TMUO - Permaban(?) Appeal

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TMUO - Permaban(?) Appeal

Post by MisunderstoodOne » 07 Jul 2016, 16:49

Your Byond ID: TheMisUnderstoodOne

Character Name: Azalea ''Reble'' Sparra

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Permaban(?), I assume, been almost a month.

Admin who banned you (if known): T09JUN16

Total Ban Duration: Almost a month? I guess

Remaining Duration: Wasn't explained, ban came with a simple message "Bye".

What other servers do you play on?: Recently I've been playing on a "Secret" Station known simply as Sybil. Also play Eternia: Roleplay, that's about it.

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Eh, no.

UPDATE EDIT: Was just temp-banned from Sybil as of 11:33PM 2016-07-19. Reason for the Ban: "Killed the RD under suspicion of being Cult"

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): "Banned by host: T09JUN16 - Engine Griefer"

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):

I know what I did was pretty bad, but it also wasn't just me doing it at the time, I was just the one to click the button to mess the Engine up. During this the time this ban was issued, the server was having some kind of mutiny towards the Commander and the HR's/Anyone that they could get their bullets in really, people were killing each other in the hallways just for the hell of it, the BO's that came out of the bridge were utterly shot down without even showing the tint of their weapons. There I was, the only survivor to make it off of the bloodied planet, mind you this was basically because the Marines killed the other survivors that didn't wish to go with these people that constantly threatened them with death. That lead me to the Sulaco, only because I was put in critical condition by the marines, then it began, being shot at by the crew once setting foot on the ship. Was also arrested probably two times for nothing, then put into critical by one of the MP's, thanks random doctor that saved me (kind of?).. Only leading me to the thought of suicide for the character, but ICly my thought was to take all these crazies with me - thus, the Supermatter came to mind. I sneaked my way into the room, with the help of an Engineer and pressed the button to cause the supermatter to explode. (I assume it exploded, was banned almost immediately after pressing the button.)

To me (not an excuse!), the stuff that happened ICly made sense at the time, its not that I'm a constant griefer (don't think I've griefed on this server at all, actually, first offence?), I've been playing this server for.. Well, I'd like to say when the server first opened, maybe a few weeks after, who knows? I would just like to let you lot know I'm sorry for totally messing up a mutiny round by giving everyone radiation, won't happen again. Promise. No more Engine Griefing, no more rule breaking.
Last edited by MisunderstoodOne on 19 Jul 2016, 22:34, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TMUO - Permaban(?) Appeal

Post by Feweh » 14 Jul 2016, 13:25

Stickied for apops review.

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Re: TMUO - Permaban(?) Appeal

Post by MisunderstoodOne » 14 Jul 2016, 21:26

Thanks Feweh, incredibly grateful.

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Re: TMUO - Permaban(?) Appeal

Post by apophis775 » 18 Jul 2016, 14:43

Ok so, while the reason is engine griefer, your also tagged with "DO NOT REMOVE", meaning you did something more than your explaining here.
Also, logs show, evasion attempts under the name "MrDedicatedSas".

Can you explain?
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Re: TMUO - Permaban(?) Appeal

Post by MisunderstoodOne » 18 Jul 2016, 16:03

Well to be completely honest I'm unsure why there's a "DO NOT REMOVE" tag attached to my name, I've explained all that I've done in regard to this ban - and that being the Engine Griefer part. Might have talked to some admins about my characters IC behavior - that being that Azalea is partially insane - but then again, anyone that watches their friends chests blow open and a lizard-bug-thing crawls out, that would make a few people go insane after seeing it a few times, along with seeing a bunch of friends die, be dragged away into pitch black darkness, dismembered bodies laying all over the battlefield.. PTSD up the ass after that. But even then, it usually didn't lead to much on the kicking/banning side, usually was just told to tone it down a tiny bit. So, I'm unsure why I have the tag.

Though if you can find anything in regards to why the "DO NOT REMOVE" thing is up there, I'd be happy to fetch some memories and attempt to explain to the best of my abilities.

BUT, the "MrDedicatedSas" part, I can easily explain. I currently live with my girlfriend and her family (I know right, sounds like bullshit, but its not - trust!). Her little brother, AKA MrDedicatedSas, AKA Mat, use to play on this station/server as well, he's um.. Young and unexperienced in RP games (Unless you consider DarkRP on Gary's Mod RP.. >.>) - thus.. He usually turns to killing people for 'fun' because he doesn't seem to know any better. I've warned him on multiple occasions however not to kill people, but aliens, but you probably know how kids are, they don't usually listen. If I'm unbanned, I'll leave him out of the loop, making him think "we're" still banned from the server - plus he pretty much just plays on Sybil now anyway, a super low RP server - almost considered a grief server.

I'm also sorry on his behalf.
Along with being sorry for the stuff I pulled back then. I took a long break, and I'm ready for a new start - if possible. Thank you for your time Apophis.

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Re: TMUO - Permaban(?) Appeal

Post by apophis775 » 18 Jul 2016, 23:38

Are you using a VPN or something?

Keep in mind, I wouldn't ask without a reason.
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Re: TMUO - Permaban(?) Appeal

Post by MisunderstoodOne » 19 Jul 2016, 01:06

I may sound dumb for asking this, but can you explain what a 'VPN' is?

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Re: TMUO - Permaban(?) Appeal

Post by freemysoul » 19 Jul 2016, 06:16

Vitual Private Network.

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Re: TMUO - Permaban(?) Appeal

Post by MisunderstoodOne » 19 Jul 2016, 09:25

I don't believe so.

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Re: TMUO - Permaban(?) Appeal

Post by apophis775 » 19 Jul 2016, 16:10

No Proxy or anything? I ask because, there's some data that seems unusual associated with login attempts from your ckey and the other ckey banned with yours.
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Re: TMUO - Permaban(?) Appeal

Post by MisunderstoodOne » 19 Jul 2016, 21:08

I've moved around a bit, if that means anything.

I have three one main area that I play at, the others are places I usually go to. I have three/four places I've played though.

EDIT: Made an update on my forum, was just banned from Sybil for 24h for killing the RD because I thought he was a cultist.

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Re: TMUO - Permaban(?) Appeal

Post by MisunderstoodOne » 19 Aug 2016, 10:11

So, I know this is probably annoying on your part - having to deal with annoying kids. But its also somewhat annoying on my part.

Its literally been over a month from when I made the post. And exactly a month from the last post that was posted - which was also made by me.

More or less just bumping this..

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Re: TMUO - Permaban(?) Appeal

Post by Feweh » 19 Aug 2016, 11:08

MisunderstoodOne wrote:So, I know this is probably annoying on your part - having to deal with annoying kids. But its also somewhat annoying on my part.

Its literally been over a month from when I made the post. And exactly a month from the last post that was posted - which was also made by me.

More or less just bumping this..

Ya, perma-ban appeals take a long time.

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Re: TMUO - Permaban(?) Appeal

Post by apophis775 » 20 Aug 2016, 00:56

Permaban appeals aren't usually a priority. I'll check into this soon, but I'm busy probably till monday.
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Re: TMUO - Permaban(?) Appeal

Post by apophis775 » 21 Oct 2016, 17:08

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
