- johners12345
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please note Any thing I missed or over looked.
Lets Be honest.. WE could use more work on marine law and on the server rules it's self. Below I will list the current laws of marine law. Than I will note in blue my add ons to it.
Sentence Description Punishment
Insubordination Failing to follow a legitimate order from a superior. 5 minutes
Neglect of duty Failure to perform their role to an acceptable standard. For example, a Commander failing to properly organize and ensure his personnel are given orders. Demotion/removal of command (if squad leader+), 25 minutes
Trespassing Unauthorized access of an area restricted by Command personnel and restricted areas of the NMV Sulaco, or of an area of which a person does not have access to. 10 minutes.
Contraband To retain posession of, distribute, or use contraband items, including drugs and non-standard Nanotrasen issued equipment. 10 minutes, confiscation of contraband items. Rework to also include weapons. For those players who grab lethal weapons at the beginning of the round without reason ( not being assigned)
Assault To threaten or use physical force against someone without intent to kill. 15 minutes.
Assault with a deadly weapon To enact physical force against someone with a lethal weapon, such as a sidearm, blade, or rifle. 30 minutes
Murder To attempt or succeed in the attempts of killing someone with malicious intent. Execution or permanent detention
Manslaughter To be the cause of another persons death without malicious intent. Demotion/removal of command (if squad leader+), 45 minutes
Mutiny To attempt or succeed in attempts at overpowering or overthrowing your commanding officer without justifiable cause (punishment from a sentence applied by marine law, for example) Execution or permanent detention
Terrorist Collaboration To act as an enemy to the corporation or engage in acts that attempt to hurt or endanger the corporation. Execution or permanent detention
Sexual assault To attempt to or succeed in the acts of assaulting another person sexually, including rape. Execution or permanent detention.
Indecent Exposure For people who decide to run around in the line or the ship naked. results in 10-15 minute brigged.
Misuse of Public Radio Channels for those idiots who just start screaming randomly and when arrested for breaking marine law start Screaming fake messages like "halp Military police is beating me" results in 20 minutes ( due to us being military of coarse we will be disciplined harshly for acting like children) Relieve of duty and of comms
Vandalism For those idiots that decide to shoot out windows and shit on the sulaco just because scientist won't let them in. 20 minutes.
Excessive use of force in detainment For those military police shits that arrest fellow officers just because they failed to capture somebody and call it mutiny. Or for the shits of Mp That baton till their baton is dead for no reason. Or repeatedly flash them when their in the brig already and doing nothing. 20 minutes and demotion to marine standard.
Insulting an military police on Duty For those that decide to shout swears at military police for say a arrest like 5 minutes. Upgrade of jail time for a other 5 minutes
Resisting Arrest or Sparking a Manhunt Mainly for those that run away after breaking marine law. 10 minutes
Suicide Attempt This is to be either in marine law or in the game rules. They are to be demoted, and held permanently in a holding facility in medical
consider is in red
unsure of the name. But one for destroying evidence of the aliens. For example running in to xeno when we capture a alien and killing it without reason. results in brigging for 30 minutes and dismissing from military
Now for game rules. Here are the current game rules
General Rules (everyone):
ERP (Erotic Role Play) of any kind, results in a PERMABAN.
2. No Breaching
Do not breach the hulls, leave open harmful gas tanks, break glass, or cause fires for any reason.
(Aliens, if you can secrete resin, you can breach ONLY if you seal it immediately)
3. Metagaming and Powergaming
Not allowed at all.
Powergaming: Doing ANYTHING outside the job assigned by the LO (your skills DO NOT MATTER)
Metagaming: Using knowledge your character would not know.
4. Character Names
Your character must have a first and last name (Example: John Doe) . Ranks are not allowed, and offensive names will be changed by the admins.
5. Play your assigned role
If you have a role you don't like, petition it with the LOs/Commander or Ahelp it. Don't just shoot yourself in the face. You WILL receive a job-ban.
6. Harming or Murdering Marines
100% NOT accepted. If you use lethal force against a marine, expect a ban. If you are getting shot up, call an MP or Ahelp.
Exceptions: If you have queen permission, OR, are "Last Alien Standing" as in, no other aliens are alive, and it's impossible to produce more eggs or infect people.
7. Staff
Listen to the staff, if you have an issue with them, follow what they say, and make a complaint of the forums.
8. No IC in OOC or LOOC
Should be pretty obvious, keep IC in IC and OOC in OOC or LOOC, otherwise, you may be muted.
9. Ban Evading
If you attempt to ban evade, even by changing your account only you WILL RECEIVE A PERMBAN - NO EXCEPTIONS.
If you get a ban you believe is unjust, either message an admin over byond, or make an appeal on the forums.
10. End of Round Grief
Is *NOT* allowed. However, fighting against aliens who are in the Pods, does NOT qualify as grief, and IS allowed.
11. Ahelps
Silence is *NOT* permission. Because of the popularity of the server, admins typically have at least 3 ahelps at any one time. If your asking for something and don't get an immediate reply, Ahelp again after a FEW MINUTES (as in, not 5 seconds later) asking again. Don't assume if we don't say anything, you have permission.
12. Suicide
Suicide is ONLY allowed if you are infected, and have SEEN bursting, and there is no feasible way you will get rescued. Random suicide, is a 12 hour ban.
13. Griefers
If you see a griefer, AHELP it. Do not try to deal with it yourself. Also, if you see someone grieifng and they randomly fall over, or you get told to stop by an admin, THEN STOP. This means, we are dealing with it, and your constant combat only clogs the logs. If you fail to stop, you may be punished.
Alien Specific Rules:
1. You are a Xenomorph
ACT LIKE ONE. Your are not a pet or best friends with the marines. You can only be friendly with the marines, if the queen authorizes it as part of a deception.
