Bloody Larva

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Bloody Larva

Post by Toroic » 29 Jun 2016, 18:42


Full name: Bloody Larva (69)

Nickname(s): "Not it"

Age: 0

Birth date: Just now

Gender: Preferred pronouns Ayy/La/Mao

Position: Waste of space

Notable traits: Demands Jelly, queen attention

Persona: Annoying

History: When a facehugger loved a surprised monkey very much and put an egg in them, BL violently broke out through that monkey's ribcage.

Relations: Other than the queen, everyone ignores until they grow up

Basic appearance: 3 foot lumpy hot dog with a mouth

Likes: Jelly, evolving, being ssd

Dislikes: Actually being helpful clearing opened eggs, not being able to find jelly

Strengths: Can evolve to runner, die immediately taking out a mine

Weaknesses: Fire, bullets, knives, surviving, roleplay

Other Info: Fond of bananas due to his proud heritage
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Re: Bloody Larva

Post by YungCuz » 29 Jun 2016, 18:48

A Banana. Ayyliums
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Re: Bloody Larva

Post by coroneljones » 29 Jun 2016, 18:51


Ayy 10/10
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide
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Re: Bloody Larva

Post by coolsurf6 » 04 Jul 2016, 05:21

coroneljones wrote:Image

Ayy 10/10
The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.

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Re: Bloody Larva

Post by darklizard45 » 18 Jul 2016, 18:14

You forgot the part where Larvas rush towards the marines and not retreat to a safer spot

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