. thank you. i accept that i did some things wrong and im not saying that i should be forgiven or anything, i just want to be better and to be better i need to know my mistake.
"He killed me with a SADAR and it was bullshit. We should ban him for ERP because of how VIOLENTLY HE FUCKED ME" - Biolock, Saturday 15 October 2016

"Sometimes you need to stop and enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were big things"

"To quote Suits A cop follows a car long enough, he's gonna find a busted tail light. And even if he doesn't, he's gonna bust it himself." - Awan on being an MP

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Casany Jobban and Temp-ban apeal

Post by Feweh » 09 Jun 2016, 17:08

You were a awful Commander.
Marines META rushed early on into the caves ruining the round 20 minutes in.

You were also involved in some shooting/tazing incident with wrongful escalation of force.
Then when Sulaco was under attack you took a Space Suit and floating around on some building in the middle of space that the MT's built.
You were just all around bad and 2 head of staff got called on due to all the BS.

You a long with various other players were all punished.