(but don't expect the marines to not shoot you in the face)
2. You have No Free Will
Your will, is that of the Queen, OBEY HER ORDERS.
3. Grow the Hive
Your goal, is to grow the hive and expand AT ALL COSTS. Do NOT kill any hosts or potential hosts without queen or admin permission.
If you *NEED* to kill, Ahelp first. Queens, if you give blanket permission, Ahelp it.
EXCEPTION: The queen, may kill whoever she wants, for whatever reason. Ravagers can kill UNINFECTED hosts, unless the queen tells them they can't.
4. Obey superior castes
If a xeno in a superior caste gives you an order, FOLLOW IT.
Cast ranks:
Tier 1 (lowest): Larva
Tier 2: Runner, Drones, Sentinels
Tier 3: Hunter, Carrier, Spitter
Tier 4: Ravager, Praetorian, Hivelord
Tier 5 (highest): Queen
5. Dragging Objects
Do NOT drag items, to use them as cover while moving. You can drag items, into positions.
6. Hugger Stacking
Placing more than 3 huggers on a tile, or placing more than 5 huggers in a locker, is considered stacking. DO NOT DO IT.
7. List of Dont's
DO NOT: Melt the SMES
DO NOT: Melt the PA
DO NOT: Release the Singularity
DO NOT: Release harmful gasses (or any gasses as a Xeno)
DO NOT: space yourself intentionally
DO NOT: Decapitate bodies (unless your a ravager)
DO NOT: Use harm on marines without queen approval
8. Stripping
Aliens are allowed to strip Armor or Helmets by default. If you see a Marine pull an extra weapon out after they escape a nest, you may strip THEIR backpack and belt. It should be obvious, aliens can strip weapons.
Marine Specific Rules:
1. No Rambos
Specifically, you're not allowed to run off by yourself away from your squad and engage the aliens by yourself. You'll only be turned into huggermeat and won't accomplish anything. The ONLY exception to this, is if your squad is getting killed and during the fight, you all run off. However, you must STILL be trying to make your way back to the Sulaco or to regroup with marines, not attacking the alien nest alone. If you are seen as a rambo, you'll usually get a polite warning.
2. No Welderbombs
Welderbombs are ALWAYS considered griefing if it's intentional. If it's an accident, an exception MIGHT be made, but typically, if you are found to cause a welder-bomb explosion, you'll receive a fairly quick ban. The ONLY exception to this, is if the aliens cause the explosion by doing something silly like carrying welder-tanks with them or moving them to make it impossible for the marines to fight. In this situation, the alien would receive a ban.
3. You're a Competent Human, ACT LIKE IT.
The Colonial Marines wouldn't hire people with missing limbs (unless you had robotic replacements). They also wouldn't hire people with MASSIVE MENTAL ISSUES that cause them to do things, such as shoot at other marines, attack their own people, or act like a general moron. So if you have no legs/arms and are nothing but hugger bait, expect to not last very long, and don't act like a moron.
4. Xenos & Infection
Marines don't know about the aliens AT ALL. This means, unless someone gets hugged with no face protection. Also until someone bursts, no immediately rushing them directly to surgery. And, Doctors/medics, you can't perform surgery until you body-scan the first infected patient, otherwise, you don't know where the parasite actually is.
Marines may only weld vent systems when they've seen aliens crawl through them.
5. Nuclear Device
You may only retrieve the Nuke when CentComm authorizes it's use and gives you the codes, Getting the nuke without authorization is forbidden. You may however, secure the Disk.
6. Chloral Hydrate
Due to marines abusing chloral hydrate on Xenos it is now forbidden to use chloral hydrate on xenos, The only people who may use it are Sulaco Medics if they need to sedate a patient or Researchers to sedate xenos to get them in containment safely.
7. Borging/AI
Borging is NOT allowed, except as a punishment, or Posibrains. NO EXCEPTIONS. AI's are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN unless Admin event.
8. Access
As a marine, do NOT go into areas you don't have access to, or ask for access to areas outside your job. LOs, you WILL BE TEMP BANNED if you give access not associated with a job. (i.e. chem access to researcher).
9. Building
Don't construct defenses or make modifications to the Sulaco, unless it's in danger. Building ANYTHING with plasma, is at least a 48 hour ban.
10. Logistics Officers
You are NEVER to leave the Sulaco, under ANY conditions, that are not you evacuating on an escape pod. Also, you should not have a weapon other than your issued sidearm (in your belt) unless the Sulaco is being actively boarded by Aliens. And remember, your NOT an MP, you are not allowed to enforce Marine-Law. Either call an MP, or Ahelp.
11. MPs
You are NEVER to leave the Sulaco, UNLESS you have been ordered to arrest a rogue marine. You are also forbidden to use lethal weapons unless the Sulaco has been boarded. Even carrying lethal weapons, prior to the Sulaco being boarded, will result in a Temp Ban.
12. Misc Sulaco Jobs
Do NOT leave the Sulaco, your job and contract, involve you staying on board and doing your job. Researchers are the exception to not leaving the Sulaco, and ONLY if ordered by the commander and escorted by a squad the entire time. Also, NO Misc Sulaco jobs, can have/use ANY weapons prior to the Sulaco being boarded. Your not marines.
In blue for adding.
murdering a fellow marine just because they pushed you: Alright. IF you do this. 30 minute ban. Why? because it's just not needed to do this.
ooc in ic. Okay I know this is stupid but It's becoming such a big issue. WE HAVE A LOOC USE IT. for those that don't know. looc means local out of character. meaning instead of your ooc being posted universally to the server. It's posted just in your general area. You don't need to use brackets in your ic NOR DO YOU NEED TO SAY IT NOT EVEN WITHOUT BRACKETS. This results in 2 warnings if they do it twice. The 3rd resulting in a mute. the 4th resulting in 10 minute ban. 5 is 20 minute and so on and so forth. maybe a bit harsh but it's just a annoying issue
a suggestion also IS that Corporate marines description is changed To note if it is a roleplay or a non-roleplay. Because some take it both ways and this causes a split in the fan base and causes ooc arguments. I personally think we should be a roleplay server. It has such potential if roleplay was taken seriously. But this is left up to jagger. But thats my twocent. Thank you for reading this and thankyou for considering it
