RO Griffin Kiefer

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RO Griffin Kiefer

Post by Warnipple » 27 Jun 2016, 04:08

Your Byond Key:

Your Character Name:
Ezra 'Apple' Hegarty

Accused Byond Key(if known):

Character Name:
RO Griffin Kiefer

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):
2am-3am 2016-06-27

What rule(s) were broken:
1. Don't be a Dick.
6. No griefing
Single man mutiny

Description of the incident:
A short summary up until the events that I'm reporting him for.

This game, I was playing as Corporate Liason and I was doing my job sending faxes to WY. I got into a little argument with the Commander onboard the ship so I decided to send a fax to WY complaining about the Commander. WY sends a fax back asking if there are anyone supporting a mutiny, I reply with no but I'll look around. I have a chat with Xur to see if he would like command of the Sulaco and also, quite stupidly, decide not to implant him and let him leave on his own accord.

Some time after, someone bombs the Captain's office with a grenade. It breaks a couple windows and someone's suspected of plotting to murder the Captain. Turns out it was this single guy, RO Griffin Kiefer, that likely got the grenades from cargo and decided to toss one at the Captain's office. He tells the Commander (Jones/Eonoc) that I ordered him to kill the Commander which I didn't. Xur backs up this story, that I've been talking about possibly mutiny which is true but I did absolutely nothing to advance that plan nor did WY order it. I was waiting for WY confirmation before I did anything. Afterwards the Commander has me sent to solitary where I spend the rest of the game praying to WY for assistance but none comes.

I did not order the RO to kill the Commander in fact I never went near cargo the entire game and never spoke to him once. My loyalty implants were unused. This guy did this on his own accord, lied about it and it screwed me for the rest of the game. Would've been fun if tactical lawyers came but it would be the result of one guy telling a lie so I understand why it was not called. I originally thought that the Command staff had framed me but only found out after the game had ended that they didn't.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
Eonoc (Commander Jones) in the next game claiming that he didn't frame me.

How you would punish the accused:
Reprimand and job ban.
Accurate representation of my character as Corporate Liason:

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Re: RO Griffin Kiefer

Post by MrJJJ » 27 Jun 2016, 04:24

I was a spectator in this one, Griffin throwed a nade then ran away, MP's was called, but Xur decided, that as a BO, to pull out a taser he had for some reason, chase after the guy and stun him as he is being fired upon, i adminhelped about this, varnock said that he will talk to him about this, the rest of the scene then played out, Griffin said he got a mission to assassinate the co bla blah, 100k in cash, i also belive CO asked him to be executed, you were also going to be executed but CO changed it to permabrig instead.

Entire thing was preety much a shitstorm, not sure if it was handled in game or not

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Re: RO Griffin Kiefer

Post by Warnipple » 27 Jun 2016, 04:29

He likely had a taser because he knew I was plotting to mutiny the Commander. I was not actively advancing the plan but it was being discussed. I should've burned those faxes from WY..
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Re: RO Griffin Kiefer

Post by Azmodan412 » 27 Jun 2016, 07:08

I also spectated, but mostly Xur and Melissa (Love ya both platonically) and I can confirm the CL's side of the story.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: RO Griffin Kiefer

Post by apophis775 » 27 Jun 2016, 13:04

Sounds like ro grifering.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: RO Griffin Kiefer

Post by Feweh » 27 Jun 2016, 14:13

Waiting for varnock to get back to me.
This might of been handled ingame

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Re: RO Griffin Kiefer

Post by Varnock » 27 Jun 2016, 16:33

I remember the Ahelp about Xur and spoke to him, which he can confirm or logs will show, but the RO I couldn't find when I looked.

I do admit I was sadly unaware of the fact the RO had griefed for some time, since I was playing that round, and was a bit confused over the entire situation since I had no clue who in the world was replying to the CL's faxes too.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: RO Griffin Kiefer

Post by Feweh » 14 Jul 2016, 12:42

Resolved in-game.
