Burst-Cloning Bug(?)

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Burst-Cloning Bug(?)

Post by Zantus » 01 Jul 2016, 10:07

Bug Description:
I burst out larva in Rasputin, ghosted after 3 seconds. Could still re-enter my corpse by this point, did so mid-flight. Medic brings me to cloning, A POPUP (WITH LOUD BEEP) ASKING 'Would you like to come back to life?' (or so) appears, with options of Yes and No. Medic probably keeps trying and wonders why I can't get cloned, popup with noise keeps reappearing and I keep clicking yes. After a minute of trying, ghost out, 'have no body'.

(cutting head off and re-attaching it to a body doesn't fix this)

Steps to reproduce:
1. Burst from larva, ghost, re-enter corpse
2. Attempted cloning with weird as hell pop-up
3. Ghost, no body
Careless, as usual.

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Re: Burst-Cloning Bug(?)

Post by northcote4 » 01 Jul 2016, 10:35

Did you spawn as the larva in question? If you burst into a larva, you are unable to re-enter your marine corpse.

That said, I don't know how de-fibs interact with alien larva if that's what you're getting at.
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Re: Burst-Cloning Bug(?)

Post by Zantus » 01 Jul 2016, 10:37

Nope, I didn't turn into said larva, I only died - and you can't defib burst marines.
Careless, as usual.

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Re: Burst-Cloning Bug(?)

Post by Egorkor » 01 Jul 2016, 13:57

someone's just reported being unable to return to the body after being decapped, earlier it'd return you into your head.

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Re: Burst-Cloning Bug(?)

Post by Snypehunter007 » 30 Jan 2017, 17:49

No longer applicable due to cloning being removed

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