Lets Be honest.. WE could use more work on marine law and on the server rules it's self. Below I will list the current laws of marine law. Than I will note in blue my add ons to it.
Sentence Description Punishment
Insubordination Failing to follow a legitimate order from a superior. 5 minutes
Neglect of duty Failure to perform their role to an acceptable standard. For example, a Commander failing to properly organize and ensure his personnel are given orders. Demotion/removal of command (if squad leader+), 25 minutes
Trespassing Unauthorized access of an area restricted by Command personnel and restricted areas of the NMV Sulaco, or of an area of which a person does not have access to. 10 minutes.
Contraband To retain posession of, distribute, or use contraband items, including drugs and non-standard Nanotrasen issued equipment. 10 minutes, confiscation of contraband items. Rework to also include weapons. For those players who grab lethal weapons at the beginning of the round without reason ( not being assigned)
Assault To threaten or use physical force against someone without intent to kill. 15 minutes.
Assault with a deadly weapon To enact physical force against someone with a lethal weapon, such as a sidearm, blade, or rifle. 30 minutes
Murder To attempt or succeed in the attempts of killing someone with malicious intent. Execution or permanent detention
Manslaughter To be the cause of another persons death without malicious intent. Demotion/removal of command (if squad leader+), 45 minutes
Mutiny To attempt or succeed in attempts at overpowering or overthrowing your commanding officer without justifiable cause (punishment from a sentence applied by marine law, for example) Execution or permanent detention
Terrorist Collaboration To act as an enemy to the corporation or engage in acts that attempt to hurt or endanger the corporation. Execution or permanent detention
Sexual assault To attempt to or succeed in the acts of assaulting another person sexually, including rape. Execution or permanent detention.
Indecent Exposure For people who decide to run around in the line or the ship naked. results in 10-15 minute brigged.
Misuse of Public Radio Channels for those idiots who just start screaming randomly and when arrested for breaking marine law start Screaming fake messages like "halp Military police is beating me" results in 20 minutes ( due to us being military of coarse we will be disciplined harshly for acting like children) Relieve of duty and of comms
Vandalism For those idiots that decide to shoot out windows and shit on the sulaco just because scientist won't let them in. 20 minutes.
Excessive use of force in detainment For those military police shits that arrest fellow officers just because they failed to capture somebody and call it mutiny. Or for the shits of Mp That baton till their baton is dead for no reason. Or repeatedly flash them when their in the brig already and doing nothing. 20 minutes and demotion to marine standard.
Insulting an military police on Duty For those that decide to shout swears at military police for say a arrest like 5 minutes. Upgrade of jail time for a other 5 minutes
Resisting Arrest or Sparking a Manhunt Mainly for those that run away after breaking marine law. 10 minutes
Suicide Attempt This is to be either in marine law or in the game rules. They are to be demoted, and held permanently in a holding facility in medical
consider is in red
unsure of the name. But one for destroying evidence of the aliens. For example running in to xeno when we capture a alien and killing it without reason. results in brigging for 30 minutes and dismissing from military
Now for game rules. Here are the current game rules
General Rules (everyone):
ERP (Erotic Role Play) of any kind, results in a PERMABAN.
2. No Breaching
Do not breach the hulls, leave open harmful gas tanks, break glass, or cause fires for any reason.
(Aliens, if you can secrete resin, you can breach ONLY if you seal it immediately)
3. Metagaming and Powergaming
Not allowed at all.
Powergaming: Doing ANYTHING outside the job assigned by the LO (your skills DO NOT MATTER)
Metagaming: Using knowledge your character would not know.
4. Character Names
Your character must have a first and last name (Example: John Doe) . Ranks are not allowed, and offensive names will be changed by the admins.
5. Play your assigned role
If you have a role you don't like, petition it with the LOs/Commander or Ahelp it. Don't just shoot yourself in the face. You WILL receive a job-ban.
6. Harming or Murdering Marines
100% NOT accepted. If you use lethal force against a marine, expect a ban. If you are getting shot up, call an MP or Ahelp.
Exceptions: If you have queen permission, OR, are "Last Alien Standing" as in, no other aliens are alive, and it's impossible to produce more eggs or infect people.
7. Staff
Listen to the staff, if you have an issue with them, follow what they say, and make a complaint of the forums.
8. No IC in OOC or LOOC
Should be pretty obvious, keep IC in IC and OOC in OOC or LOOC, otherwise, you may be muted.
9. Ban Evading
If you attempt to ban evade, even by changing your account only you WILL RECEIVE A PERMBAN - NO EXCEPTIONS.
If you get a ban you believe is unjust, either message an admin over byond, or make an appeal on the forums.
10. End of Round Grief
Is *NOT* allowed. However, fighting against aliens who are in the Pods, does NOT qualify as grief, and IS allowed.
11. Ahelps
Silence is *NOT* permission. Because of the popularity of the server, admins typically have at least 3 ahelps at any one time. If your asking for something and don't get an immediate reply, Ahelp again after a FEW MINUTES (as in, not 5 seconds later) asking again. Don't assume if we don't say anything, you have permission.
12. Suicide
Suicide is ONLY allowed if you are infected, and have SEEN bursting, and there is no feasible way you will get rescued. Random suicide, is a 12 hour ban.
13. Griefers
If you see a griefer, AHELP it. Do not try to deal with it yourself. Also, if you see someone grieifng and they randomly fall over, or you get told to stop by an admin, THEN STOP. This means, we are dealing with it, and your constant combat only clogs the logs. If you fail to stop, you may be punished.
Alien Specific Rules:
1. You are a Xenomorph
ACT LIKE ONE. Your are not a pet or best friends with the marines. You can only be friendly with the marines, if the queen authorizes it as part of a deception.
(but don't expect the marines to not shoot you in the face)
2. You have No Free Will
Your will, is that of the Queen, OBEY HER ORDERS.
3. Grow the Hive
