No Body message when trying to re enter corpse

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No Body message when trying to re enter corpse

Post by tenshar » 02 Jul 2016, 02:32

Bug Description:
You die, you enter your corpse once and when you try to enter it again later you get the "you have no body message" sometimes without even entering it the first time.

Steps to reproduce:
2.Enter corpse
3.Leave Corpse
4. Attempt to re enter body.

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Re: No Body message when trying to re enter corpse

Post by Seehund » 02 Jul 2016, 04:28

Are you SURE you still have a body?
As in, it hasn't been eaten and digested by an alien, for example?
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Re: No Body message when trying to re enter corpse

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 02 Jul 2016, 05:23

Can confirm this has occurred to me as well

I died from FF, got hit in the chest twice and had to walk back to base just to die from either ruptured lungs or blood loss (not too sure). So I didn't ghost or anything until I was properly dead

The only things I can think of which possibly triggered this, was either me turning on the medical hud (as a ghost) or my ghost being on a different Z level to my body. If I remember SeeHund, even when bodies are "digested" they are still transported to a different Z level in a pile of other corpses that were "digested" and this is probably from a recent update of some sort. I say these are the triggers since I was hoping into and out of my body pretty easily until an unknown factor or maybe one of the things I mentioned caused it

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Re: No Body message when trying to re enter corpse

Post by immaspaceninja » 02 Jul 2016, 07:44

Happened to me yesterday.
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Re: No Body message when trying to re enter corpse

Post by forwardslashN » 02 Jul 2016, 12:21

I have an idea of what's causing this. Will be fixed asap.
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Re: No Body message when trying to re enter corpse

Post by forwardslashN » 02 Jul 2016, 12:51

The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.