Your goal, is to grow the hive and expand AT ALL COSTS. Do NOT kill any hosts or potential hosts without queen or admin permission.
If you *NEED* to kill, Ahelp first. Queens, if you give blanket permission, Ahelp it.
EXCEPTION: The queen, may kill whoever she wants, for whatever reason. Ravagers can kill UNINFECTED hosts, unless the queen tells them they can't.
4. Obey superior castes
If a xeno in a superior caste gives you an order, FOLLOW IT.
Cast ranks:
Tier 1 (lowest): Larva
Tier 2: Runner, Drones, Sentinels
Tier 3: Hunter, Carrier, Spitter
Tier 4: Ravager, Praetorian, Hivelord
Tier 5 (highest): Queen
5. Dragging Objects
Do NOT drag items, to use them as cover while moving. You can drag items, into positions.
6. Hugger Stacking
Placing more than 3 huggers on a tile, or placing more than 5 huggers in a locker, is considered stacking. DO NOT DO IT.
7. List of Dont's
DO NOT: Melt the SMES
DO NOT: Melt the PA
DO NOT: Release the Singularity
DO NOT: Release harmful gasses (or any gasses as a Xeno)
DO NOT: space yourself intentionally
DO NOT: Decapitate bodies (unless your a ravager)
DO NOT: Use harm on marines without queen approval
8. Stripping
Aliens are allowed to strip Armor or Helmets by default. If you see a Marine pull an extra weapon out after they escape a nest, you may strip THEIR backpack and belt. It should be obvious, aliens can strip weapons.
Marine Specific Rules:
1. No Rambos
Specifically, you're not allowed to run off by yourself away from your squad and engage the aliens by yourself. You'll only be turned into huggermeat and won't accomplish anything. The ONLY exception to this, is if your squad is getting killed and during the fight, you all run off. However, you must STILL be trying to make your way back to the Sulaco or to regroup with marines, not attacking the alien nest alone. If you are seen as a rambo, you'll usually get a polite warning.
2. No Welderbombs
Welderbombs are ALWAYS considered griefing if it's intentional. If it's an accident, an exception MIGHT be made, but typically, if you are found to cause a welder-bomb explosion, you'll receive a fairly quick ban. The ONLY exception to this, is if the aliens cause the explosion by doing something silly like carrying welder-tanks with them or moving them to make it impossible for the marines to fight. In this situation, the alien would receive a ban.
3. You're a Competent Human, ACT LIKE IT.
The Colonial Marines wouldn't hire people with missing limbs (unless you had robotic replacements). They also wouldn't hire people with MASSIVE MENTAL ISSUES that cause them to do things, such as shoot at other marines, attack their own people, or act like a general moron. So if you have no legs/arms and are nothing but hugger bait, expect to not last very long, and don't act like a moron.
4. Xenos & Infection
Marines don't know about the aliens AT ALL. This means, unless someone gets hugged with no face protection. Also until someone bursts, no immediately rushing them directly to surgery. And, Doctors/medics, you can't perform surgery until you body-scan the first infected patient, otherwise, you don't know where the parasite actually is.
Marines may only weld vent systems when they've seen aliens crawl through them.
5. Nuclear Device
You may only retrieve the Nuke when CentComm authorizes it's use and gives you the codes, Getting the nuke without authorization is forbidden. You may however, secure the Disk.
6. Chloral Hydrate
Due to marines abusing chloral hydrate on Xenos it is now forbidden to use chloral hydrate on xenos, The only people who may use it are Sulaco Medics if they need to sedate a patient or Researchers to sedate xenos to get them in containment safely.
7. Borging/AI
Borging is NOT allowed, except as a punishment, or Posibrains. NO EXCEPTIONS. AI's are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN unless Admin event.
8. Access
As a marine, do NOT go into areas you don't have access to, or ask for access to areas outside your job. LOs, you WILL BE TEMP BANNED if you give access not associated with a job. (i.e. chem access to researcher).
9. Building
Don't construct defenses or make modifications to the Sulaco, unless it's in danger. Building ANYTHING with plasma, is at least a 48 hour ban.
10. Logistics Officers
You are NEVER to leave the Sulaco, under ANY conditions, that are not you evacuating on an escape pod. Also, you should not have a weapon other than your issued sidearm (in your belt) unless the Sulaco is being actively boarded by Aliens. And remember, your NOT an MP, you are not allowed to enforce Marine-Law. Either call an MP, or Ahelp.
11. MPs
You are NEVER to leave the Sulaco, UNLESS you have been ordered to arrest a rogue marine. You are also forbidden to use lethal weapons unless the Sulaco has been boarded. Even carrying lethal weapons, prior to the Sulaco being boarded, will result in a Temp Ban.
12. Misc Sulaco Jobs
Do NOT leave the Sulaco, your job and contract, involve you staying on board and doing your job. Researchers are the exception to not leaving the Sulaco, and ONLY if ordered by the commander and escorted by a squad the entire time. Also, NO Misc Sulaco jobs, can have/use ANY weapons prior to the Sulaco being boarded. Your not marines.
In blue for adding.
murdering a fellow marine just because they pushed you: Alright. IF you do this. 30 minute ban. Why? because it's just not needed to do this.
ooc in ic. Okay I know this is stupid but It's becoming such a big issue. WE HAVE A LOOC USE IT. for those that don't know. looc means local out of character. meaning instead of your ooc being posted universally to the server. It's posted just in your general area. You don't need to use brackets in your ic NOR DO YOU NEED TO SAY IT NOT EVEN WITHOUT BRACKETS. This results in 2 warnings if they do it twice. The 3rd resulting in a mute. the 4th resulting in 10 minute ban. 5 is 20 minute and so on and so forth. maybe a bit harsh but it's just a annoying issue
a suggestion also IS that Corporate marines description is changed To note if it is a roleplay or a non-roleplay. Because some take it both ways and this causes a split in the fan base and causes ooc arguments. I personally think we should be a roleplay server. It has such potential if roleplay was taken seriously. But this is left up to jagger. But thats my twocent. Thank you for reading this and thankyou for considering it
Last edited by johners12345 on 11 Jan 2015, 16:53, edited 1 time in total.
DEAD: Alien Larva (925) says, "which guys will be in your squad if you could choice?"
DEAD: ADMIN(SASoperative) says, "Hernandez. Nikolatz. Casca. Maybe Weeter.... And Carl scorpion"

DEAD: ADMIN(SASoperative) says, "Hernandez. Nikolatz. Casca. Maybe Weeter.... And Carl scorpion"

- johners12345
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- Joined: 10 Jan 2015, 20:58
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RE: Changes?
This is to revive it for people to see and for changes.
I will be in this one.
Asking for roleplay changes and Hope this post is delegated each round to people so they understand the small fatal mistakes they are making.
As clarified as of 1/11/15. The colonial Marines is a light-medium roleplay server.
SO I shall tell you the fatal flaws I have seen.
Alright so, First is the chat speak. So lets clarify
. What the hell is chat speak? Chat speak is when you shorten words by using common internet lingo. Such as afk,brb,omg,g2g and stuff. INTO THE ACTUAL GAME.
Now I'm not expecting you to be the Best God damn roleplayers ever.
But I am asking you to look this over and learn from it. When you are in the game. To make immersion more possible for everyone .
Do not say omg you dick because someone punched you. say Oh My God, You dick. Got that out of the way.
A other thing is. The. Freaken ooc in ic. I will state this as plainly as I can.
You may think people want to know oh My God you killed a alien your such a ooc beast.
But in all honesty. No body wants to know.
You are ruining immersion and quite honestly.
You just aren't a special snowflake like you think you are when it comes to this game.
Also Somebody was a dick to you AND BROKE the rules and you think everyone should know? No, Nobody except the staff wants to know.
SO ahelp it instead of whining to it. ooc chat is cut because people would do stuff like this. You have a looc ( local out of character) and you can use chatspeak and ooc in ic stuff in the dead chat.
Those are the only times those two things are acceptable and even than with looc, Make sure you aren't Gonna be a dick and give away meta information Also,
Saying the ooc in the ic with brackets DOES NOT FIX THE PROBLEM.
Once again, No body cares you killed a xeno. They are ic happy. but ooc they Could care less, Everyone has killed a xeno at one point). Speaking of which.
If it moved towards you. You could shoot it.
But if it's just standing there, try to do something other than kill it.
you are Marines. You would have SOME sort of training in dealing with scary shit like that. ( It's call psychological training. It's a common practice in today's military.
It was begun after so many people in ww2 and vietnam ended up with P.T.S.D or post traumatic stress disorder) So yeah. Don't meta it. That also brings me to a other point.
How lax the staff are on you. You may think their over whining bastards because they flash-bang a area when everyone's pushing.
But lets be honest. They are acting within the game.
lets re-iterate YOU ARE MARINES. You would be able to conduct your self in a way that isn't a whiny bitch like I see all the time. You would know military commands, be able to follow them, and not go rambo.
Why? Military.
It's very strict and disciplined. You aren't gonna have a whiny 40 year old that kills someone cause they pushed them out of line. Nor would you push somebody out of line because you want first. You would wait in line. In fact, With how military is treated in real life and how the game is treated,
I don't think they are being hard enough. Even the marine law could use some work, yes it's a game with 2 hour long rounds. But 10 minutes for contraband?
If I'm not mistaken that's the contraband minutes for a normal server that isn't military but economic and science. If you had to be honest.
I would say at least 20 minutes is a better sentence. Because as military they would be expected to follow orders and the law more properly.
Hell even double offences of anything would probably result in dis-honorable discharge and shipped off the station or imprisoned for the rest of the round. Now for the next thing.
I ran into it when I was a commander. A marine and a researcher walked into my small area. While I Was briefing people of the situation.
So naturally I got pissed at them and had The Military police Use prejudice force to arrest them ( not violating laws but. With exasperation) Why? Because in real life military. Anyone with the BALLS to literally walk up to their commander in the briefing and talk to them like that without permission to speak or anything. Would get their asses beaten. The commander actually in game. Can beat you.
With what and why you ask? well in the commanders room IS this little chain whip called the ''chain of command'' It is barely used. But game wise rules.
A commander can beat you once or twice with it. IT does give you damage and it does cause blood. But this is a military ship. If a marine was THAT out of line.
A leading officer Does have the right to discipline you. Even when hit with it you get a message saying you have been disciplined while the commander gets a message saying you disciplined this person.
It's rarely used but it's allowed and it's true. In fact any time I play commander and I Run into this issue. I will use it and I can get away with it as long as I don't aim for the head and it's not excessive cause technically. As a officer. That's my duty. To keep marines in line.
Thank you for reading and I hope you learned and enjoyed this. Peace out
I will be in this one.
Asking for roleplay changes and Hope this post is delegated each round to people so they understand the small fatal mistakes they are making.
As clarified as of 1/11/15. The colonial Marines is a light-medium roleplay server.
SO I shall tell you the fatal flaws I have seen.
Alright so, First is the chat speak. So lets clarify
. What the hell is chat speak? Chat speak is when you shorten words by using common internet lingo. Such as afk,brb,omg,g2g and stuff. INTO THE ACTUAL GAME.
Now I'm not expecting you to be the Best God damn roleplayers ever.
But I am asking you to look this over and learn from it. When you are in the game. To make immersion more possible for everyone .
Do not say omg you dick because someone punched you. say Oh My God, You dick. Got that out of the way.
A other thing is. The. Freaken ooc in ic. I will state this as plainly as I can.
You may think people want to know oh My God you killed a alien your such a ooc beast.
But in all honesty. No body wants to know.
You are ruining immersion and quite honestly.
You just aren't a special snowflake like you think you are when it comes to this game.
Also Somebody was a dick to you AND BROKE the rules and you think everyone should know? No, Nobody except the staff wants to know.
SO ahelp it instead of whining to it. ooc chat is cut because people would do stuff like this. You have a looc ( local out of character) and you can use chatspeak and ooc in ic stuff in the dead chat.
Those are the only times those two things are acceptable and even than with looc, Make sure you aren't Gonna be a dick and give away meta information Also,
Saying the ooc in the ic with brackets DOES NOT FIX THE PROBLEM.
Once again, No body cares you killed a xeno. They are ic happy. but ooc they Could care less, Everyone has killed a xeno at one point). Speaking of which.
If it moved towards you. You could shoot it.
But if it's just standing there, try to do something other than kill it.
you are Marines. You would have SOME sort of training in dealing with scary shit like that. ( It's call psychological training. It's a common practice in today's military.
It was begun after so many people in ww2 and vietnam ended up with P.T.S.D or post traumatic stress disorder) So yeah. Don't meta it. That also brings me to a other point.
How lax the staff are on you. You may think their over whining bastards because they flash-bang a area when everyone's pushing.
But lets be honest. They are acting within the game.
lets re-iterate YOU ARE MARINES. You would be able to conduct your self in a way that isn't a whiny bitch like I see all the time. You would know military commands, be able to follow them, and not go rambo.
Why? Military.
It's very strict and disciplined. You aren't gonna have a whiny 40 year old that kills someone cause they pushed them out of line. Nor would you push somebody out of line because you want first. You would wait in line. In fact, With how military is treated in real life and how the game is treated,
I don't think they are being hard enough. Even the marine law could use some work, yes it's a game with 2 hour long rounds. But 10 minutes for contraband?
If I'm not mistaken that's the contraband minutes for a normal server that isn't military but economic and science. If you had to be honest.
I would say at least 20 minutes is a better sentence. Because as military they would be expected to follow orders and the law more properly.
Hell even double offences of anything would probably result in dis-honorable discharge and shipped off the station or imprisoned for the rest of the round. Now for the next thing.
I ran into it when I was a commander. A marine and a researcher walked into my small area. While I Was briefing people of the situation.
So naturally I got pissed at them and had The Military police Use prejudice force to arrest them ( not violating laws but. With exasperation) Why? Because in real life military. Anyone with the BALLS to literally walk up to their commander in the briefing and talk to them like that without permission to speak or anything. Would get their asses beaten. The commander actually in game. Can beat you.
With what and why you ask? well in the commanders room IS this little chain whip called the ''chain of command'' It is barely used. But game wise rules.
A commander can beat you once or twice with it. IT does give you damage and it does cause blood. But this is a military ship. If a marine was THAT out of line.
A leading officer Does have the right to discipline you. Even when hit with it you get a message saying you have been disciplined while the commander gets a message saying you disciplined this person.
It's rarely used but it's allowed and it's true. In fact any time I play commander and I Run into this issue. I will use it and I can get away with it as long as I don't aim for the head and it's not excessive cause technically. As a officer. That's my duty. To keep marines in line.
Thank you for reading and I hope you learned and enjoyed this. Peace out

Last edited by johners12345 on 12 Jan 2015, 20:00, edited 1 time in total.
DEAD: Alien Larva (925) says, "which guys will be in your squad if you could choice?"
DEAD: ADMIN(SASoperative) says, "Hernandez. Nikolatz. Casca. Maybe Weeter.... And Carl scorpion"

DEAD: ADMIN(SASoperative) says, "Hernandez. Nikolatz. Casca. Maybe Weeter.... And Carl scorpion"

- Void00
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RE: Changes?
Format.johners12345 wrote: -Snip-
Such prohibited knowledge.
Format your wall's of text , and someone (read : me) will read it.
As it is now , is just a TL;DR .
(Too Long , Didnt Read)
Last edited by Void00 on 12 Jan 2015, 19:21, edited 1 time in total.
- johners12345
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RE: Changes?
Alright. Also I'm not one of format. As you can tell by my ghastly writing. It's more of a actual rant. Detailing the rights and wrongs of stuff. The first post is suggestions. The second notes my personal feelings. IT has been revised to be double spaced and be in short statements ( I again don't know good formats so I made it at least easier on the eyes)
Last edited by johners12345 on 12 Jan 2015, 20:01, edited 1 time in total.
DEAD: Alien Larva (925) says, "which guys will be in your squad if you could choice?"
DEAD: ADMIN(SASoperative) says, "Hernandez. Nikolatz. Casca. Maybe Weeter.... And Carl scorpion"

DEAD: ADMIN(SASoperative) says, "Hernandez. Nikolatz. Casca. Maybe Weeter.... And Carl scorpion"

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RE: Changes?
I agree with these changes a lot except for one thing....
Marines may have been trained to deal with scary crap but they're Not trained to fight aliens, They're trained to fight terrorists and space pirates, Not big black Scorpionish creatures. And they're not exactly trained for Diplomacy. I agree with Not acting like a COD player and shooting them on sight, But like Aim your gun at the aliens and Act scared
Also the marines aren't trained for aliens. Tell me if this doesn't make you want to scream and run across the hallway,
Your walking down a dark hallway, Just another Terrorist attack on a Space ship base, Nothing much just a regular day. your hearing some weird yelling on the Sulaco Chat Some people are screaming about something Coming out of them? and getting attacked by a black creature? and then a black Alien creature fitting the description is sighted from the hallway. Your leader Jeffrey anderson aims his gun at it, and your friend moves in to Arrest the creature for Research. All of a Sudden the alien freaks out and Jumps on your friend. Stan mcdard and pulls out a Crablike creature and shoves it on Stans face, Stan immediately falls screaming,
also it would enhance the RP if your character ran off screaming like a Sissy
And I agree with Mutiny, it should only be allowed if your character has a REALLY good reason and you got admun premission [your a Traitor. ling. or something else thats antagonistic]
Marines may have been trained to deal with scary crap but they're Not trained to fight aliens, They're trained to fight terrorists and space pirates, Not big black Scorpionish creatures. And they're not exactly trained for Diplomacy. I agree with Not acting like a COD player and shooting them on sight, But like Aim your gun at the aliens and Act scared
Also the marines aren't trained for aliens. Tell me if this doesn't make you want to scream and run across the hallway,
Your walking down a dark hallway, Just another Terrorist attack on a Space ship base, Nothing much just a regular day. your hearing some weird yelling on the Sulaco Chat Some people are screaming about something Coming out of them? and getting attacked by a black creature? and then a black Alien creature fitting the description is sighted from the hallway. Your leader Jeffrey anderson aims his gun at it, and your friend moves in to Arrest the creature for Research. All of a Sudden the alien freaks out and Jumps on your friend. Stan mcdard and pulls out a Crablike creature and shoves it on Stans face, Stan immediately falls screaming,
also it would enhance the RP if your character ran off screaming like a Sissy
And I agree with Mutiny, it should only be allowed if your character has a REALLY good reason and you got admun premission [your a Traitor. ling. or something else thats antagonistic]
Favourite lines
1 -Hoshjiro from Knights of sidonia
2 It seems we have a Uninvited guest- van hourne from the boundless
3 (Unintellible yelling)-alien from alien
1 -Hoshjiro from Knights of sidonia
2 It seems we have a Uninvited guest- van hourne from the boundless
3 (Unintellible yelling)-alien from alien
- johners12345
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RE: Changes?
I will note That Yes you would probably aim your gun at it. But I've taken a look at the training The military take to handle these situations. Yes they won't be prepared For Aliens and they would probably take caution. But they wouldn't do what most people do and automatically assume it's hostile And than RUSH at this terrifying creature shooting and knifing it. They would shoot and run. It's a matter of keeping the game realistic but fair
DEAD: Alien Larva (925) says, "which guys will be in your squad if you could choice?"
DEAD: ADMIN(SASoperative) says, "Hernandez. Nikolatz. Casca. Maybe Weeter.... And Carl scorpion"

DEAD: ADMIN(SASoperative) says, "Hernandez. Nikolatz. Casca. Maybe Weeter.... And Carl scorpion"

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RE: Changes?
-cough cough-Newnermul123 wrote: I agree with these changes a lot except for one thing....
Marines may have been trained to deal with scary crap but they're Not trained to fight aliens, They're trained to fight terrorists and space pirates, Not big black Scorpionish creatures. And they're not exactly trained for Diplomacy. I agree with Not acting like a COD player and shooting them on sight, But like Aim your gun at the aliens and Act scared
Also the marines aren't trained for aliens.
The Colonial Marine Corps was made almost specifically to deal with off-world threats and specialize in immediate deployment without reinforcements. They have seen some scary shit, because there's no way in hell humanity is going into space, colonizing planets, and not meeting with hostile retaliation from said planet's native species. They've seen combat on over two dozen planets, and I'm fairly sure that it wasn't just against humans.
Long story short, they have encountered aliens. They have seen xeno-species that are close to human, and about as far from human as you can get, and they are trained to deal with these threats. Maybe not THESE xenos, but they have had their fair share of bug hunts hunting other bugs.
They might be hesitant, they might point their guns at them, but their training would not allow them to be scared. Not at first contact. And unless the Captain gives them the order to shoot anything that moves, they should be operating on Rules of Engagement... Something along the lines of 'Don't fire unless fired upon', or 'Don't fire unless threatened'.
Kelly Mason says, "We taking the gun?"
Xur''Ghost''Dergens says, "Ofcourse"
Xur''Ghost''Dergens says, "Not leaving my future ex wife by herself"
Xur''Ghost''Dergens says, "Ofcourse"
Xur''Ghost''Dergens says, "Not leaving my future ex wife by herself"
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RE: Changes?
well in Aliens (yeppers it da movie) the marines panicked when they first saw the aliens, they were pretty fearless but they lost like 70 percent of there squad, So obviously they're training isn't the best when it comes to scorpions
Favourite lines
1 -Hoshjiro from Knights of sidonia
2 It seems we have a Uninvited guest- van hourne from the boundless
3 (Unintellible yelling)-alien from alien
1 -Hoshjiro from Knights of sidonia
2 It seems we have a Uninvited guest- van hourne from the boundless
3 (Unintellible yelling)-alien from alien
- johners12345
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RE: Changes?
The training Was not mean't to deal with something like the xenomorphs. I would imagine for their type of training. A lot of it would be basic earth Combat, While a bulk of it is psychological training. Even if they don't know about aliens they would probably still do a large amount of psychological training. I mean There are many Medical cases that pop up in space. I mean your away from your home planet and you are in a almost infinite amount of space. The only light being ''twinkling'' From stars that aren't that close to you. Just surrounded mainly by the cold reaches of it. That alone could drive any common man mad after a while.
DEAD: Alien Larva (925) says, "which guys will be in your squad if you could choice?"
DEAD: ADMIN(SASoperative) says, "Hernandez. Nikolatz. Casca. Maybe Weeter.... And Carl scorpion"

DEAD: ADMIN(SASoperative) says, "Hernandez. Nikolatz. Casca. Maybe Weeter.... And Carl scorpion"

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RE: Changes?
Like I said, they aren't trained specifically to fight every single alien species they've come across. At least, that doesn't come until much later (AvP 2010 for the Xbox 360 has a model of M41A rifle made specifically to deal with the Xenomorph threat, hurr hurr). However, they are a trained military force. And they have fought alien species. Also, basic Earth combat around the time of the Colonial Marines consists of putting a lot of bullets in things until your target stops twitching or becomes an unrecognizable, non-threatening puddle of goop.
Xenomorphs look somewhat humanoid... if you can look past the phallic heads, the bladed tails, the claws, and the fact that they look scary as all hell. Therefore, it would follow a line of logic that they MIGHT just be intelligent. The fact that you are responding to a distress signal coming from a research station would probably reinforce this logic, at least until your teammate got pounced. Therefore, you wouldn't shoot UNTIL one of your teammates were attacked. You should be a good enough shot to at least keep them from dragging your buddy off, or smart enough to have another person help you chase the thing down. Runners can't pull, and you can run faster than a drone I think.
Xenomorphs look somewhat humanoid... if you can look past the phallic heads, the bladed tails, the claws, and the fact that they look scary as all hell. Therefore, it would follow a line of logic that they MIGHT just be intelligent. The fact that you are responding to a distress signal coming from a research station would probably reinforce this logic, at least until your teammate got pounced. Therefore, you wouldn't shoot UNTIL one of your teammates were attacked. You should be a good enough shot to at least keep them from dragging your buddy off, or smart enough to have another person help you chase the thing down. Runners can't pull, and you can run faster than a drone I think.
Kelly Mason says, "We taking the gun?"
Xur''Ghost''Dergens says, "Ofcourse"
Xur''Ghost''Dergens says, "Not leaving my future ex wife by herself"
Xur''Ghost''Dergens says, "Ofcourse"
Xur''Ghost''Dergens says, "Not leaving my future ex wife by herself"
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- Joined: 07 Jan 2015, 01:55
RE: Changes?
Since this should be in the rules:
You're Joe Marine. You are captured and hived. You've been hugged and put into a nest. But there's still a slight chance of escaping and getting surgery! You start resisting and trying to get out of your hive, when Xeno Fuckface walks over to you, tackles you WHILE IN THE NEST, then takes you out, and puts you back into the nest to reset the time to break out.
Why should this blatant, abusive act of stunlocking and powergaming be allowed for the aliens to do when you've already got a fucking 2 minute (BYOND time) escape timer, and if you're like me, you only have your pistol and knife as weapons. Just make it against the rules so that escaping is somewhat exciting and not a fucking mud crawl.
You're Joe Marine. You are captured and hived. You've been hugged and put into a nest. But there's still a slight chance of escaping and getting surgery! You start resisting and trying to get out of your hive, when Xeno Fuckface walks over to you, tackles you WHILE IN THE NEST, then takes you out, and puts you back into the nest to reset the time to break out.
Why should this blatant, abusive act of stunlocking and powergaming be allowed for the aliens to do when you've already got a fucking 2 minute (BYOND time) escape timer, and if you're like me, you only have your pistol and knife as weapons. Just make it against the rules so that escaping is somewhat exciting and not a fucking mud crawl.
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RE: Changes?
Glad to see this hasn't only been happening to me. Also very glad to see I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.
Some day justice will be served, I'm sure. We can only hope that someday is soon.
Some day justice will be served, I'm sure. We can only hope that someday is soon.
Kelly Mason says, "We taking the gun?"
Xur''Ghost''Dergens says, "Ofcourse"
Xur''Ghost''Dergens says, "Not leaving my future ex wife by herself"
Xur''Ghost''Dergens says, "Ofcourse"
Xur''Ghost''Dergens says, "Not leaving my future ex wife by herself"
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- Joined: 30 Dec 2014, 19:10
RE: Changes?
Yeah I agree that is EXTREMELY annoying.
- johners12345
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RE: Changes?
While it is a issue. I'm not sure it would go as far as to become a rule. That would be left up to the admins that look over this. This was just my list of opinions and suggestions of what could be added or reinforced. Since its SUCH a big issue.
DEAD: Alien Larva (925) says, "which guys will be in your squad if you could choice?"
DEAD: ADMIN(SASoperative) says, "Hernandez. Nikolatz. Casca. Maybe Weeter.... And Carl scorpion"

DEAD: ADMIN(SASoperative) says, "Hernandez. Nikolatz. Casca. Maybe Weeter.... And Carl scorpion"

- apophis775
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RE: Changes?
Denied for now.
Please, reformat it, if you want this to become something.
Please, reformat it, if you want this to become something.
- johners12345
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RE: Changes?
Well uh.. What format do you want it in..apophis775 wrote: Denied for now.
Please, reformat it, if you want this to become something.
DEAD: Alien Larva (925) says, "which guys will be in your squad if you could choice?"
DEAD: ADMIN(SASoperative) says, "Hernandez. Nikolatz. Casca. Maybe Weeter.... And Carl scorpion"

DEAD: ADMIN(SASoperative) says, "Hernandez. Nikolatz. Casca. Maybe Weeter.... And Carl scorpion"

- apophis775
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RE: Changes?
Anything that isn't a giant wall of text.
- johners12345
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RE: Changes?
That.. Doesn't answer my question.. At all.. Because the changes are colored and my thoughts are seperated.. That first part is the only wall of text and thats stating the marine law.. Which again;.. Just need to read the different colored words.. Everything else is spaced..apophis775 wrote: Anything that isn't a giant wall of text.
DEAD: Alien Larva (925) says, "which guys will be in your squad if you could choice?"
DEAD: ADMIN(SASoperative) says, "Hernandez. Nikolatz. Casca. Maybe Weeter.... And Carl scorpion"

DEAD: ADMIN(SASoperative) says, "Hernandez. Nikolatz. Casca. Maybe Weeter.... And Carl scorpion"

- apophis775
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RE: Changes?
Is something happening with this?
If you want to bring this up, for the love of god, format it into something people want to read. I go through WAY to many things, to read a giant block of unformatted text.
If I don't get a response by the end of the Month, it'll be considered resolved.
If you want to bring this up, for the love of god, format it into something people want to read. I go through WAY to many things, to read a giant block of unformatted text.
If I don't get a response by the end of the Month, it'll be considered resolved.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
- apophis775
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RE: Changes?
Resolved, since noone had anything else to say.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine